Ambassador Crocker, was it? I'm glad to see somebody has some self-control here. *finishes off dish and calls for a glass of whiskey* But I know how the NCR operate. You're not the Followers. Maybe you want to use Freeside to get a foothold in Vegas? I don't know. What I do know is that eventually you and you're soldiers will stroll on in and try to "liberate" Freeside.
*Looks at Ambassador Elvis' whiskey coming on a tray
My lord that looks like some high class whiskey
*Leans back at Ambassador Meiux
Mr. House surely knows how to find the right drinks. Server! Please bring me one of those whiskeys and a steak as well. Ahh nothing better than a California Brahmin to start the day.
*Crocker turns back to Ambassador Elvis
Ambassador we were in New Vegas for 7 years and made no such attempts, the only activies the NCR sought in Freeside were those aimed at reducing violence. With NCR citizens still travelling to New Vegas it's only right that I do everything to ensure they're safe and the communities they interact with harbor no ill will towards them. Further after this last battle the NCR lacks the political capital to start a second Mojave Campaign. As of now the NCR senate is divided by two factions.
*Puts two fingers up
One that seeks to stop all trade and relations with House and another that wishes to stop all foreign intervention and trade. I have the hard job of going between the war hawks and isolationist at home, and better relations with the factions of the Mojave are just what the doctor called for. Further given your fears of House "freeing" Freeside I would think you would welcome a counterbalance.
*Turns back to Andronicus
Lt. I know you hate me with every fiber in your body, but you know what? I think you hate everyone at this table even more. An Enclave that co-exist with us "mutants" is one that doesn't even deserve to say that name. So either your new stragety involves some love and tolerance for the very people you've always hated or your true motivations aren't as benign as they first seem. Sure I could see you doing business with House himself, he's a pure pre war human. But no amount of "adapting" will stop your true hatred for Ambassador Mieux or for that matter the Ambassador from Black Mountain. You tell me not to tell you how to live your life, so tell me Lt. how do YOU want to live your life hmm? And you must understand that I'm not asking this because I hate you or because I wish to make you look like a fool. No I'm asking so we can all see the true nature of the man who sits before us.
*Looks at the glob of discolored spit on the table then back at Ambassador Meghan
The NCR will pay no tribute to your forces. The NCR wouldn't even be willing to transfer our Enclave prisoners of war to such a horrible fate, although I doubt they would do the same for us. In any case seeing Caeser's intentions for continued war then that is what Caeser will receive.
*Turns back to the server who sits down the whiskey and fresh steak
Thank you, if it's not to much to ask could you clean this spit off the table?
-ooc Shouldn't Caeser be dead from his tumor?