It's not just me and him. Did you read the thread or the last few posts?
No. The difference between me, Crimson and Tidus discussing the ability of the YE to make more war has been good-hearted (I hope

). You and IB keep sniping.
@Tidus: If the YE is in the majority using tribals and levies then honestly I don't see the siege of Taneth going as smoothly anymore. If you have a majorly levy-army, you can't keep them standing in the same place for months on end, and that's what a siege is, even if you have cannons. And if they are levies then I can't imagine even once the walls break down, that an assault would go over well in street-to-street fighting with battle-trained knights.
And even if they are just levies, it still costs money to keep them in the field, fed and paid even if they are meager wages because they haven't gotten any loot so far, only death, suffering in camps and being away from families and farms for weeks.
I hope no one freaks out now. I'm trying to keep an air of friendly discussion here, although I know my ideas don't need to be taken seriously because I've chosen to drop out of future RP's. I just like the discussion