The Timeline Discussion thread

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:58 am

Yes and we could have segments of the actual war going on rather than just "here's your troops go at it" where we all get bogged down and do nothing. Allows other forms of RP plots in between each "encounter"

Sounds good. It would certainly keep us focused on specific objectives and avoid the slowdowns that our full-freedom war RPs have.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:03 am

Can we just stop arguing? We all have some fault in the failure of this RP. I bit off more than I could chew and didn't post as much as I should have, often failing to announce my week-long absences in advance. Wooly, you once went for a month and posted about forty times in the discussion thread apologizing for your lack of posts between two posts, so you're hardly in a position to get on IB's case for inactivity. We've all suffered bouts of inactivity. We've all lost motivation at some point or another. We've all got a role in this thing's ultimate demise. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, and we all live in glass houses here.
At least I read the damn thing and kept up with you guys, rather than making 7 or 8 posts for the entire RP.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:20 am

Dude...let it go...
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luis dejesus
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:22 am

At least I read the damn thing and kept up with you guys, rather than making 7 or 8 posts for the entire RP.

I'm just pointing out that no one was completely active. I would find your railing against IB acceptable if you weren't guilty of a lot of the same stuff. He realized he would never be terribly active and only took minor roles. You led a subplot and left Asapp and me (and maybe Kyrill and Tannenbaum too, but I don't remember) hanging for a month. I'm not judging; I've done the same thing.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:31 am

I'm just pointing out that no one was completely active. I would find your railing against IB acceptable if you weren't guilty of a lot of the same stuff. He realized he would never be terribly active and only took minor roles. You led a subplot and left Asapp and me (and maybe Kyrill and Tannenbaum too, but I don't remember) hanging for a month. I'm not judging; I've done the same thing.

Did I say I wasn't guilty? I also said I was guilty. But at least I cared about it.

Immortal, don't ever [censored] speak to me again.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:10 am

Just stop arguing. Drop it.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:57 am

Did I say I wasn't guilty? I also said I was guilty. But at least I cared about it.

Man, I'm glad you have enough insight into Immortal's thoughts to tell me whether or not he cared.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:38 am

I vote that whoever makes the next thread puts the tags as "silly" "arguments" "continue" "now". I'd laugh.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 9:12 pm
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:20 am

I vote that whoever makes the next thread puts the tags as "silly" "arguments" "continue" "now". I'd laugh.
Yes plz.

Also if we're gonna do the Siege of Taneth next then I guess I'll just sorta hang around, get Aman killed appropriately and have Baibars drop a Horatio one-liner if the opportunity presents itself or whatever.
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Peter lopez
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:41 am

Arguing does acomplishes nothing, however there are certain things that need to be made very clear here. In the immortal words of John Hammond...erehm.. "I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them". IB your just as out of line as Wooly has been through this and I certainly feel like your attempting to take far more credit than what you did in an attempt to belittle him, as a matter of fact, you constantly do that in just about every argument or disagreement as a copout ot make you look nice in clean when your knees are covered in crap. Your involvement, in this RP and the Timeline as a whole has been minimal and your contributions less than that compared to the rest of us. For someone who this Timeline bears its name from, and someone who took upon the leadership role of said Timeline it is simply unacceptable. This isn't an attack, this is simply alot of pint up frustration and if anyone feels I'm out of line, let me know, but at this point it should be the " -Story, PFA, Wooly, Crimson, W&V, Blademaster, Squidsmasher, Tidus and any other person I may have forgot to mention other than IB - Timeline"

Because I don't look at what we've written as some accomplishment that needs to be guarded and protected as if it's the ten commandments. I look at the lore written simply as the result of us faffing about with our characters in imagination land together. It's the journey not the destination that interests me. That's why i'm willing to change history and things even about my own characters and have no hang ups about it. Hammerfell during the Skyrim age seems much more interesting than what OB leaves us with imo.

See, you don't see what we've written as an accomplishment because I don't really recall you contributing much of anything other than a base line idea. Did you establish either the Wiki or blog? did you contribute a single article, or piece of lore to either of those that have fleshed out the timeline lore? When things were getting bogged down did you swoop in and do anything to attempt and bring life back into the RP? Id love for you to show me where you did, because as far as I can remember it was me, PFA, Story, Squid and virtually every other member of this timeline who put their all into working while you dropped in once or twice a week if not a month and even then didn't contribute to anything other than a few rather irrelivant posts to the main story. When we were needing Knight leaders did you drop in an put in the part? I remember you picking a character up then dropping her, then just disapearing. When people were asking 'wheres IB' or needed you did you come back in to answer their pleas or questions? no, In fact I was recieving character sheets asking for approval to join because you were no where to be found. When people wanted to know about the Timeline, we as a whole responded and helped people to get involved, It certainly wasn't you.

Your willing to change history you didn't even bother to play an active role in developing. YOUR willing to change history, because YOU had not personal stake in it. We've come a long way since Oblivion, so far that Oblivion has nothing to do with anything anymore. How exactly would you know anything about the journey when you've slept through 90% of it? Do you understand the frustration now? Do you understand why so many of us are attached to what we have and are opposed to craming OUR lore (not yours) into Skyrim shaped box?

I tried fairly hard for the first 5 or 6 months. But instead of people getting to the point of the story we were sending diplomats and writing letters to one another, something I had distinctly mentioned would slow down the RP and kill it. Some shot back with "But it's character development." But to what end? To the point where the story isn't interesting enough to dislodge ourselves from whatever else we are doing in order to post. Some of us do have real hardships like sick mothers and what not. But most of us are busy with this and that game, or just aren't motivated enough. I tried to be a bit more hands off on the pacing and this is what happened. And for the record i'm not "leaving the Timeline." I'm taking a leadership role and saying what everyone else is pretty much thinking. The RP is slow, has been slow, has been dying and is more or less dead. I knew this months before when everyone was filling up discussion thread after discussion thread about what will be done in Cyrodiil while 2 or 3 posts were going up per week at most in the RP thread. I hate to use the anology here but I feel a bit like Mao once he took China over. Everyone else in government started having their own ideas and focusing on other concepts forgetting the point of what the Revolution was really about. And because of this he remarked that he would go back in the mountains with his guerillas and continue revolution. Those who wanted to come are more than welcome to. Those who want to beat a dead horse, by all means I won't get in your way. Let's keep in mind that behind the scenes I was the one very often pulling the strings on what people were to do in order to get themselves involved. It got to the point where I had to ask myself "Why am I the guy spoon feeding people? If they don't have it in themselves to post, I can't blame them. The story line has gotten dry and boring."

So in finale i'm probably going to make another plot going back to the roots of what the Timeline was suppose to be but also keeping in mind the new things learned. Those who wish to come are more than welcome to. If you think you can do something with what's been left here so far, by all means. No hard feelings. But feeling anger at me is juvenile. Perhaps I don't post the most and I never really have stepped up to take credit for anything but I will say that I am the one that made this plot, a plot some here wanted to kick and scream to not have because they imagined all of Hammerfell suddenly falling at the feet of Sentinel. I was the one that told people "we need to focus in on our goal or this will unravel into slow dry nothingness" but others continued on that path and we're here. So again silly to feel angry at anybody. I'm not blaming anyone, the plot went dry. Should of focused on what I had set out the plot to be.

If anyone thinks they have a better method, by all means I implore you to seek out and demonstrate your talents.

Where exactly did you try hard? As I mentioned, you did not take up or fill any major roles within the RP when we needed them. You played the fine part or a hands off fence rider, telling us how things would end up but you certainly did nothing in turn to help guide it or save it. The Knight's side suffered from a crippling lack of RPers and interaction while for the most part the Yokudan side thrived off internal interaction which included court intriuge and a bit of warmongering. You did no such spoon feeding, please point me to where you were pulling the string to push people into interaction because the way I remember it, it was the rest of us who were helping guide new players and ourselves into interaction, not you. PFA, Story, and I all picked up multiple character throughout to help guide and create interaction, you making the claim that you were the one keeping this thing on life support is laughable. Had this thing went on to succede you would have gained the presitege of another succesful Timeline RP where as had it failed you would relish in the fact that you 'told us it would'.

You think some of us being upset that you, the Timeline leader, who has constantly abandoned us time and time again while picking up a role here and there only to leave it empty and force an already over loaded cast to fill your foot steps is juvinile? thats frankly insulting. Whats is really juvinile is constantly disapearing time and time again and shoveling off the responsibility of the RP to us, who in turn continued to compile a growing cast of character to fill in loose ends where you could have easily steped in to help, yet instead you stuck to the side lines and watched it all burn. Want further proof? just look at the Dramata Persona.

Whats this about we should have stuck to what YOU planned it be? You had little hand in this IB, and you certainly did nothing to interviene to keep it on any sort of railroaded track.

Next however, who do you think you are implying that any of us threw a fit because all of Hammerfell didn't just collapse at Sentinels feet? Again, I don't believe you really have the right to tell us how things will or wouldn't happen when as you've said yourself, you've taken only small roles, yet you seek to flex your muscles in guiding where the timeline that WE formed. Do your forget that both Story and I were around for the forming of the timeline? or how I posted the introduction post to the Timeline while you were banned? It seem's to me your the one who seems to conviently forget that, as in real life, it is us who make this world go round, not just the dude with a cool idea.

I don't think you remember correctly. I don't beat my own drum but i'm not going to sit here and have you take credit for something you did not do. Had it been up to story and to an extent Tidus, all of Hammerfell would have been in the pocket of Sentinel. I was the one who stated that along the coast would be a largely imperialized populace and placed the Knights of the Nine there as the military factor contributing to their continued independence. Before the RP even started I had to have a long discussion with story over this behind the scenes. So for once wooly assume you do not know about everything that goes on. I see time and time again in my life, and this goes beyond the RP, that whenever I sit quiet and don't make my claims, people will tend to bite off more than is actually theirs. I'd like to remind everyone of a time before the IBT where with the exception of Loranna's RP there were no long term RPs running. Every RP ran for a month or two and then died. The ones that lasted the longest were the ones that would go for pages and pages of two people exchanging two liners. And while I am not taking sole credit for creating something that did not fall into those snares, i'd like to think that perhaps my approach was unique enough that it allowed this sort of creativity in the lore that we see from people like PFA and Story and others.

I think my above post covered this one here too. You should certainly sit quite and don't make claims, because there are very few claims you can make. Again, I'd like to remind YOU that it wasn't YOU that made SoS great, or a success, it was the people who played it. Your idea was made possible by this dedicated group of RPers who took your idea, and improved on it to such a degree that it became something we all hold quite dear.

There was nothing of an issue with the "Lucretia" thing. You guys have been parked in front of her forces for months now. The fact that I stated I would want to have her attack over the river was simply to get SOMETHING to happen. I didn't see PFA or Tidus making any attempt to cross. I don't blame them. But this isn't a reason to criticize. And I kind of did stop caring little by little and you can proudly take the brunt of that credit if you are interested. But like I said before I set out to do something a certain way, that would work and that I told people wouldn't work any other way, and those who were in a position to do that, did something else leading us to our present situation.

You obviously paid no attention as to how things were going, because PFA and I did come up witha plan to cross the river. In fact, that was during one of your long stretchs of absense and in the process of our about to cross the river, you showed up out of no where with your Altai raiders and forced us back on the defencive. I think its about time you stopped making your own attacks on Wooly and start paying attention and taking responsibility for your role in all this. I don't blame you, but I ask you to take responsibility instead of trying to weasle your way out and place the blame on everyone else.

I think that covers my issues pretty well, and again if you think I'm out of line or anyone else holds that belief. Tell me. I will not however, sit here and let you attempt tell us you put in anything close to the effort we did when your posts had all but dryied up by thread three. Anyone here think I'm bitting off more credit then I can chew?

edit: Final note, yeah IB I am angry. I'm angry at the fact with all the stuff going on with my life and everyone elses, you see it fit to again shove off the responsibility on us. You should be maning up and being a [censored] friend to us all instead of hocking a lugie in our faces. Throughout this RP we've all had our trouble and absences, but you know the big difference between the rest of us and you? we tried to make it work and we worked through our obsticles, where as you often just got bored and left. Think its juvinile? think its silly? Well then I'll scream it at the top of my lungs buddy!
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 8:26 pm

Arguing does acomplishes nothing, however there are certain things that need to be made very clear here. In the immortal words of John Hammond...erehm.. "I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them". IB your just as out of line as Wooly has been through this and I certainly feel like your attempting to take far more credit than what you did in an attempt to belittle him, as a matter of fact, you constantly do that in just about every argument or disagreement as a copout ot make you look nice in clean when your knees are covered in crap. Your involvement, in this RP and the Timeline as a whole has been minimal and your contributions less than that compared to the rest of us. For someone who this Timeline bears its name from, and someone who took upon the leadership role of said Timeline it is simply unacceptable. This isn't an attack, this is simply alot of pint up frustration and if anyone feels I'm out of line, let me know, but at this point it should be the " -Story, PFA, Wooly, Crimson, W&V, Blademaster, Squidsmasher, Tidus and any other person I may have forgot to mention other than IB - Timeline"

If pointing out that wooly's plot was demoralizing rather than a contribution concerning the "Serosi" hunt is belittling so be it. I never claimed to be active. This paragraph you wrote I think is more for you than me.

See, you don't see what we've written as an accomplishment because I don't really recall you contributing much of anything other than a base line idea. Did you establish either the Wiki or blog? did you contribute a single article, or piece of lore to either of those that have fleshed out the timeline lore? When things were getting bogged down did you swoop in and do anything to attempt and bring life back into the RP? Id love for you to show me where you did, because as far as I can remember it was me, PFA, Story, Squid and virtually every other member of this timeline who put their all into working while you dropped in once or twice a week if not a month and even then didn't contribute to anything other than a few rather irrelivant posts to the main story. When we were needing Knight leaders did you drop in an put in the part? I remember you picking a character up then dropping her, then just disapearing. When people were asking 'wheres IB' or needed you did you come back in to answer their pleas or questions? no, In fact I was recieving character sheets asking for approval to join because you were no where to be found. When people wanted to know about the Timeline, we as a whole responded and helped people to get involved, It certainly wasn't you.

Making a wiki and a blog is fine for you. Now i'm criticized for not doing the same? When things bogged down I took the leadership of the Knights until more members joined. When people like Crimson and a few others joined to take over the Knight Leadership I provided them the position and even prepared a set defense tactic to follow. I had a Knight character that faded into the background once we had established someone to take over the Kotn. If you remember I had only signed up to take a very minor role because of my availability. And I specified that the RP should focus more on the combat so that it won't get drawn out.

Your willing to change history you didn't even bother to play an active role in developing. YOUR willing to change history, because YOU had not personal stake in it. We've come a long way since Oblivion, so far that Oblivion has nothing to do with anything anymore. How exactly would you know anything about the journey when you've slept through 90% of it? Do you understand the frustration now? Do you understand why so many of us are attached to what we have and are opposed to craming OUR lore (not yours) into Skyrim shaped box?

You're incorrect about much of what you are saying. I have a very rich history being the Altai. Serosi/Vott/Aryon's pasts (the latter of course an NPC but i'd sort of "adopted" him) are very quite extensive and pretty much only 10 percent at most is actually presented in the RPs thus far. I'm not going to measure e-peens here about who "created" more but I have my own stake in what's been made.

Where exactly did you try hard? As I mentioned, you did not take up or fill any major roles within the RP when we needed them. You played the fine part or a hands off fence rider, telling us how things would end up but you certainly did nothing in turn to help guide it or save it. The Knight's side suffered from a crippling lack of RPers and interaction while for the most part the Yokudan side thrived off internal interaction which included court intriuge and a bit of warmongering.

Issue is the Knight side was set up to react to the Sentinel side...which was "character developing" by itself while many of the Knights were left scratching their heads and waiting.

You did no such spoon feeding, please point me to where you were pulling the string to push people into interaction because the way I remember it, it was the rest of us who were helping guide new players and ourselves into interaction, not you.

Ok so I guess two people have access to my PM box.

PFA, Story, and I all picked up multiple character throughout to help guide and create interaction, you making the claim that you were the one keeping this thing on life support is laughable.

I didn't make the claim I was keeping this on life support. I was referring to basically not declaring the RP dead until recently. I waited and waited to allow people to make their posts. You yourself took weeks to even post the attack in the camp. Others were left doing nothing more or less. I did everyone a favor. If i'm wrong go ahead with the RP by all means.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:52 am

Had this thing went on to succede you would have gained the presitege of another succesful Timeline RP where as had it failed you would relish in the fact that you 'told us it would'.

I have never told anyone "it would." Nor do I have a history of claiming any credit for any of my RPs, SoS or QW. Nor is there any freaking "prestige" for writing role play on a video game forum. Please, any prestige over this can be directed on anyone but me. That isn't my interest.

You think some of us being upset that you, the Timeline leader, who has constantly abandoned us time and time again while picking up a role here and there only to leave it empty and force an already over loaded cast to fill your foot steps is juvinile? thats frankly insulting. Whats is really juvinile is constantly disapearing time and time again and shoveling off the responsibility of the RP to us, who in turn continued to compile a growing cast of character to fill in loose ends where you could have easily steped in to help, yet instead you stuck to the side lines and watched it all burn. Want further proof? just look at the Dramata Persona.

I never claimed to be active. I had always stated I wanted only a minor role. Initially I was only going to even RP a small force from Skaven and act as a "balancing factor" for the RP, nothing more. So you are proving something I never denied. Had I made a claim that I later took back you would be justified. But since I did not you are getting mad at me for no reason.

Whats this about we should have stuck to what YOU planned it be? You had little hand in this IB, and you certainly did nothing to interviene to keep it on any sort of railroaded track.

RPs don't make or break based on one person. Not like I took a major role and then vanished. Nor did I claim to want a major role. If you want to point fingers you can look only at yourselves, those who took too long to develop your characters and didn't put enough focus on the interaction with "the other side." This is why the KOTN side was much less active. The Sentinel side had a history and past from SoS to work off of. KOTN was made mostly of newer guys. No I didn't ride in on a white horse but I never signed up for a major role, you did and like I said you guys simply took too long to get to the Confederation/Knights. Oh well big deal, move on. I really am not bothered by it.

Next however, who do you think you are implying that any of us threw a fit because all of Hammerfell didn't just collapse at Sentinels feet? Again, I don't believe you really have the right to tell us how things will or wouldn't happen when as you've said yourself, you've taken only small roles, yet you seek to flex your muscles in guiding where the timeline that WE formed. Do your forget that both Story and I were around for the forming of the timeline? or how I posted the introduction post to the Timeline while you were banned? It seem's to me your the one who seems to conviently forget that, as in real life, it is us who make this world go round, not just the dude with a cool idea.

I know story wasn't happy at all about it and neither were you. I simply stated it wouldn't work that way and that we should respect the complexities of the society in Hammerfell. If you got a cool idea, shoot. The best of luck to you. And FYI It wasn't just you and story developing Sentinel and the Yoku. Story and I would bounce ideas off of one another all through SoS.

I think my above post covered this one here too. You should certainly sit quite and don't make claims, because there are very few claims you can make. Again, I'd like to remind YOU that it wasn't YOU that made SoS great, or a success, it was the people who played it. Your idea was made possible by this dedicated group of RPers who took your idea, and improved on it to such a degree that it became something we all hold quite dear.

I provided the plot, worked with Story to develop the Yoku Empire's background lore. I never claimed it was all me. Please get off the commie rant non sense at least here.

You obviously paid no attention as to how things were going, because PFA and I did come up witha plan to cross the river. In fact, that was during one of your long stretchs of absense and in the process of our about to cross the river, you showed up out of no where with your Altai raiders and forced us back on the defencive. I think its about time you stopped making your own attacks on Wooly and start paying attention and taking responsibility for your role in all this. I don't blame you, but I ask you to take responsibility instead of trying to weasle your way out and place the blame on everyone else.

"We were gunna cross but then you RPed!" Rich. And they weren't out of "no where" either. If people would read and have a decent enough memory.

I think that covers my issues pretty well, and again if you think I'm out of line or anyone else holds that belief. Tell me. I will not however, sit here and let you attempt tell us you put in anything close to the effort we did when your posts had all but dryied up by thread three. Anyone here think I'm bitting off more credit then I can chew?

Nobody said you were. But quite honestly it's been a while now where i've stopped caring and when I look at this forum all i see is disappointment once I saw how quick 'old friends' were to turn. You again and again criticize me for not putting in something I never claimed to put in.

edit: Final note, yeah IB I am angry. I'm angry at the fact with all the stuff going on with my life and everyone elses, you see it fit to again shove off the responsibility on us. You should be maning up and being a [censored] friend to us all instead of hocking a lugie in our faces. Throughout this RP we've all had our trouble and absences, but you know the big difference between the rest of us and you? we tried to make it work and we worked through our obsticles, where as you often just got bored and left. Think its juvinile? think its silly? Well then I'll scream it at the top of my lungs buddy!

I never made any promises I couldn't keep. I offered a plot and a minor role. I told you the RP would die if the attack didn't come sooner. Had you been more forth coming with that and understanding of that earlier on when the RP actually had steam, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I took a back seat more with the managing in this RP because I wanted you guys to do things the way you saw fit but next time I will do as I did for much of SoS and assign people positions after I talk with them 1 on 1 and let them know exactly what they need to do. It's so obnoxious to see people [censored] at me when for the most part all they've done was literary mastvrbation and then whine that I didn't show up to jiggle their balls. And finally when because of that I lose most if not all my interest they complain i'm not doing the same.
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:38 am

Can we all please shut up now and go our separate ways?

I get that people are pissed KSS died. I put quite a few hours into this myself and it's a bit of a shame to see it go, and I'm not really appreciative of the tone of some of the comments made here because to me it reads like implications we're a bunch of kids running around with no idea what we want to do; if I'm misreading the intent, then my fault entirely and what not. I, though, had quite a lot of fun with this RP and would deem it a success because for me this is less about arriving at some ending and accomplishment of whatever goals and more about having fun along the way, with some conclusion for our completely made up, completely non-existant universe within another non-existant universe to provide continuity for another RP being more of a bonus. If that makes me a literary mastvrbator, I'm fine with being one. I get other people have different expectations for RPs, that they want them to reach some conclusion instead. So there's going to be a different RP series for that, set in the more recent Skyrim setting which some may prefer to our own. No one's forcing anyone to go either way, and no one should. It'd be nice if we could lay off the walls of text nao and part in good spirits.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 4:50 am

For better or for worse PFA I think you're one of the guys that actually "got it."
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:17 am

I didn't make the claim I was keeping this on life support. I was referring to basically not declaring the RP dead until recently. I waited and waited to allow people to make their posts. You yourself took weeks to even post the attack in the camp. Others were left doing nothing more or less. I did everyone a favor. If i'm wrong go ahead with the RP by all means.

I did try and fyi I only wanted a small role. I shouldn't of even tried to keep the Confederation on life support like I did.


Once again, I'm with Tidus, and don't appreciate people who lie (like the example) and shift the blame elsewhere.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:42 am

Really, theres nothing left to say. I've said my peace and Its pretty furitless to even attempt a resonse.

Alright guys, where do we stand then?
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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:58 am

Well, my idea is out there already. I'd love to address the political situation in Cyrodiil with a mini-RP several days of IC length dealing with a Council session. The subject of talks, the correct course of action in response to Anvil's open claim of Kvatch; unofficial goal that everyone who's anything knows of and hopeful end result, a new emperor and an empire with a direction.
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John Moore
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:34 pm

Well, my idea is out there already. I'd love to address the political situation in Cyrodiil with a mini-RP several days of IC length dealing with a Council session. The subject of talks, the correct course of action in response to Anvil's open claim of Kvatch; unofficial goal that everyone who's anything knows of and hopeful end result, a new emperor and an empire with a direction.

I don't know how well that would work. It may work and it may fall off. I also don't know about Elswyer either, because it may be too war-like to carry on. I'd like to see something in the Nordic Confederation or maybe even a Wayrest Orsinium thing. I suppose the Imperial City couldn't be all that bad, but it might not be the right time to put up something like that.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:47 pm

Well, my idea is out there already. I'd love to address the political situation in Cyrodiil with a mini-RP several days of IC length dealing with a Council session. The subject of talks, the correct course of action in response to Anvil's open claim of Kvatch; unofficial goal that everyone who's anything knows of and hopeful end result, a new emperor and an empire with a direction.

Ya know I'm on board for the politico bit, it would be fun I think.
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 10:18 pm

Well let's give it a go.
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Roy Harris
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:38 am

I want more than just mini-RP for Cyrodiil. There's so much to do there.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:18 pm

What you got in mind Crimson?
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james tait
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 7:46 pm

Ah I hate the time difference between Germany and the states. You guys always have these discussions minus Story.

So let me get the few things off my chest to clear some things in the air.

I actually enjoyed and had more fun with Sentinel's scenes in the beginning before war was reached. The Theater scenes with WIlfred and Haroun (Roxanna too may her soul rest in peace) the Palace scenes, even the scenes during the Rihad council were so fun. The Court of Sentinel being the way it was, diplomats arriving with their own agendas. It was great and I had a blast. I don't think that is what allowed the roleplay today although I do admit the Knights did not seem as fun as the Yokudan Empire and for that I apologize. Everyone should join the Ra'Gada sometime. So I don't think battles would have made it all better, and I know thats your motivation to roleplay IB, its your favorite aspect. I say that as a friend who has known you for many years.

I also never minded Immortal leaving the roleplay or staying, to me it has always been a non-issue. Kind of like when Duval left, its always fun when their around, but has never bothered me or hampered the continuity of the series.

Do want to add that I was offended with your comments on the imaginary fantasy universe stuff, and feel just the same way my little man PFA does.

Oh and to everyone I did gripe often, and IB and I butted heads many times on the state of Hammerfell after SoS, he wanted a small group of nearby cities to join Sentinel and nothing more while I wanted the entire of Hammerfell. Our reasoning differed but we are at where we are at and I rather enjoy the state Hammerell finds itself in.

(completely forgot what I was going to respond to and winged everything)

I believe the mini-cyrodiil RP will be amazingly fun and put the Story stamp of approval on it.

To Crimson- There is much more cyrodiil to come along, although this one will primarily be focused on a specific subject. Great way to bounce around and handle all the important turning points within the timeline universe to get us where we want to be for any extended roleplay. For now lets flirt with the short, focused narratives.

BTW, I have your pm, will reply to it when I get some free time tomorrow evening.
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Dean Ashcroft
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:27 am

Aside from the dispute over who gets Kvatch, I somehow don't think a simple Elder Council session will be able to settle who gets to be in charge. I'm not saying it has to be as bloody as the Stormcrown Interregnum, but I'd like to see some intrigue and contention between those who want to rule Cyrodiil.
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