The Tops Convention

Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:47 am

Ambassador Hassan - Brotherhood Remnants

Marcus Draco, we will submit as long as we can recruit citizens and wastelanders into our army. We also request a supply of ammunition, weapons, and various technology for our archives. We will also set up outposts at Ranger Station Charlie and the Repconn Test Site.

Marcus Draco, Novac Represenative

Then we have a deal.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:59 pm

*While all the others representatives are debating Johnson checks his pip-boy, enjoys a brahmin steak, and drinks a bottle of purified water*
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:16 am

Aid convoys? I assure you Crocker, the King has not received any aid conveys. Just bands of refugees and soldiers with their eyes on the Kings' territory.

And I repeat... no NCR soldiers in Freeside. We will welcome your citizens and give them shelter, provided your give us food and water. But the Kings looks after their own, and anybody who lives in Freeside is a Freesider.

Ambassador Crocker- NCR
There will be no refugee camp in Freeside and if Ambassador Mieux would agree to my agreement then there will be no NCR troopers or Rangers in the Mojave period. But there will still be aid given to Freeside because NCR citizens reside there, and there will still be NCR caravans travelling and trading with Freeside as well as the whole Mojave. The NCR sharecropper farms would be given to Mr. House too so you would have to work out your own agreement concerning food production, but in the meantime I'm sure NCR caravans and aid will suffice.

*Looks back to Ambassador Draco
In the case that Mr. House buys all NCR property within the Mojave don't send that 700 caps to the NCR. Rather you should talk to Mr. House about what to do with the shack.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:27 am

Heres the agreement

A. Robert House is recognized by the NCR as sole proprietor of all the Mojave Region excluding the Mojave Outpost
B. Robert House gains control and rightful ownership of all former assets and investments of the NCR within the Mojave Region
C. The NCR military or rangers will never enter the Mojave
D. IF and only IF Robert House protects the constitutional, legal and basic rights of all NCR citizens within the Mojave as well as their physical safety
E. The NCR will never restrict trade or travel to or from the Mojave except in extreme cases such as emenies of the state. There shall be no tariffs or fees imposed on any travellers to or from the Mojave, except those of equal value levied within the Mojave. (So if a community in the Mojave sets up a tariff or tax on caravans of 4 percent the NCR will enact a tariff or tax of 4 percent on all travellers or caravans entering the region.
F. The fee of the electricity and water to the NCR shall not change from the formely agreed upon 5 caps per kilowatt and 5 caps per gallon.

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

I must digress, and soley on F. Commodity and currency values change over time Mr. Crocker, if you kept at 5 caps, you could potentially bottlecap us if the cap became extremely deflated, or if the lake was to magically be scarce in water, 5 caps for water is a steal. Prices will be subject to change based on A. Weekly commodity value, and B. the current cap trade value.

Secondly, E must be noted. If an NCR citizen breaks a law in our corner of the Mojave, they MUST be subject to our laws, and vice versa. In other words, if an NCR citizen kills a citizen of the New Vegas region, then they will be punished as we see fit. In return this will also be how New Vegas citizens are treated should they head into NCR. That said, we will pay you 85% value of all equipment NCR brought to the various locations, bar the equipment at House Resorts that is NCR Military property, or any NCR military property. But Quarry Junction is exempt, seeing as it operates Pre-War equipment that was left there from the War. make adendums to these points and I see no reason to disagree.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:50 pm

Well then I guess thanks is in order, from the King himself no doubt.

*removes a packet of cigarettes from jean pocket and light one up*

It's none of my business Crocker, but I think you should remember you are the loser. Vegas won, and is now independent. Well, as independent as anyone could have hoped.

Mr Mieux, if you would indulge me for a moment, I have heard tales of this Brotherhood of Steal. The way I hear it, they were blown up to [censored]. I don't know if this was of a direct move from House, but why do the continue to wander his Mojave? From what I can gather, they think every scrap of technology is theirs. Not much different from the NCR, as I see it.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:27 am

Marcus Draco, Novac Represenative

Then we have a deal.

Ambassador Hassan - Brotherhood Remnants

Very good then.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:09 am

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

*Stands outraged*


*Straightens his tie and clears his throat and drinks a glass of cold water, regaining composure*
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:27 am

Ambassador Crocker- NCR

Your point about NCR citizens respecting the laws of the Mojave is understood and can be complied with. But as regards to payment of assets I must assist that rates of electricity and water be the payment. I understand problems concerning supply and demand as well as the monetary policy of the NCR but the NCR does not use caps as a currency and I was under the assumption that the NCR is able to pay Mr. House for utilites services in NCR currency of an equal amount of 5 caps. Given that the NCR dollar is rising in value because of our withdrawl from the Mojave and a return to normal expendures. You must understand for the NCR to remain economically viable and for our massive labor assets to be properly used in the formation of factories our entrepreneurs' businesses can't be subject to wild changes in price from utilities. But I also understand there will be changes in supply and demand and will be a cap on the ability of House to produce more energy.

So how about we agree to this. We keep the current price for the next year starting now sense productivity at the Dam and Helios One will only go up, and then past a year our governments met bi-yearly to discuss changes in pricing, output etc. I feel that's more than fair, Mr. House will still be able to chrage more once his ability to produce electricity has capped by real world realities and NCR industriialist will be given much time to grow and form. In the end that means more goods for Vegas to buy, more rich NCR citizens visiting the Mojave spending money and more regular NCR citizens with higher standards of living and a willingness to go on the trip of a lifetime to the Mojave.

*Turns back to Ambassador Elvis
We've lost? Really how do you figure? The Legion has been beat back and my nation never has to worry of foreign invasion again with Mr. House acting as a buffer zone. My nation still has access to the Hoover Dam and our industry and trade can still grow. Hardly any troopers and almost no Rangers were killed overall in the Mojave Campaign because of the Enclave and House's help. NCR caravans and brahmin ranchers can still sell and buy freely within the Mojave. My nations government has stopped a inflation crisis and our troops are able to return home. And my nations' government is undergoing a period of reform which will result in a reduction in power of Brahmin ranchers and back to ordinary people. So tell me, what have we lost?

If anything the King has lost. How much longer to you really think Mr. House will allow you to exist as anything more than glorified guides to tourist? Do you really believe he'll allow the Kings to execrise any form of indepedent military or security activity? But don't take my statements as saying the NCR won't be giving aid to Freeside, because we will, and as long as you treat NCR citizens right I think we'll get along just fine.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:39 am

Joshua - Ambassador of Jacobstown

*Furrows his brow at the raging human*

Hmph, humans and their arguments..

Would The FEZONV be interested in trade for Bighorner Meat and Hide?

Jacobstown also reserves that it is not owned by Mr. House but by the residents of the town. As such, parties not excepted in the FEZONV are not necesarriy unwelcome in Jacobstown.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:12 am


You came for Vegas, and left empty-handed. I will agree that House seems to be... bending over for you quite more than anticipated. But what do I know? Freeside only ever hears second hand gossip, usually from the Followers.

I firmly believe that Freeside will be left as is. Mieux and thus, House, has given word. They will even provide assistance in transforming our town. What would have the NCR, or this Legion, have done? Slaughtered us as we defended our home?
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:09 am


You came for Vegas, and left empty-handed. I will agree that House seems to be... bending over for you quite more than anticipated. But what do I know? Freeside only ever hears second hand gossip, usually from the Followers.

I firmly believe that Freeside will be left as is. Mieux and thus, House, has given word. They will even provide assistance in transforming our town. What would have the NCR, or this Legion, have done? Slaughtered us as we defended our home?

Ambassador Crocker -NCR

Let's see who will be truely bent over in a few years Ambassador, my nation with large amounts of industry, trade and freedom or the Kings the punk welcome party on the road to Vegas. And once again I don't really consider holding back the Legion from enslaving and [censored] your pathetic gang before House upgraded his robots to be leaving empty handed. Elvis? You are welcome.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:34 am

Ambassador Thomas Matthew-Primm

I am still awaiting the Enclave Remnants' trade deal for the robot we STILL have in our settlement.

All of this big NCR talk begins to frighten me.
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Jessica Colville
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:23 pm

Doc Mitchal, Goodsprings

Well, I gues things are set in stone for us. People continue to pass through, and trade, and our "creature problems" are solved. I think the FEZONV has a bright future ahead, and with Mr. House runin things, I have no doubts. Well,Ill need to start the trip back to goodsprings prity soon. Since the deal's all most done(ooc: and the post limit all most reached), Ill take my leave. *stands up, and makes his way around the table shaking hands*.

Oh, and Ambassador Mieux, if Mr. House want to bring any form of industry to goodsprings, let us know. Since this war ended, we feel we can grow a little more.

I bid all of you farewell. Stop by goodsprings for a drink on your way back to NCR Mr. Crocker. That goes for the rest of yall too. Thank you Ambassador Mieux for the hospitality.

* tips hat, and heads out the door, and into the elevator*.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:26 am

Ambassador Thomas Matthew-Primm

I am still awaiting the Enclave Remnants' trade deal for the robot we STILL have in our settlement.

All of this big NCR talk begins to frighten me.

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remannts

Ah yes, my apologies.

The Remnants will agree to restore power to the two casinos you have in the area in exchange for the eyebot.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:35 am

Ambassador Thomas Matthew-Primm

I am still awaiting the Enclave Remnants' trade deal for the robot we STILL have in our settlement.

All of this big NCR talk begins to frighten me.

Ambassador Crocker- NCR
Why are you frighten? After me and Mieux hammer this deal out the NCR military will never return to the Mojave.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:07 am

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remannts

Ah yes, my apologies.

The Remnants will agree to restore power to the two casinos you have in the area in exchange for the eyebot.

Ambassador Thomas Matthew-Primm

Great! I will have johnson knock some of the dust off this robot, and we will have it ready for you when you send workers to the casinos.

Ambassador Crocker- NCR
Why are you frighten? After me and Mieux hammer this deal out the NCR military will never return to the Mojave.

Ambassador Thomas Matthew- Primm

Good. I was confused by your tirade at the king.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 6:13 pm

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

I'm a little leery. The NCR dollar seems....weak. Surely the NCR can trade in cap seeing as the NCR Dollar is not recognized by many merchants. Were we a subsidiary of the New California Republic, sure NCR dollars would work, but as a multicultural melting pot, caps or technology would work best. That said, I see no reason for you to fear, with NCR's withdrawal, they will be securing and holding their borders elsewhere, unlike the conflict here in the Mojave where troopers were dying daily. I don't think NCR is a stable future, but Mr. House seems to think they can support themselves somewhat, so I'll put my trust in that. *Adjusting to look to look at the King member* Friend, we are not 'bending over', we are seeking peaceful solutions over war. War is a bloody and costly business, and Hoover has more than enough blood on her walls to stain her red many times over. That said, some things are easy to make comprimises over. NCR stays out of New Vegas, we stay out of NCR, we pay for their goods, they pay for ours, a mutual relationship. New Vegas and NCR will have a bright future as business partners in the years to come. With REPCONN and the old steel factories finally under our control without clear threats in sight, this is just the start of a future for ALL of New Vegas's citizens, but city and region.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:20 am

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

I'm a little leery. The NCR dollar seems....weak. Surely the NCR can trade in cap seeing as the NCR Dollar is not recognized by many merchants. Were we a subsidiary of the New California Republic, sure NCR dollars would work, but as a multicultural melting pot, caps or technology would work best. That said, I see no reason for you to fear, with NCR's withdrawal, they will be securing and holding their borders elsewhere, unlike the conflict here in the Mojave where troopers were dying daily. I don't think NCR is a stable future, but Mr. House seems to think they can support themselves somewhat, so I'll put my trust in that. *Adjusting to look to look at the King member* Friend, we are not 'bending over', we are seeking peaceful solutions over war. War is a bloody and costly business, and Hoover has more than enough blood on her walls to stain her red many times over. That said, some things are easy to make comprimises over. NCR stays out of New Vegas, we stay out of NCR, we pay for their goods, they pay for ours, a mutual relationship. New Vegas and NCR will have a bright future as business partners in the years to come. With REPCONN and the old steel factories finally under our control without clear threats in sight, this is just the start of a future for ALL of New Vegas's citizens, but city and region.

Ambassador Crocker- NCR

So we have a deal? Wonderful! All payments concerning the Hoover Dam will be made with caps. Server! Bring me some whiskey!

ooc- So were about to hit the post limit. Ready to move to the Primm Convention? Or Tops Convention 2. Or whatever is next. I just want to continue playing as NCR.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:25 pm

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

*Stands outraged*


*Straightens his tie and clears his throat and drinks a glass of cold water, regaining composure*

Marcus Draco, Novac-Nipton Represenative

*Jumps back when began and straightens up when done*

Apologies, I was merely trying to get a faction that could easily benefit the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas with their vast knowledge of technology.

If you wish for the deal to not go through than fine, one thousand apologies Roughnecks but we cannot let you assemble any sort of fighting force or recruit.

Ambassadro Mieux, may I give them shelter if they swear their allegiance to House and form a miltia for Novac instead? And Roughnecks, if he says yes would you accept that offer?
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:43 pm

Marcus Draco, Novac-Nipton Represenative

*Jumps back when began and straightens up when done*

Apologies, I was merely trying to get a faction that could easily benefit the Free Economic Zone of New Vegas with their vast knowledge of technology.

If you wish for the deal to not go through than fine, one thousand apologies Roughnecks but we cannot let you assemble any sort of fighting force or recruit.

Ambassadro Mieux, may I give them shelter if they swear their allegiance to House and form a miltia for Novac instead? And Roughnecks, if he says yes would you accept that offer?

Ambassador Hassan - Brotherhood Remnants


I gave House an offer a while ago but heard no response. If Mieux agrees to this, we will be a militia for NoVac. But I can not stress the importance for recruitment and supplies. I will restate my offer once more:

Here is our offer: We will graciously extend our offer of service to Mr. House. We shall provide high clearance escorts and caravan protection as a start. Along our travels, we request the ability to recruit the minds of the most intelligent and combat gifted natives of the tribes and towns we come across here in the Mojave and outward, provided your service extends that far. As our army builds up, we will provide the protection and deploy guard stations at key choke points along interstates and roads leading in and out of New Vegas. All we request is a shipment of energy-related weapons to not only supply our soldiers but better our archives with the pre-war knowledge, this will include books and holodisks.

*Takes a sip of coffee and proceeds to lean back in to the table. A serious tone grew grave on his face.*

We understand both extremities of each sides in our offer. If such Enclave remnants wish to comply and allow our offer to prosper, we guarantee that Mr. House will not be disappointed with the control and power he will wield and oversee. You must realize that securitrons can not replace the will or smarts of a human being, in this case a trained human being with expert knowledge of weaponry and combat. By sworn service of the Brotherhood, your word will be law in domains issued to Brotherhood presence.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:16 am

Ambassador Hassan - Brotherhood Remnants


I gave House an offer a while ago but heard no response. If Mieux agrees to this, we will be a militia for NoVac. But I can not stress the importance for recruitment and supplies. I will restate my offer once more:

Here is our offer: We will graciously extend our offer of service to Mr. House. We shall provide high clearance escorts and caravan protection as a start. Along our travels, we request the ability to recruit the minds of the most intelligent and combat gifted natives of the tribes and towns we come across here in the Mojave and outward, provided your service extends that far. As our army builds up, we will provide the protection and deploy guard stations at key choke points along interstates and roads leading in and out of New Vegas. All we request is a shipment of energy-related weapons to not only supply our soldiers but better our archives with the pre-war knowledge, this will include books and holodisks.

*Takes a sip of coffee and proceeds to lean back in to the table. A serious tone grew grave on his face.*

We understand both extremities of each sides in our offer. If such Enclave remnants wish to comply and allow our offer to prosper, we guarantee that Mr. House will not be disappointed with the control and power he will wield and oversee. You must realize that securitrons can not replace the will or smarts of a human being, in this case a trained human being with expert knowledge of weaponry and combat. By sworn service of the Brotherhood, your word will be law in domains issued to Brotherhood presence.

Marcus Draco, Novac-Nipton Represenative

As long as you swear you allegiance to House then I am pretty sure Mieux will agree to it, I cannot be positive though.

*orders a glass of water*

Are the Van Graffs willing to trade energy weapons to either the Brotherhood Remnants of simply to a Novac Militia?
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:21 am

Marcus Draco, Novac-Nipton Represenative

As long as you swear you allegiance to House then I am pretty sure Mieux will agree to it, I cannot be positive though.

*orders a glass of water*

Are the Van Graffs willing to trade energy weapons to either the Brotherhood Remnants of simply to a Novac Militia?

ooc- But yean we really need to decide if we'll all go over to the Primm thread or a Tops Convention 2. We're on page 12
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:24 am

ooc- But yean we really need to decide if we'll all go over to the Primm thread or a Tops Convention 2. We're on page 12

Yeah it'll be Colonel Martyr's choice.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:17 am

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion

*shifts eyes downward and looks at her tanned, rough hands*

I understand Ms. Gloria had a few...moral transgressions regarding her prior involvement with the Legion. I can assure you that if you accept the gracious offer from the Legion, not only will you receive everything promised before, but I can personally promise that no harm will come to you or any of your brood.

I do apologise for not responding earlier. I am keen to maintain our relationship with the Legion, however tenuous it may be. I had to depart to assist in clearing out a few undesirables from the Atomic Wrangler...that place really does attract all kinds of unwelcome visitors.

This round of negotiations is almost complete, but I will be in touch in future talks. And may bring a complimentary tub of hand cream.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:44 pm

Hit me up on my thread or message me if you are interested in the Primm thread. I'm not sure what's going to come out of the Tops Convention.
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