Now the empire has shattered with the Semptim Blood-line.The Empire's strength is weak and is now ruled by a high elf.
Argonia and The Aldmeri dominion becoming political empires to rival that of the empire itself. Have we seen the empire at the hight of its power in oblivion
I think we did.
The empire has lost provinces such as morrowind, argonia,elsweyr,Valenwood,summerset isle, and soon Skyrim to seperation.
The rebels will win in Skyrim obviously for the fact that it is a strategic and a timely mess for the empire who has hardly and soldiers that could match the nord's
knowledge of the terrain and it has a broken military that must be stretched to the rest of the remnants of the empire.After this game when Skyrim has seperated
I think the Empire will be in its last throws much like the roman empire. It will be doomed to be a city state with its former provinces becoming powerful empires and kingdoms.
We are seeing a dramatic change in the elder scrolls series. The times are indeed changing.
Tell me what you think