The Tops Convention

Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:17 am

*Crocker then lends forward to Ambassador Andronicus
Maybe I didn't hear that right, but are you suggesting the Enclave is willing to live amongest mutants? The very ones you've fought your whole life to kill? President Richardson would turn in his watery grave if he heard this.

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

*glares at Crocker with hate filled eyes*

Don't presume to tell me what my priorities should be Ambassador or how I should continue to live my life. There are many things that President Richardson didn't intend to happen, and one of them was the destruction of our home and the virtual end of the Enclave. Years ago I would have celebrated the release of the FEV-Curling 13 along with the rest of my comrades. Today, as you may have noticed that plan is no longer viable. If myself and my compatriots are to continue to keep the memory of the Enclave alive for as long as we can, than adaptations must be made. Despite any lingering reservations I may still hold.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:41 pm

Ambassador Crocker- NCR

*Crocker then looks at Ambassador Fidelitas
The NCR is willing to end the Legion-NCR war now. The NCR nor it's citizens will cross the Colorado River as long as the Legion is willing to do the same. If those basic terms aren't met the cease fire would be terminated.

I have been informed from my superiors to not make any sort of deal with the NCR. As Caesar and his men see it, your defeat at the dam crippled you just as much if not more than it crippled us. The Legion has amassed troops in such an instance that the Legion lost the battle.
*Pauses in thought, and looks at her own worn out hands*

On further thought, maybe if you sent over some sort of tribute to the form of cheap labor? Surely you have some criminals who need...reform? The cease fire would give us time to amass troops as well. If you're willing to negotiate, there are a few on the strip who remain sympathetic to Caesar and I may be able to see if I can get approval from them.
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Izzy Coleman
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:07 am

Ambassador Crocker, was it? I'm glad to see somebody has some self-control here. *finishes off dish and calls for a glass of whiskey* But I know how the NCR operate. You're not the Followers. Maybe you want to use Freeside to get a foothold in Vegas? I don't know. What I do know is that eventually you and you're soldiers will stroll on in and try to "liberate" Freeside.

*Looks at Ambassador Elvis' whiskey coming on a tray
My lord that looks like some high class whiskey

*Leans back at Ambassador Meiux
Mr. House surely knows how to find the right drinks. Server! Please bring me one of those whiskeys and a steak as well. Ahh nothing better than a California Brahmin to start the day.

*Crocker turns back to Ambassador Elvis
Ambassador we were in New Vegas for 7 years and made no such attempts, the only activies the NCR sought in Freeside were those aimed at reducing violence. With NCR citizens still travelling to New Vegas it's only right that I do everything to ensure they're safe and the communities they interact with harbor no ill will towards them. Further after this last battle the NCR lacks the political capital to start a second Mojave Campaign. As of now the NCR senate is divided by two factions.

*Puts two fingers up

One that seeks to stop all trade and relations with House and another that wishes to stop all foreign intervention and trade. I have the hard job of going between the war hawks and isolationist at home, and better relations with the factions of the Mojave are just what the doctor called for. Further given your fears of House "freeing" Freeside I would think you would welcome a counterbalance.

*Turns back to Andronicus

Lt. I know you hate me with every fiber in your body, but you know what? I think you hate everyone at this table even more. An Enclave that co-exist with us "mutants" is one that doesn't even deserve to say that name. So either your new stragety involves some love and tolerance for the very people you've always hated or your true motivations aren't as benign as they first seem. Sure I could see you doing business with House himself, he's a pure pre war human. But no amount of "adapting" will stop your true hatred for Ambassador Mieux or for that matter the Ambassador from Black Mountain. You tell me not to tell you how to live your life, so tell me Lt. how do YOU want to live your life hmm? And you must understand that I'm not asking this because I hate you or because I wish to make you look like a fool. No I'm asking so we can all see the true nature of the man who sits before us.

*Looks at the glob of discolored spit on the table then back at Ambassador Meghan
The NCR will pay no tribute to your forces. The NCR wouldn't even be willing to transfer our Enclave prisoners of war to such a horrible fate, although I doubt they would do the same for us. In any case seeing Caeser's intentions for continued war then that is what Caeser will receive.

*Turns back to the server who sits down the whiskey and fresh steak
Thank you, if it's not to much to ask could you clean this spit off the table?

-ooc Shouldn't Caeser be dead from his tumor?
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:52 am

*Looks at the glob of discolored spit on the table then back at Ambassador Meghan
The NCR will pay no tribute to your forces. The NCR wouldn't even be willing to transfer our Enclave prisoners of war to such a horrible fate, although I doubt they would do the same for us. In any case seeing Caeser's intentions for continued war then that is what Caeser will receive.

-ooc Shouldn't Caeser be dead from his tumor?

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion
*Sighs* You would throw more lives away like this? I thought you cared for your soldiers. The defeat you suffered at the dam must have left you without resources, yet you'll continue to work against the Legion though your demise is inevitable.

I have no doubt that the Legion will eventually conquer your lands...(in a hushed whisper to Crocker) but for the time being, I think that it would be in the interest of both groups if there was a cease fire. Let's just pretend like it's out of Caesar's mercy, ok? I don't really want to be crucified after this.

_OOC Come on, it took me a long time to think up my name! Please use it :( And it doesn't say Caesar is dead, just that you haven't heard from him. He's probably healing or in severe pain, btw is there an ambassador for the Followers here?
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:22 am

*tastes whiskey*
Delicious indeed. My thanks. *downs some more*
Crocker, the King believes that the NCR are looking out for nothing but themselves. They pretend to aid yes, but their eye is always on somebody's land, and somebody's wealth. The... Devil in Disguise, if you will.

*drains the glass clean and calls for some more*
However, the NCR are pushed out of the Mojave, militarily. The changing of leadership... or lack of change of leadership of Vegas, has left Freeside much as it was. Us Kings try to clean the slums up so our people can live in peace, but it's difficult. Your refugees eat up what little food and water we have, and offer nothing in return. And if you recall, during the Battle of Hoover Dam, the King ordered several attacks on the NCR in Freeside. I lead an assault myself. Why would you wish to aid us?
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:23 am

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion
*Sighs* You would throw more lives away like this? I thought you cared for your soldiers. The defeat you suffered at the dam must have left you without resources, yet you'll continue to work against the Legion though your demise is inevitable.

I have no doubt that the Legion will eventually conquer your lands...(in a hushed whisper to Crocker) but for the time being, I think that it would be in the interest of both groups if there was a cease fire. Let's just pretend like it's out of Caesar's mercy, ok? I don't really want to be crucified after this.

_OOC Come on, it took me a long time to think up my name! Please use it :( And it doesn't say Caesar is dead, just that you haven't heard from him. He's probably healing or in severe pain, btw is there an ambassador for the Followers here?

ooc- You got it Ambassador Fidelitas. But yeah we don't have a FOTA representative here yet. Also now that I think of it our ambassadors wouldn't know if he were dead or alive from the tumor situation but we all understand Legate is really the person in chrage at this point.

Ambassador Crocker- NCR
*In the same hushed whisper
Just remember to the east of the Colorado. And one more thing, don't think of betraying us because I'm more than sure that Mr. House and the Enclave would be more than happy to test the forces of the Legion once again as well.

*Leans back up and begins eating his Brahmin Steak.

*The Tops Server is very intritated by now
Could you get me some steak sauce please?
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:20 pm

*Turns back to Andronicus

Lt. I know you hate me with every fiber in your body, but you know what? I think you hate everyone at this table even more. An Enclave that co-exist with us "mutants" is one that doesn't even deserve to say that name. So either your new stragety involves some love and tolerance for the very people you've always hated or your true motivations aren't as benign as they first seem. Sure I could see you doing business with House himself, he's a pure pre war human. But no amount of "adapting" will stop your true hatred for Ambassador Mieux or for that matter the Ambassador from Black Mountain. You tell me not to tell you how to live your life, so tell me Lt. how do YOU want to live your life hmm? And you must understand that I'm not asking this because I hate you or because I wish to make you look like a fool. No I'm asking so we can all see the true nature of the man who sits before us.

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

*sets is utensils aside, folds his hands in front of his face and looks at Crocker: top portion of face covered in shadow from his Officer hat*

No doubt these smarmy ignorant comments of yours are meant to send me into a tirade, Crocker. You pretend to remind me of my loyalty to my former President, you accuse me of being unloyal, and you dare to question my resoluteness in what was once my cause. You are nothing but a parasite Crocker, not even worth it for me to lower myself in such a manner as to answer your comments.

Also, refrain from ever questioning my motives or my current actions again. My support is behind House now, I will say nothing more on the subject.

*eyes narrow on Crocker*

Rest assured "Ambassador" were this another time and another place, you would be already dead.

*continues eating his meal*
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 10:10 am

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

*sets is utensils aside, folds his hands in front of his face and looks at Crocker: top portion of face covered in shadow from his Officer hat*

No doubt these smarmy ignorant comments of yours are meant to send me into a tirade, Crocker. You pretend to remind me of my loyalty to my former President, you accuse me of being unloyal, and you dare to question my resoluteness in what was once my cause. You are nothing but a parasite Crocker, not even worth it for me to lower myself in such a manner as to answer your comments.

Also, refrain from ever questioning my motives or my current actions again. My support is behind House now, I will say nothing more on the subject.

*eyes narrow on Crocker*

Rest assured "Ambassador" were this another time and another place, you would be already dead.

*continues eating his meal*

Ambassador Crocker -NCR
*Takes a large bite out of his steak and chews it while Androcious speaks

I don't know which frightens me more Lt. The thought that you have so little conviction your giving up all you've ever supported to retire in a city of [censored] houses and casinos, or that you so skillfully avoided the very questions about your motivations through mild intimidation and vailed threats. Either way it goes I think everyone can rest assured that your not to be trusted , I mean surely us mutants won't be able to reach any civilized agreement with you in good faith will we?

*Drinks the shot of whiskey and let's it sit for a moment, then turns back to Ambassador Elvis.

I would be a lier if I said that my first priotory isn't to the citizens of the NCR. The fact of the matter is this, the NCR is no longer militarily in Vegas, but we still have citizens there. Many of our citizens have you have stated, have no resources and face violence everyday. The best way to solve this problem is a general aid campaign for the citizens of Freeside so that violence against NCR citizens declines. A restoration of the NCR sharecropper farms, all of which the produce will be exclusively sold to the citizens of Freeside at a lower cost than importing the food from Southern Nevada or California. The creation of an NCR refugee camp within Freeside which will be the only place NCR citizens can stay for free in the area.

*Crocker eats some more steak and chews it before continuing to speak

Now our two groups havn't had the best history, but for both the Local of Freeside and NCR refugees let's make things somewhat better.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:20 am

Ambassador Mieux-

Black Mountain, Mr. House has asked you keep your mutant brothers under control, and you're free to live there as you see fit.

Ambassador Lobotomite - The State of Utobitha

Moe will stay under control and will refrain from eating any more servers and as for the rest of my kind at Black Mountain, our leader will keep them all under control for the duration of this meeting. Our continued existence on Black Mountain is not up for discussion, the trespassers trying to invade my home is.

OCC: What did the Courier do to Black Mountain in this scenario?
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:57 am

*graciously accepts another glass of whiskey*

I see your point, Crocker. Food importation would certainly improve the situation. But I must stress that, should the NCR try anything, the Kings will show no remorse in quelling any conceived threats. We are not the largest faction in the Mojave, but you have witnessed out power.

I shall relay your offer to the King.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:52 am

Hey guys, if your looking for a little entertainment after the negotiations, I know a few girls from gommorah who'll stick their Quantum Harmonizers in your photonic resonation chambers. What's your response?
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Anthony Rand
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:50 pm

*graciously accepts another glass of whiskey*

I see your point, Crocker. Food importation would certainly improve the situation. But I must stress that, should the NCR try anything, the Kings will show no remorse in quelling any conceived threats. We are not the largest faction in the Mojave, but you have witnessed out power.

I shall relay your offer to the King.

Ambassador Crocker - NCR
* Crocker also grabs another drink of whiskey although he doesn't drink from it yet.
Wonderful! So just so that we are clear on what the offer is.

A. The ebstablishment of an NCR refugee camp guarded by a small detactment of NCR troopers who will be restricted in use of force to only self defense. (ooc-Think of how the UN operates in foreign nations) Said refugee camp will be in the abandoned school like building across the street from Mick and Ralph. Said refugee camp will be off limits to non NCR citizens under all circumstances.

In exchange the Kings and citizens of Freeside will obtain.

B. Exclusive buying rights to all produce grown and otherwise produced by the NCR sharecropper farms for the Kings and citizens of Freeside.
C. Universal access to all aid provided by the NCR to all non-violent persons within Freeside regardless of citizenship stasis or factional affiliation.

If the King were to accept this I'm sure he would see this as a solid foundation for further good works. Once the Ambassador for the Followers of the Apocalyspe arrives I would like to talk about what the NCR can do regarding our caravans and lower rates of weapon sells from the Gun Runners to the Kings and lower rates for medicial supplies and equipment for the Followers. But we can discuss all of that later.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:09 am

Robin Van Graff - representative of the Van Graff family.

I would have got here earlier, but have spent the last few days finalising a new shipment of components from out of state. I won't bother apologising.

I'd be interested in coming to some sort of arrangement regarding the current state of unrest in Freeside. Basically, its bad for business. Our location in this slum is already unfortunate enough, but the situation as it is deters many potential customers from our door. In addition, we have had to replace three criers at the end of Freeside boulevard in the past month alone. Expendable though they may be, the task of replacing them is an inconvenience we could do without.

I believe that an arrangement can be reached that benefits all concerned. And with a minimum of violence, I'm sure.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:31 am

Robin Van Graff - representative of the Van Graff family.

I would have got here earlier, but have spent the last few days finalising a new shipment of components from out of state. I won't bother apologising.

I'd be interested in coming to some sort of arrangement regarding the current state of unrest in Freeside. Basically, its bad for business. Our location in this slum is already unfortunate enough, but the situation as it is deters many potential customers from our door. In addition, we have had to replace three criers at the end of Freeside boulevard in the past month alone. Expendable though they may be, the task of replacing them is an inconvenience we could do without.

I believe that an arrangement can be reached that benefits all concerned. And with a minimum of violence, I'm sure.

Ambassador Crocker -NCR

Ambassador Graff you came just in time! I was just concluding an aid agreement with The Kings. I'm sure that you'll find with cheaper food available from the NCR sharecroppers and free aid for the citizens of Freeside that your business will improve. Further more of your criers will stay alive. But Ambassador Graff I have another matter of business to ask of you. The NCR military has requested your assistance in the acquisition of a large number of energy weapons. We require about 100 hundred plasma rifles and 100 microfusion cells per rifle for 1000 caps each. I'm sure you'll find this is the largest weapons shipment you've done for a while and that it will more than compensate for your lower amounts of business due to Freesides current lawlessness. If you accept this deal I'm sure you'll find the NCR and it's citizens are willing to be your most loyal customers yet.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:08 am

Hey guys, if your looking for a little entertainment after the negotiations, I know a few girls from gommorah who'll stick their Quantum Harmonizers in your photonic resonation chambers. What's your response?

Bring em in!

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Jason Wolf
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:05 am

Bring em in!


Ambassador Crocker -NCR
No no no, let's try to save the beautiful ladies and other matters of sixual relations for after these meetings. Negotiations are no place for these women.
*Looks at them, and how beautiful they are
No matter how beautiful they look.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:10 am

Joseph - Jacobstown Ambassador

* A Super Mutant "Master" enters the room, struggling to fit through the doorway, he is armoured with Pre-War metal and Bighorner hide *

Gentlemen, sorry for my absence, it takes time to venture down from the mountains.

*He scans the room, one eye peering through some sort of high tech Pre-war monocle, upon inspection, it can be seen the mutant is covered in scars. *

I thank Mr. House and those responsible for the prestigous hospitality, my name is Joseph, I am a first gen and representative of Jacobstown.

* He notices the presence of the NCR and Enclave ambassadors, giving both a cold stare. The mutant then breaks contact to eat a whole Brahmin steak in two bites. *

Jacobstown, above all else wants to be promised amnesty, with continued trade, and also for word of Jacobstown to be given to our mutant brethren.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:50 pm

The representative from Westside walked in, caked with mud and looking as if he hadn't been able to sleep in days. He slid a Jet inhaler into his half-buttoned overalls.

"Oh sssorry I'm late guys An NCR rep tttold me that this convention was at the Vikki and Vance Casino so when I talked to Primm Slim about ititit, he started to tell me the sttory behind Primm and wouldn't lettt me leave until he retold it 8 more times Well howdy there partner, wanna- Now I heard something about refreshments?"
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Donald Richards
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:31 am

Ambassador Crocker -NCR

I don't know which frightens me more Lt. The thought that you have so little conviction your giving up all you've ever supported to retire in a city of [censored] houses and casinos, or that you so skillfully avoided the very questions about your motivations through mild intimidation and vailed threats.

Ambassdor Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

*pauses eating his meal to address Crocker*

Once again you dare to question my conviction. How quaint that you presume to know what the Enclave's ultimate goal was. We were not, ambassador, going to do what we were about to simply because we hated mutants or because we hated people on the mainland. It was in the name of restoration, of rebuilding the pre-war world. An idea that House shares, even if his methods are less extreme.

*gives a slight chuckle*

I'm not sure if you realize this ambassador, but pre-war Vegas was very similar to the spirit Mr. House has captured on the strip. A den of vice it was and a den of vice it will continue to be. I see nothing wrong with changing its inherent nature.

*turns to a Tops waiter*

Iced tea if you would.

* He notices the presence of the NCR and Enclave ambassadors, giving both a cold stare. The mutant then breaks contact to eat a whole Brahmin steak in two bites. *

*ignores the glare of the mutant*

The representative from Westside walked in, caked with mud and looking as if he hadn't been able to sleep in days. He slid a Jet inhaler into his half-buttoned overalls.

Briefly looks up at the Westside ambassador.

*turns Ambassador Mieux*

Perhaps a more...ahem.....*nods at westside ambassador*.. thorough screening process should be implemented when allowing delegates entrance to the suite.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:54 am

*turns attention towards Van Graff emissary and chuckles*

It seems as if Freeside is well represented as is, doll. I don't see how the Van Graffs even factor into any discussion concerning the future of the Mojave.

*shrugs and turns attention back to Ambassador Crocker*

I shall present your offer to the Big Man. But NCR soldiers in Freeside? That doesn't seem likely. The Kings run Freeside. Remember that.

OOC- I know it is completely pointless, but I changed my name as I noticed that this was essentially an RP and wanted to use my Kings RP character.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:34 pm

*Elevator opens, and doc mitchel of goodsprings comes in, and slowly sits down seat. He looks very tired,has sweat runing down his face *

Hey every one, sorry Im late, some of the town came down with the flu,organising aid took a while, then the wagon broke on the way here,and then the brahmin refused to move once we fixed the wagon. So we walked a good bit of the trip. Then.. oh, well, lets just leave it at this, it was a bad ride here.

Now, Im going to keep this simple, because we are a simple town. Since the war ended, and especialy since the long 15 re-opend up, goodsprings has had an influx of tourists stoping for rest, water, and a bite to eat. While this has been helpin a lot, we need to have somethin' to insure this prosperity remains. I trust that the NCR, and the Free economic zone of new vegas wont be doing any thing to... *coughs a few times*

I apologise for not being more presentable, it was a hard, long trip, and Im not used to traveling any where, especialy as an old man with a leg injury. *looks around* Could I trouble some one for a glass of water?
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:59 am

Ambassador Crocker- NCR

Hey Joseph good steak no? I swear there are a lot of things up for debate in this world, but a good Brahmin steak just can't be beat. But Joseph I have a question for you. Why does a human live among your ranks? I think he's a doctor of some sort but why is he there?

*Puts back a shot of whiskey and gives the glass back to the server
Lord knows I don't need to drink any further. But server could you bring me a tall glass of water? Thank you.

*Crocker turns to the Ambassador from Westside
I'm glad you could make it, but it seems as if your tired, I know Primm is an extremely long walk, although I'm suprised we didn't see you on the I-15.

*Crocker pushes forward his empty plate and yet another trusty server retreives it
My Lord Mieux, these servents of yours aren't half bad, I'll make sure to leave a tip once all of this is over.

*Turns back to Ambassador Andronicus
And see I would be willing to believe that, except for the fact that the NCR has basically been pushing for the same thing for all of this time! What do you think the NCR is?! We're a republican democracy working to restore free markets and pre war propersity! Under your same logic of what Mr. House is trying to achieve and your seeming indifference that most of his work force including Ambassador Mieux aren't pure humans it would seem we can now do business together and leave behind the days of our conflict. That seems to be the logical conclusion of all this quite frankly.

*Leans back over to Ambassador Elvis
I don't see how a few troopers stationed at a refugee camp would undermind the Kings rule in Freeside. You've already noted your past of killing NCR troopers and I'm working fully mindful of that. But if a refugee camp is to be set up to separate NCR citizens away from Freeside there must be protection for them, otherwise the camp simply becomes a focus point for violence against citizens of my nation. You've heard Ambassador Gruff their criers are being killed every week, what do you think would happen to a whole camp of NCR citizens?

Now when it comes to the said protection of the camp a small contengent of troopers only makes sense. Which do you think would work better; a NCR trooper commanded by the highest levels of the NCR military not to use force against any non aggressors. A trooper that will be immediately court martialled and executed if they violate that command. A trooper whose family would be dishonored and whose family would receive none of their normal post death benefits. OR a group of mercenaries hired by my nation to guard the refugees. Guards that wouldn't care if the refugees are safe. Guards that would violate any command not to use force because they could easily escape. Guards that no one really wants around? A few troopers commited to non force except in the protection of themselves and citizens within the refugee camp doesn't threaten anyone and is the best way forward for all persons involved.

*Turns greeting the new ambassador entering the room
Hello there Ambassador Mitchells! I was hoping you could make it here today. I would just like to say that as long as NCR travellers continue to stop at your town and your town continues to provide refuge from the wasteland for citizens of the NCR, you can rest assured your interest are my interest.
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Miss K
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:19 pm

Hey guys, if your looking for a little entertainment after the negotiations, I know a few girls from gommorah who'll stick their Quantum Harmonizers in your photonic resonation chambers. What's your response?

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion

Oh good, advanced tech and sixual intercourse without the intent of impregnation. I don't know how much longer I should stay here, I shall become as corrupt as the rest of you dogs.

Ambassador Andronicus, your young friend seems to have *sneers* a very active social life. I have seen, well, a ridiculous amount of pormography depicting this young Enclave member and one of Caesar's best spies. It's quite sick really. I don't even have the stomach to show the pictures to you. But these pictures are proof enough that that little scum you helped raise has had relations with the Legion, perhaps in more ways than one.

All this talk of intercourse without the possibility of childbearing has made me hungry.

I hear there's brahmin milk here? Where can I find some ingredients to make my self a "sammich" as some of the men like to call it?

Are there ambassadors from the White Gloves or Gomorrah here? I was too busy knitting to pay attention. *holds up a red knitted baby blanket with a golden bull on it*

-OOC isn't Daniels supposed to be the FoTA ambassador?
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Charlie Ramsden
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:06 am

*Turns back to Ambassador Andronicus
And see I would be willing to believe that, except for the fact that the NCR has basically been pushing for the same thing for all of this time! What do you think the NCR is?! We're a republican democracy working to restore free markets and pre war propersity! Under your same logic of what Mr. House is trying to achieve and your seeming indifference that most of his work force including Ambassador Mieux aren't pure humans it would seem we can now do business together and leave behind the days of our conflict. That seems to be the logical conclusion of all this quite frankly.

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

*takes his Ice tea from the waiter*

*takes a sip*

I should remind you ambassador, that we did choose you over the legion. We weren't gunning down NCR soldiers at Hoover Dam if you will recall. Thus you can see that ultimately my reservations towards *glances at Fidelitas*...tribal trump even my disgust with what your people did to mine.

Truthfully, had the NCR not decided to attack Navarro and take it from us, I wouldn't have much problem with the NCR at the moment. Our fear on the Rig was that humanity would ultimately be overrun by mutations. Turns out we were partially correct, given the destruction of our home. Furthermore, given that humanity may simply have to continue onward in an altered form with the possibility for intervention gone, I see no reason to not make the best of our current position.

Besides, hatred of near-humans---that's individuals like yourself who aren't ghouls or supermutants---- isn't necessarily inherent to the Enclave Crocker, I knew a younger individual on the Rig who confessed to me some dissenting sentiments about the use of the FEV-Curling 13 while I was still an officer.

I believe his name was Autumn.

*takes another sip of tea*

Ambassador Andronicus, your young friend seems to have *sneers* a very active social life. I have seen, well, a ridiculous amount of pormography depicting this young Enclave member and one of Caesar's best spies. It's quite sick really. I don't even have the stomach to show the pictures to you.

If you are attempting to shock me with your lies it isn't working. Although it is quite amusing.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:57 pm

Ambassador Crocker- NCR
*Turns back towards Ambassador Fidelitas
Wow that's actuatlly quite nice, but seriously Fidelitas, can I call you Fidelitas? You need to lighten up, there's more to life than breeding and war. Your a very long way from Flagstaff Fidelita and you can rest assured any moral transgressions you mistakenly make won't be reported back to Caeser.

*Looks back at Lt. Androcious
Lt. I noticed you weren't going against the NCR at the Second Battle and I'm more than willing to let by gones be by gones. I can't change the past of what happened at Navarro and between our two nations. Nor can I do the politically impossible of releasing your follow Enclave members from prison. But I am willing to make the peace between or two peoples permanent as of now if you are. Of course that doesn't mean you can enter NCR terrority just as you wouldn't expect the NCR to enter your bases, but the past, we can put the past behind us and move forward Lieutenant.
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