Im not saying we couldn't fit in, Im asking why would you want to? Skyrims awesome and all, but its cheap and unimaginative to just try and fit the timeline into Skyrim's setting instead of continuing with what we've already created. Skyrims plot was fun, but it wasn't all that amazing, not enough to make me want to try and fit our lore into the Skyrim framework.
Because I don't look at what we've written as some accomplishment that needs to be guarded and protected as if it's the ten commandments. I look at the lore written simply as the result of us faffing about with our characters in imagination land together. It's the journey not the destination that interests me. That's why i'm willing to change history and things even about my own characters and have no hang ups about it. Hammerfell during the Skyrim age seems much more interesting than what OB leaves us with imo.
Ya know guys, I'm with Wooly for the most part. IB, with all do repsepct, I don't think you tried half as hard nor did you care in this RP. I'd be a lier if I said I didn't think your part of the reason we had such a hard time with the RP. It makes me a bit angry to be honest that your abandoning the Timeline, but you should do what you want.
I tried fairly hard for the first 5 or 6 months. But instead of people getting to the point of the story we were sending diplomats and writing letters to one another, something I had distinctly mentioned would slow down the RP and kill it. Some shot back with "But it's character development." But to what end? To the point where the story isn't interesting enough to dislodge ourselves from whatever else we are doing in order to post. Some of us do have real hardships like sick mothers and what not. But most of us are busy with this and that game, or just aren't motivated enough. I tried to be a bit more hands off on the pacing and this is what happened. And for the record i'm not "leaving the Timeline." I'm taking a leadership role and saying what everyone else is pretty much thinking. The RP is slow, has been slow, has been dying and is more or less dead. I knew this months before when everyone was filling up discussion thread after discussion thread about what will be done in Cyrodiil while 2 or 3 posts were going up per week at most in the RP thread. I hate to use the anology here but I feel a bit like Mao once he took China over. Everyone else in government started having their own ideas and focusing on other concepts forgetting the point of what the Revolution was really about. And because of this he remarked that he would go back in the mountains with his guerillas and continue revolution. Those who wanted to come are more than welcome to. Those who want to beat a dead horse, by all means I won't get in your way. Let's keep in mind that behind the scenes I was the one very often pulling the strings on what people were to do in order to get themselves involved. It got to the point where I had to ask myself "Why am I the guy spoon feeding people? If they don't have it in themselves to post, I can't blame them. The story line has gotten dry and boring."
So in finale i'm probably going to make another plot going back to the roots of what the Timeline was suppose to be but also keeping in mind the new things learned. Those who wish to come are more than welcome to. If you think you can do something with what's been left here so far, by all means. No hard feelings. But feeling anger at me is juvenile. Perhaps I don't post the most and I never really have stepped up to take credit for anything but I will say that I am the one that made this plot, a plot some here wanted to kick and scream to not have because they imagined all of Hammerfell suddenly falling at the feet of Sentinel. I was the one that told people "we need to focus in on our goal or this will unravel into slow dry nothingness" but others continued on that path and we're here. So again silly to feel angry at anybody. I'm not blaming anyone, the plot went dry. Should of focused on what I had set out the plot to be.
If anyone thinks they have a better method, by all means I implore you to seek out and demonstrate your talents.
Anticlere, I wouldn't call it "blaming it completely", but Tidus and I agree on that same point. As for the whole "guy who came up with it", Tidus and I are the ones who developed the plot for this RP, specifically, but everyone has put effort into it. I don't think anyone can say the timeline runs off one person. People make a lot of different contributions and we've got some good solid people who have stuck around, as well as people who started RPing in the timeline during this RP, and I feel that they will stick around as well.
I don't think you remember correctly. I don't beat my own drum but i'm not going to sit here and have you take credit for something you did not do. Had it been up to story and to an extent Tidus, all of Hammerfell would have been in the pocket of Sentinel. I was the one who stated that along the coast would be a largely imperialized populace and placed the Knights of the Nine there as the military factor contributing to their continued independence. Before the RP even started I had to have a long discussion with story over this behind the scenes. So for once wooly assume you do not know about everything that goes on. I see time and time again in my life, and this goes beyond the RP, that whenever I sit quiet and don't make my claims, people will tend to bite off more than is actually theirs. I'd like to remind everyone of a time before the IBT where with the exception of Loranna's RP there were no long term RPs running. Every RP ran for a month or two and then died. The ones that lasted the longest were the ones that would go for pages and pages of two people exchanging two liners. And while I am not taking sole credit for creating something that did not fall into those snares, i'd like to think that perhaps my approach was unique enough that it allowed this sort of creativity in the lore that we see from people like PFA and Story and others.
As for the time thing, you've got time to make a Skyrim RP, apparently.
Apparently since the thread is already up right? I'll pay your tuition if you can find my thread.
I'm in high school and college at the same time, and I played basketball (no, not the low level crap you talk about. I take college classes, at a college. Try CSC 151 - Java Programming and tell me if you think it's "low level crap"),
Never miss an opportunity to tell us.
Tidus has a lot of different personal things going on right now (enough for him not to post at all), and Story is in the military. Time shouldn't be an excuse. If it was, we could've gotten the Lucretia thing straightened out a while back. I'm not necessarily putting it all on you, nor is this personal, but I just don't think you cared. If you want to up it and leave and go do something with Skyrim, go do it. If you want to stay and do something here, do it. It's your personal decision.
There was nothing of an issue with the "Lucretia" thing. You guys have been parked in front of her forces for months now. The fact that I stated I would want to have her attack over the river was simply to get SOMETHING to happen. I didn't see PFA or Tidus making any attempt to cross. I don't blame them. But this isn't a reason to criticize. And I kind of did stop caring little by little and you can proudly take the brunt of that credit if you are interested. But like I said before I set out to do something a certain way, that would work and that I told people wouldn't work any other way, and those who were in a position to do that, did something else leading us to our present situation.
The RP wasn't all about attacking anyway. It was about character development too. Story made that pretty clear, or so I thought.
Can we stop pretending that we're some "character development" RP? What the hell does that even mean. Any RP has character development or it isn't an RP. The focus of these RPs has ALWAYS been politics and war. Why are you guys so apologetic about that, like it's some dirty thing to be ashamed of. And since when is a war RP unable to have character development. So please the intent of the RP was primarily to see a Sentilian army invade the remnants of the Empire in Hammerfell and take them over or fail. Everything else is fluff. We focused too much on the fluff and not enough on the point of the RP. We had a cake that was almost all whip cream.