I don't think that MSGO should be held up as the standard though. It is a one man show and that show will end when that one man stops doing it. Did Kingpix really make polls to get approval or did he just go ahead and do it?
Fafolo - Italian Install Guide (wonderful)
Yoae (and his girlfrend XD) & Darkvalca - Guide translation + MGSO Options Program
Nick93 - Screens & videos
Tumore (cancrena here) - Betatesting
no1 - Morrowind Overhaul Mascotte
Julianross - So much help with mods and modlist
Andracos, Tumore & Chantalion - Plugin translation (English -> Italian)
As I understand things (and I'm in no way involved in the whole MSGO thing) Julianross did most of the ferreting around identifying potential mods and then the team would decide what to include. During (or after?) that decision making the team sought permissions from all the authors who did not give explicit consent within their released readmes. Those who didn't give it didn't have their mods included in the Overhaul.
First I remember hearing about it was pretty close to the main release, I believe a fair amount of discussion and early testing happened on the RPG Italia forum.
The Morrowind community has been supportive of his efforts, largely because of the team's active pursuit of permissions, their support of users (assisted by other forumites) and their good naturedness. I'd also say that the Overhaul's led to an increase in the number of people (and new people) visiting the Morrowind forums (could be a knock on from Skyrim, of course) which is a good thing.
It's the only compilation I can remember in my seven plus years of hanging around the Morrowind boards that didn't lead to a flame war and immense bad feeling.
Morrowind's different to Oblivion though. That whole part of the Overhaul is primarily aimed at eye and ear candy, something that Morrowind greatly needs almost 10 years after its release. I fired up vanilla Oblivion in November and still think the graphics stand up today. Yes, there are improvements that could be made (the faces, man, the faces) but it isn't in the same need of a wash and a brush up as Morrowind is.
The Overhaul team are working on a http://www.gamesas.com/topic/1211599-wipz-morrowind-overhaul-game-experience/ module now, but it's just at the stage of collecting mod ideas. You can already see from the first post that some mods have been excluded as the creators weren't happy with them being included.