I definitely want to climb it. I'd like it to be a scripted event, where you go on and climb and there's these gales of wind and music accompanying you as you make your heroic ascent... It should give you the feeling that this is your true destiny, and when you reach the top the Greybeards will bow before you and speak your name... Thus you become the Dovakiin.
Of course, the name thing will be the same for everyone but mean something ceremonial in some language.
That would be a long scene!
But I like it!
Really, why not climb the stairs? I mean, it's part of the experience. I can't understand those people who always use fast travel--sure, I use it fairly often, especially if I'm in a hurry, but you can't really enjoy the game as much if you're just jumping around and waiting for it to load all the time.... I like the feeling of exploration and hard-work to achieve the impossible! Sure, 7,000 steps might be exhausting.... :dead: ...but one of the best things about RPGs is that you get to BE your character. 7,000 steps? BRING 'EM ON!!!! :toughninja: