If you are attempting to shock me with your lies it isn't working. Although it is quite amusing.
Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion
*runs out of the kitchen with a butter knife covered in mayonnaise, takes out a picture from the folds in her dress, throws it on the table getting mayonnaise in some suggestive areas of the picture*
I am a woman, lies are unbecoming of my kind, and I do not participate in such vices.
You should be ashed of yourself sir. Calling me a liar, after your tribe goes out of its way to perform heinous experiments on innocent people. At least the things the Legion does to people make them better, not mutated freaks! *stabs butter knife forcefully into the picture, barely missing the likeness of Arcade* You people are the very reason why technology needs to be eliminated!
Ambassador Crocker, you speak like a fool, you should know it behooves Caesar to have eyes everywhere...even after military defeat. Besides I'm more than happy as a woman of the Legion! I'm using all that I am to work, not only for Lord Caesar, but for my family and extended family. You outsiders all think that women in the Legion must be miserable, but you have no idea how the social structure of the Legion really works. I hear there's this dirty, profligate, scumbag you like to call "J.E. Sawyer" that runs around and spreads atrocious lies about the Legion. I wouldn't listen to a thing that sliver-tonged wastrel has to say.
If anything, the Legion's defeat at hoover dam is what has made things most difficult for us women. We've had to work twice as hard and try to learn some basic...what the Followers call "First-Aid" to treat wounded soldiers. Food rations have decreased, and the promise of a better life has been put on hold. Many loyal women were supposed to be married off to high ranking officers, but since every tenth man has been beaten to death as a result of the failure at Hoover Dam, there aren't enough men to go around. I don't need you to offer me a better life here, I need to be taught some basic medical sciences and I need the Followers representative to step forward and not show such interest in painted women!