Had this thing went on to succede you would have gained the presitege of another succesful Timeline RP where as had it failed you would relish in the fact that you 'told us it would'.
I have never told anyone "it would." Nor do I have a history of claiming any credit for any of my RPs, SoS or QW. Nor is there any freaking "prestige" for writing role play on a video game forum. Please, any prestige over this can be directed on anyone but me. That isn't my interest.
You think some of us being upset that you, the Timeline leader, who has constantly abandoned us time and time again while picking up a role here and there only to leave it empty and force an already over loaded cast to fill your foot steps is juvinile? thats frankly insulting. Whats is really juvinile is constantly disapearing time and time again and shoveling off the responsibility of the RP to us, who in turn continued to compile a growing cast of character to fill in loose ends where you could have easily steped in to help, yet instead you stuck to the side lines and watched it all burn. Want further proof? just look at the Dramata Persona.
I never claimed to be active. I had always stated I wanted only a minor role. Initially I was only going to even RP a small force from Skaven and act as a "balancing factor" for the RP, nothing more. So you are proving something I never denied. Had I made a claim that I later took back you would be justified. But since I did not you are getting mad at me for no reason.
Whats this about we should have stuck to what YOU planned it be? You had little hand in this IB, and you certainly did nothing to interviene to keep it on any sort of railroaded track.
RPs don't make or break based on one person. Not like I took a major role and then vanished. Nor did I claim to want a major role. If you want to point fingers you can look only at yourselves, those who took too long to develop your characters and didn't put enough focus on the interaction with "the other side." This is why the KOTN side was much less active. The Sentinel side had a history and past from SoS to work off of. KOTN was made mostly of newer guys. No I didn't ride in on a white horse but I never signed up for a major role, you did and like I said you guys simply took too long to get to the Confederation/Knights. Oh well big deal, move on. I really am not bothered by it.
Next however, who do you think you are implying that any of us threw a fit because all of Hammerfell didn't just collapse at Sentinels feet? Again, I don't believe you really have the right to tell us how things will or wouldn't happen when as you've said yourself, you've taken only small roles, yet you seek to flex your muscles in guiding where the timeline that WE formed. Do your forget that both Story and I were around for the forming of the timeline? or how I posted the introduction post to the Timeline while you were banned? It seem's to me your the one who seems to conviently forget that, as in real life, it is us who make this world go round, not just the dude with a cool idea.
I know story wasn't happy at all about it and neither were you. I simply stated it wouldn't work that way and that we should respect the complexities of the society in Hammerfell. If you got a cool idea, shoot. The best of luck to you. And FYI It wasn't just you and story developing Sentinel and the Yoku. Story and I would bounce ideas off of one another all through SoS.
I think my above post covered this one here too. You should certainly sit quite and don't make claims, because there are very few claims you can make. Again, I'd like to remind YOU that it wasn't YOU that made SoS great, or a success, it was the people who played it. Your idea was made possible by this dedicated group of RPers who took your idea, and improved on it to such a degree that it became something we all hold quite dear.
I provided the plot, worked with Story to develop the Yoku Empire's background lore. I never claimed it was all me. Please get off the commie rant non sense at least here.
You obviously paid no attention as to how things were going, because PFA and I did come up witha plan to cross the river. In fact, that was during one of your long stretchs of absense and in the process of our about to cross the river, you showed up out of no where with your Altai raiders and forced us back on the defencive. I think its about time you stopped making your own attacks on Wooly and start paying attention and taking responsibility for your role in all this. I don't blame you, but I ask you to take responsibility instead of trying to weasle your way out and place the blame on everyone else.
"We were gunna cross but then you RPed!" Rich. And they weren't out of "no where" either. If people would read and have a decent enough memory.
I think that covers my issues pretty well, and again if you think I'm out of line or anyone else holds that belief. Tell me. I will not however, sit here and let you attempt tell us you put in anything close to the effort we did when your posts had all but dryied up by thread three. Anyone here think I'm bitting off more credit then I can chew?
Nobody said you were. But quite honestly it's been a while now where i've stopped caring and when I look at this forum all i see is disappointment once I saw how quick 'old friends' were to turn. You again and again criticize me for not putting in something I never claimed to put in.
edit: Final note, yeah IB I am angry. I'm angry at the fact with all the stuff going on with my life and everyone elses, you see it fit to again shove off the responsibility on us. You should be maning up and being a [censored] friend to us all instead of hocking a lugie in our faces. Throughout this RP we've all had our trouble and absences, but you know the big difference between the rest of us and you? we tried to make it work and we worked through our obsticles, where as you often just got bored and left. Think its juvinile? think its silly? Well then I'll scream it at the top of my lungs buddy!
I never made any promises I couldn't keep. I offered a plot and a minor role. I told you the RP would die if the attack didn't come sooner. Had you been more forth coming with that and understanding of that earlier on when the RP actually had steam, we wouldn't be having this conversation. I took a back seat more with the managing in this RP because I wanted you guys to do things the way you saw fit but next time I will do as I did for much of SoS and assign people positions after I talk with them 1 on 1 and let them know exactly what they need to do. It's so obnoxious to see people [censored] at me when for the most part all they've done was literary mastvrbation and then whine that I didn't show up to jiggle their balls. And finally when because of that I lose most if not all my interest they complain i'm not doing the same.