The time at which the Greymarch occurs is ridiculuos

Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 6:56 pm

Hello, this is my first post in the lore forums, and third post in total.
As i don't have Oblivion, i've read about it's and SI's plot on UESP.I noticed that the lore states that the Greymarch occurs at the end of every era.
There are several things that suggest that whoever came up with SI's lore didn't pay that much attention to other parts of the lore.Not to mention how cliche it is, (then again, it's an expansion for Oblivion, even though it has some great Morrowind-esque aspects)
The blasphemy is that it states that the Daedra Princes cursed Jyggalag so that he must remain Sheogorath all the time, except at the end of an era.An era is a mortal concept to help divide time by extremely significant events, and Jyggalag was cursed as Sheogorath long before mortals even had a concept of eras, possibly before there even were mortals.How would the daedric princes know about
eras then?
While it is possible that eras do have a higher significance than simple concepts, it was shown that a mortal (Well, depends if Tsaesci are immortal like Mysterious Akavir.Then again, Mysterious Akavir is probably imperial propaganda) in the 2920 series, in the last book declared the Second Era, which was officially accepted as the next era.
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leigh stewart
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:07 pm

Nothing much to it really - The Daedra probably have their own eras and record of time in their own realms.
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:08 pm

Yes, but it seems ridiculous for their new era to nearly exactly coincide with the end of the third mortal era.
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Sylvia Luciani
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:43 am

Yes, but it seems ridiculous for their new era to nearly exactly coincide with the end of the third mortal era.

I had interpreted the end of an era bit to mean the end of an era in the Shivering Isles. The fact that it coincided with the end of the third era of Tamriel was coincidental. From what I recall, in fact, the Greymarch has happened regularly every 2000 years.
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:12 pm

It happened because there was another Shezzarine (The CoC, assuming KoTN happened) and Jygglyag broke free because Lorkhan's heart (divine spark) was free, and so Jygglyag could be re-born. I can't explain my theory as well as the word Merchant can in my signature.
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:24 am

The fact that it coincided with the end of the third era of Tamriel was coincidental.

They aren't parallel out of coincidence.
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:15 pm

Taking a look at the timeline at TIL, these were the happenings circa previous Greymarches:

Bendu Olo, the Colovian king of Anvil, sets off to Thras with his powerful Navy, destroying the Sload (though not completely). Warlock Syrabane plays a major role in the battle. Through judicious use of his magical ring, Syrabane saves many from the scourge of the Thrassian Plague. Following this event, the control of Cyrodiil slowly changes to the west from the eastern Alessian rule.

#2 (if the dragon break lasted 1008 years)
Morihaus and Pelinal Whitestrake lead the final confrontation. Pelinal Whitestrake slays Umaril the Unfeathered, the king of White Gold Tower. As the Ayleid king has made a pact with Daedric Prince of Meridia, his spirit survives. Pelinal Whitestrake after the killing of the Ayleid king is slain by the rest of the Ayleids.

#2 (if the dragon break lasted 150 years)
An immortal hero, warrior, sorceror, and king variously known as Pelinal Whitestrake, Harrald Hairy Breeks, Ysmir, Hans the Fox, etc., wanders Tamriel, gathering armies, conquering lands, ruling, then abandoning his kingdoms to wander again.

Incidentally, in the construction set, the player is named Bendu Olo.
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 11:17 am

They aren't parallel out of coincidence.

That's a good point, but it still stands that the Greymarch coinciding with the end of the third era of Tamriel was coincidental.
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 2:46 pm


Perhaps, as the Serpent's avatars intervene on Mundus, his own rule is weakened, and this is the Greymarch.

We know the Serpent and Sheogorath are one in the same, or the hole from whence the Padomaic entered creation, as Lorkhan's Heart was taken from his chest.
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Post » Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:57 pm

What does the ES world run on? Symbols. Symbols, Symbols, Symbols. Making arguments like "It's ludicrous that event X is based on event Y because event Y is an arbitrary human construct" would be right in RL, but not in TES. In TES, event Y may be an arbitrary human construct, but because Nirn is (and by extension, Humans are) the symbolic center of the universe, event Y holds symbolic value to humans and so, therefore, it holds symbolic value outside of Nirn as well. It is entirely conceivable that Grey Marches happen when Joe Mortal (comparatively speaking) declares it to happen.

Now, one could argue (and some of the people above are arguing) that correlation does not imply causation; that an era change occurs because of some greater reason and that greater reason also triggers a Greymarch. I'd be willing to accept both arguments, for a lack of information.
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