The Tops Convention

Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:27 am

Johnson, Boomer's Representative

After checking in his missile launcher at the front desk, a teenager walked into the conference room, wearing a vault jumpsuit under a leather bomber jacket with the number 34 embroidered on the back. As he took his seat at the table, he muttered "Sorry I'm late, the Elders delayed the vote to send someone here as late as possible. I'm Johnson, of the Boomers."
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:49 pm

To enslave them is to save them, to give them purpose and virtue. And it looks like you could use a little purpose and virtue Mr. Andronicus

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

*sips tea and sets it down on the table*

*looks at Fideltatis*

Oh I'm sure. Purpose and virtue.

Slavery is used for cheap labor and for doing menial tasks that no-one else will do, nothing more, nothing less.

The human you speak of is Doctor Henry, he is researching a topic of interest to the Nightkin, his medical expertise is well-appreciated.

Not so fast mutate, Dr. Henry if you'll recall left Jacobstown to join with the Remnant assault on the Legion at Hoover Dam. Currently he resides with us and has agreed to only go back to Jacobstown if I give the word.

*slight smirk*

I'm not so sure I'm inclined to do that without conditions.

OOC: (Also, is there anyone representing Primm here?)
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:14 am

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

Ah! Welcome one of the heroes of the Mojave. Thanks to the actions of your people Mr. Johnson, the Mojave is free of tyranny and slavery. I hear your people are beginning to slowly move out and trade with others, that's very good to hear. I hope you're enjoying your independence in Nellis.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:55 am

OOC: Martyr, is Primm/Novac still open, or were they taken and I didn't see them?
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:09 pm

OOC: Martyr, is Primm/Novac still open, or were they taken and I didn't see them?

Not to my knowledge, no sir. Feel free to pick one. (I'd pick Primm since it's a casino town. :wink: )
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sam westover
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:47 am

OOC: Definitely going with Primm. :smile:
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:29 am

Since Novac is still open then I will pick that one (I wan to try and get involved in one of these)?
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Donald Richards
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:48 pm

Thomas Matthew, Primm's Representative

Thanks to having a new sheriff, Primm is now a working community again. However I would like to stress that our living conditions are not exactly the best they can be. What would really bring money into our settlement would be restoring both Casinos, possibly as a cheaper way to gamble than Vegas, or a stop on the way to and fro the strip. If Mr. House is planning on having the rail-line restored, well... It runs fairly close to Primm so I think it would be beneficial to people passing by.

The locals would gladly help renovate, although we would need some more organization.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:12 am

Great Khans broke their tie with the Legion and went north because of the Courier. As for Freeside, I might remove that since Freeside is more or less a threeway power wire between Kings, Van Graffs, and FotA.

@Meghan, since the slide says they make an empire in Wyoming, I imagine it's unoccupied up there. But for this RP's sake, there are no Khans, I need to remove Freeside as a powerslider. Edit: The idea of the Legion suddenly using high tech laser and plasma rifles is a little farfetched dont you think.

@Flame- Sure. I'll update the OP list in a second.

Don't you think the Legion would pay anything to make sure such weaponry does not fall into the hands of the enemies? And besides, they used thermic lances at the final battle, I'm sure Caesar would be willing to upgrade, at least partially, after such a loss of life.
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Laura Simmonds
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:09 am

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

Ah! Welcome one of the heroes of the Mojave. Thanks to the actions of your people Mr. Johnson, the Mojave is free of tyranny and slavery. I hear your people are beginning to slowly move out and trade with others, that's very good to hear. I hope you're enjoying your independence in Nellis.

Johnson, Boomers Representative

"Ah yes. There are still a lot of the Elders that are still apprehensive about outsiders, but the younger Boomers, like me, feel it is about time we get to know some of the more reasonable outsiders, like the NCR. However, we do wish to protect our sovereignty, which is why Mother Pearl and Loyal sent me with this list of items to address." *pulls out a sheet of paper* "Ahem, 1. The Boomers of Nellis Air Force Base wish to maintain their independence and self-determination, and will therefore not join the New California Republic. We ask that they respect this, and our right to defend our lands. However, the bonds of friendship that were forged by the Courier we wish to maintain, and should the NCR have need we will be more than willing to lend aid. 2. We are limiting our interaction with outsiders for now, but one NCR trade caravan will be allowed to enter our territory per year, as long as they display an NCR flag where our spotters can see. They will be escorted while on our base, and until they leave our territory. We can offer weapons and ammo in exchange for anything we might find useful. In the future if relationships remain amenable, we may allow more caravans to come. I hope everyone can find these agreeable."
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:46 pm

(OOC: Since this is playing with my courier's actions, I should have brought in the Van Graff situation in the OP too, crap)

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

Thank you for the assessment Mr. Van Graff. I'm sorry for the trade issues you and Crimson Caravan are going through in lieu of the issue Gloria and the CC were doing. While I can hope you weren't involved, it's best for all of us we don't know the answer to that. At any rate, I wish to make it clear if you supply anyone, it is only individual clients, and as the Kings are given respect, you are given feared respect, I'd say you two and the Followers share important positions in Freeside. As for the Silver Rush, Mr. House sees that you all are capable of supporting yourselves, as such, he has no interest in putting money in your branch in Vegas, er, no offense meant sir. But, I'd like to remind you, Mr. House is VERY set on restoring and maintaining order in the region, if the Van Graffs consider helping a faction that could damage the Vegas region of the Mojave's balance, Mr. House might send in the Mk ll Securitrons as punishment. For ALL of our sakes, it's best your people stick to business, not politics.

Robin Van Graff - Van Graff family

Absolutely Ambassador, we are not traditionally in the business of supplying large scale weapon shipments. We cater for the discerning individual that knows only superior weaponry will meet his needs. We would like to expand this by opening other establishments, other than the Silver Rush. Unfortunately, due to the NCR's restrictive bureaucracy and taxes, we cannot do this. therefore we are restricted to Freeside. However, the lack of order in this area is a serious deterrent to the wealthy customers that we aim to serve.

Oh yes, and our fourth crier perished today. Whatever his name was.

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion

Regardless of what the NCR offers you, we can always double it. *sips on Brahmin milk* And our money has actual backing, not just a bunch of useless bottle caps, but real gold. My male counter parts toil long hours to achieve a currency of worth. Our roads are safe, and while I know you can handle yourselves, there is virtually no competition in the weapons department in the Legion...why, you could have a full blown monopoly over a war-like people! The only profession in the Legion is that of a warrior. Not only would you rake in the currency, but you'd have Caesar's favor as well. Why would you look to the NCR when you can supply the Legion?

Well, Madam Fidelitas, we are a business and open to the best offers. NCR are already well supplied by the Gun Runners - the very company that benefits from that very arrangement, whereas we struggle to expand at every turn.

Regretfully, our previous business arrangement met an unfortunate end. My apologies for that, Gloria does sometimes take matters into her own hands. However, she is an excellent businesswoman, and an asset to our business and family, she is just a little headstrong at times. But she is family, and as such we must all stick together, Birds of a Feather, and all that. I trust there are no hard feelings on the matter?
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:41 am

Thomas Matthew, Primm's Representative

Thanks to having a new sheriff, Primm is now a working community again. However I would like to stress that our living conditions are not exactly the best they can be. What would really bring money into our settlement would be restoring both Casinos, possibly as a cheaper way to gamble than Vegas, or a stop on the way to and fro the strip. If Mr. House is planning on having the rail-line restored, well... It runs fairly close to Primm so I think it would be beneficial to people passing by.

The locals would gladly help renovate, although we would need some more organization.

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

Ah yes, finally, Primm is here.

Matthew is it?

We'd like to negotiate with you for the return of a small robot that may have come into your town damaged not to long ago. I've been told it currently resides with a man named Johnathan Nash.

Truthfully, the robot isn't of much use to you and I don't see much reason for it to gather dust on a store counter.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:04 am

Ambassador Lobotomite - The State of Utobitha

I knew you would be resistant to this idea, but our borders do not contain the 15 road. Along that stretch they start at a noticeable shack a distance from the road, no one who travels along the 15 will be harmed by one of my kind. As for people entering the State of Utobitha and not immediately is their own fault what happens to them. Signs of course will be put up, but it seems to take more then signs to stop humans. As for Quarry Junction, we would not need control of it for very long, but we are trying to build a home for mutants. We need walls so that not only will humans not be able to enter, but some of my more unstable brethren could be stopped from leaving. The State of Utobitha will continue to be a threat if do not have a way to keep you all from staring at us.

*Looks at each of the ambassadors again
You're all staring at me right now, I'm exerting a lot of control to stop myself from doing something rash about that.

*Turns back to Mieux
I am one of the more stable of the Nightkin. How do you think other less stable Nightkin would react to seeing a human walking around our territory? That is why I say that it is a human's own fault if he enters our borders.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:14 am

OOC: Did it say anything about what happened to ED-E in the OP?
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:53 pm

Don't you think the Legion would pay anything to make sure such weaponry does not fall into the hands of the enemies? And besides, they used thermic lances at the final battle, I'm sure Caesar would be willing to upgrade, at least partially, after such a loss of life.

I don't know. I mean, I knew you'd bring that up, but ehhh, I think that the Thermic lance is different in it that it's more or less a melee weapon with a kick, but energy weapons are entirely different.

@Gingy- ehh, nope, do as you see fit.

@Sebor- Done.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:52 am

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

We'd like to negotiate with you for the return of a small robot that may have come into your town damaged not to long ago. I've been told it currently resides with a man named Johnathan Nash.

Truthfully, the robot isn't of much use to you and I don't see much reason for it to gather dust on a store counter.

What's in it for us? If we can get that dusty old robot working again, it would be valuable to vendors as well as a good courier asset.
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Kristina Campbell
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:07 am

Edit: Post is no longer valid to the canon.
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BrEezy Baby
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 5:30 am

Actually, come to think of it, a courier DID repair it and took it as his own a few months back. It is no longer in our possession.

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

Hmm...that's unfortunate. I'm sure the Remnants knowledge of technology and organizational skills would have been more than useful in jump starting Primm's economy.

*finishes off the last of his drink*

Ah, well. Nothing for it I suppose.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:44 am

OOC: Actually, my 'canon' courier never took ED-E, just because he saw it as a broken eyebot and little more. (My courier has travelled the East Coast, particularly DC so he knew what it was, but just junk and scrap in Primm, so it would still expededly be there I'd imagine)

Edit: I'd also like to chime in to Lobotomite. In my 'canon' Tabitha had Rhonda fixed and left to her travels, so someone else should be the leader. (I know the slides say BM becomes vacant afterward, but for the sake of the already existant in-thread SoU, we'll pretend they stuck around but with a new leader >_> )
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:44 pm

We'd be happy to trade the old robot to you, what's in it for Primm? From what I hear the robot was once a valuable courier asset.
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Teghan Harris
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:29 am

Marcus Draco, Novac Represenative

*Walks in breathless* Hello everybody. Sorry I'm late, we were attacked by a group of Vipers on our way here.

I would like bring up two points, that being the first one.

Since the Fiends and the Powder Gangers have disbanded there are no major raider gangs in the Mojave but the minor ones like the Jackals and the Vipers still pose a threat to those traveling to the Strip.

We are even hearing rumors that the Jackals have set up base in the ruins of Nipton to attack passing travelers when they least expect it.

The people of Novac would like House to donate eight securitrons, four to Novac to destroy the Vipers and four to Nipton to destroy the Jackals. That brings us to my second matter, once that is done then we will need Primm's help in rebuilding Nipton since that Legion attack a little while before the Second Battle for Hoover Dam wiped out the entire town.

We can make those ruins into a luxurious stop on the way to the Strip with some help.

House and Primm will both gain technology the Bright Brotherhood has helped us collect from the REPCONN Test Site, we have found some very advanced and valuable equipment there.
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Ruben Bernal
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:07 am

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

*Shrugs indifferently* Nipton is deader than Elvis, I don't see anything beyond a clean up effort being of use, but, we wont donate Securitrons, but we WILL dispass eight Mk ll Securitrons to clean up the problem. Consider your request granted.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:43 am

We'd be happy to trade the old robot to you, what's in it for Primm? From what I hear the robot was once a valuable courier asset.

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants


I thought you'd say that.

The Remnants have technological expertise, a fully working VTOL Aircraft, and military organizational skills and training which are beyond any faction in the Mojave.

The question then is then, knowing this, what does Primm want?
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:34 am

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants


I thought you'd say that.

The Remnants have technological expertise, a fully working VTOL Aircraft, and military organizational skills and training which are beyond any faction in the Mojave.

The question then is then, knowing this, what does Primm want?

Ambassador Thomas Matthew- Primm

Permanent protection, as well as means to restore the town's casinos to working conditions.
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Tina Tupou
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:36 am

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

If I may Mr. Andronicus. The Enclave trained it's personnel in very advanced mechanical expertise, I'd imagine at least ONE of you could help restore proper power to Vikki and Vance, and the Bison Steve.
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