The Time Traveller and the Big Bang

Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 1:48 am

After our three family members enter the cryo pods inside Vault 111, something remarkable happens. The world inside the pods slows down, every particle decellerating, like some subatomic bullet-time. As temperatures drop close to absolute zero, the massive amounts of pressure outside the pods protects those inside, ensuring that nothing expands, and that all living tissue, each and every cell, remains exactly as it was. And as cell progression comes to a complete standstill, our protagonist, their son, and their spouse, are literally frozen in time.
For those outside, however, the horrors of war unfold around them in ways that defy comprehension. Around the globe, nuclear detonations hotter that our own sun expand outwards, devastating the landscape, as matter is literally torn apart. The sun itself is dwarfed by the fire that fills the air, and the skies grow dark. Clouds of deadly radiation gather above the earth, waiting for the right time to claim the land. This is the birth of a new universe. The Fallout universe.
As time goes on, the fires cease, but a new era begins. Horribly mutated creatures emerge, their DNA forever changed by the radioactive fallout. Civilization grinds to a halt, as the few pockets of survivors struggle to come to terms with the world they now face. But all is not lost. In time, a journey will begin, starting with a quest to repair a broken water purifier. This will be the first of many, as new stories find their way into this changed world.
After more than two centuries in stasis, the central character in our latest adventure will emerge from Vault 111. They will have no idea of the events that passed them by as they slept. And they will even be unaware of the passing of time itself. As they reach the surface and step out for the first time, they must ask themselves a question. Where do I go from here?
And so, as we await more news from the team at BGS, I put the same question to all of you:
Where will you go from here?...
EDIT 1: what do you plan to do after leaving the vault?
EDIT 2: what elements would you like to see as you progress further along your journey?
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:30 am

I'm going to the fridge for another beer, waiting for leaked footage.
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Fam Mughal
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:38 pm

First let me say that you sure do have a way of turning a phrase.

Right now I'm going back to re-read the Mother of all Theories.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:44 pm

Just re-read the OP, and I've added the following question for clarity! ;)

What do you plan to do after leaving the vault?

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Alex Blacke
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 4:20 am

After leaving the vault my "Nora" (haven't named her yet) will take in the view for what will likely be ten minutes or so and consider the possibilities. Once I lock in on a direction that I'd like to go I'll retrace those footsteps I made 200 years ago and see if there's anything left of my old home. Once I've poked around a bit it'll be getting dark. I'll spend an uncomfortable night in my old house then set off in the direction I marked the previous day. After that? Who knows?

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Amanda savory
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:36 pm

To my house, grab Codsworth, to the Red Rocket gas station, kick the dog, to Concord, to the water tower, then make a beeline straight to Boston*.

*Beelines don't exist in Fallout games, but you know what I mean.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 6:12 am

I've already stated this in another thread, but...

I'm off home to finish my Sugar Bombs. If they're gone, as some people here have speculated, I'm heading out into the wastes to find the scoundrel that swiped them and teach them not to mess with another man's breakfast.
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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 12:15 am

I'm gonna trot along biting down on a pack of sugar bombs.

Find me a man-shaped metal mech to fully upgrade.

Then I will snog the first red head I see...

Because... "I am Iron Man"

*blasts off jetting towards the horizon*


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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:53 pm

I've already told you those sugar bombs are as good as gone, there is no more effective way for the sense of lose to hit you than that.

I fear your attempts to reunite with your breakfast will only lead you towards a path of great, great sorrow. Why would another man take your breakfast you ask?

..... Some people just want to watch the world burn....

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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:42 pm

Your comment at the end here about watching the world burn may actually be more relevant than you realise. Look at image I posted up on a recent thread.

On the right-hand side of the fridge door is a note that reads "Get more Sugar Bombs + Nuka Cola". The fact that the note is written in different handwriting than the shopping list seen next to it suggests it was written by Jack, rather than Nora. Given that we have only so far seen a male protagonist, it would seem that the note is, at this stage, intended to be read in this context.

In New Vegas, are particularly potent, as they temporarily increase our Action Points. They are also modelled on the design of the In addition to this, (specifically the variant), is an ingredient used to make the, as seen in Fallout 3 (note that there is also a special variant of this device in NV).

Tying this all together, could we be looking at part of the recipe for a new craftable explosive in Fallout 4? (which would actually also match the title of this thread!)

EDIT: perhaps Jack was actually testing this recipe out prior to the bombs going off!

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:30 pm

Using Nuka-grenades is something I highly approve of. Quantum Chemist perk in FO4? I haven't seen the perk chart (the one in the garage) up close yet. Although it may be included as part of another related perk now. Hmmm

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:20 am

Okay, let me try that again.

Well, the first thing I will do is check my pockets.

After that, my character will probably wander aimlessly back to their old home, sit down and have a good cry, knowing they are the sole survivor and cannot find their spouse or child. Sounds like a sad beginning. :sadvaultboy:

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Laura Hicks
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 5:39 am

I'll go pick up dogmeat right off the bat and then simply pick a direction and start walking.
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:23 pm

If they hadn't shown us the Codsworth reunion, many players would still have gone to find their old house, but I wonder how surprising it would have been if we didn't already know he'd be there.

I'll eventually head for my old home, but right away I will probably explore and search the area immediately around the vault, and everything between there and my old home as well. I love exploration and in a lot of games right at the start I'm looking for items and secrets even though I know I'm supposed to go somewhere to set the game in motion. Being a Fallout game though, I'm expecting to find something interesting.

Side note, this is my first post, decided to finally participate rather than just read. I'm not super familiar with how things work around here, but I've heard stories about a fishstick? :)

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:32 am

Here you go, and welcome to the forum! :)

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 9:05 pm

Let's open things up a little more.

Rather than keep this tied down to the start of post-war gameplay, the new question is:

What elements would you like to see as you progress further along your journey?

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Avril Louise
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 10:23 am

Gameplay elements? I don't really have an answer there.

I will say that the during the first several hours of my first playthrough will focus on "intelligence gathering". I will find a settlement and start talking to people. What do they have to say about current events? Where are the merchants and what is their stock like? What do I overhear in conversations? Who are the movers and shakers? How do others perceive them? When taken together this will start to give me an idea of how Nora will fit into the world after being frozen for 200 years.

Once I've figured that out things straight up get mechanical. You've suggested Nora could've been a lawyer pre-war. My own personal headcanon is that she was a firing range instructor. At this point of the story I'll test my agile, perceptive, and charasmatic Nora and see if she holds up under fire. If I'm still having fun I'll proceed to get more engaged with the main plot.

Nora's been in cryo for 200 years. I imagine to her it'd be almost as if no time has passed. If her first words out of cryo aren't "Where is my son?" I might be a little disappointed. I'm looking forward to her search for answers. God help anyone who stands in her way.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:09 am

Now this is what I'm talking about!

Come on guys, any other takers? We need more stories :goodjob:

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:37 am

Maybe I will make a Jack instead of Nora. Put a little emotional distance between me and my character. Maybe I will call him Mr. Boobies (I can't believe you did that Bethesda). :confused: Anyway ...

Like the poster above, I like to talk to everyone I meet. In most role playing games, I make it top priority to find a weapon and ammo (or a sword) and some health supplies. It is the wasteland and survival will be top priority.

Then I will be looking forward to checking out the new V.A.T.S. mechanics. Need to find something to shoot. Yay!

I am still a little worried how the new convo system will work ...

Probably the next priority will be to look for the dog. :)

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 3:53 am

The first red head at all, regardless of age or gender? That's a dangerous gamble.

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Donald Richards
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:14 am

What will I do first..........the same thing I did in F3 and NV, establish a base camp, scout out the immediate area, loot all local sources (probably even more now due to the crafting), establish an arsenal of weaponry, ammo, food and water supplies and then begin exploring (or following the main story) until I feel the need to establish another base camp and etc, etc.

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:12 am

EDIT 1: what do you plan to do after leaving the vault?

Interesting question.
I imagine coming out of that vault going "Oh god...Am I alone? Am I the last man on earth?" And playing it from there. Finding shelter to get my head together first and foremost.
"Codsworth! You bastard! I could kiss you!" Codsworth and the dog will be Wilson.
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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 8:00 am

This is where the voiced dialogue will be a pain. It seems my character's reaction will have all the gravitas of, "Dude....they all be dead? Far out man. Make me a sammich Codsworth".

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:17 pm

Mira (aka Mrs Boston). Crawl out of the vault. Find her way to home. where she finally can be free the chains of sanity. She has a ticket to crazy train and the world will be the same no more.

Day1: ooh..shiny light. wonder where house is. A wobot thingy. This must be our house. We shall be free. what the wobot is saying...meal? i don't want meal..we want guns.

Day3: meat.Wonder if Soon to be dead husband is dead?...Is that robot flirting. Is our makeup good. Come here wobot. We wont harm you.

Day 8: Do we look fat in this nightdress? Soon to be dead husband never liked our clothes.

Day 14: We hope that, soon to be dead husband is not mad. Because we placed baby shaun in the oven last month?

Something like that would be my first steps

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Post » Sat Nov 28, 2015 11:20 am

He actually says it more like "What, food...? Yeah...yeah sure." Distantly, like he's still rattled, but food still sounds good, if you pick that particular option. THere ARE other options there.

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