The Tops Convention

Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:47 pm

Ambassador Andronicus: Enclave Remnants

If you are attempting to shock me with your lies it isn't working. Although it is quite amusing.

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion
*runs out of the kitchen with a butter knife covered in mayonnaise, takes out a picture from the folds in her dress, throws it on the table getting mayonnaise in some suggestive areas of the picture*

I am a woman, lies are unbecoming of my kind, and I do not participate in such vices.
You should be ashed of yourself sir. Calling me a liar, after your tribe goes out of its way to perform heinous experiments on innocent people. At least the things the Legion does to people make them better, not mutated freaks! *stabs butter knife forcefully into the picture, barely missing the likeness of Arcade* You people are the very reason why technology needs to be eliminated!

Ambassador Crocker, you speak like a fool, you should know it behooves Caesar to have eyes everywhere...even after military defeat. Besides I'm more than happy as a woman of the Legion! I'm using all that I am to work, not only for Lord Caesar, but for my family and extended family. You outsiders all think that women in the Legion must be miserable, but you have no idea how the social structure of the Legion really works. I hear there's this dirty, profligate, scumbag you like to call "J.E. Sawyer" that runs around and spreads atrocious lies about the Legion. I wouldn't listen to a thing that sliver-tonged wastrel has to say.

If anything, the Legion's defeat at hoover dam is what has made things most difficult for us women. We've had to work twice as hard and try to learn some basic...what the Followers call "First-Aid" to treat wounded soldiers. Food rations have decreased, and the promise of a better life has been put on hold. Many loyal women were supposed to be married off to high ranking officers, but since every tenth man has been beaten to death as a result of the failure at Hoover Dam, there aren't enough men to go around. I don't need you to offer me a better life here, I need to be taught some basic medical sciences and I need the Followers representative to step forward and not show such interest in painted women!
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:20 am

ooc- Hey Meghan J. E. doesn't really exist within the framework of these dicussions or within the universe in which they're talking about.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:35 pm

ooc- Hey Meghan J. E. doesn't really exist within the framework of these dicussions or within the universe in which they're talking about.

-ooc I thought it would be funny :P
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Assumptah George
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 9:35 pm

Question: Are the Followers of the Apocalypse taken?

If not, then I will represent them.

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Milad Hajipour
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:54 am

Question: Are the Followers of the Apocalypse taken?

If not, then I will represent them.


Yeah Daniels did.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:45 pm

Ambassador Lobotomite - The State of Utobitha

*Looks at each of the ambassadors with confusion and contempt

It seems there is no single person to give my terms to so I will state them to the group. The State of Utobitha wants all of the citizens of each faction here to know that entering our borders means death for humans and ghouls. We also want control of Quarry Junction to begin creating new buildings to make the State of Utobitha a true home for super mutants.

*Stares at Crocker
We are also taking the Two-Headed Bear's safehouse since you know longer have any need of it.
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Toby Green
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:17 am

I am a woman, lies are unbecoming of my kind, and I do not participate in such vices.
You should be ashed of yourself sir. Calling me a liar, after your tribe goes out of its way to perform heinous experiments on innocent people. At least the things the Legion does to people make them better, not mutated freaks! *stabs butter knife forcefully into the picture, barely missing the likeness of Arcade* You people are the very reason why technology needs to be eliminated!

Ambassador Androncius: Enclave Remnants

*briefly looks up from his meal at Fidelitas*


At least the things the Legion does to people make them better, not mutated freaks!

*glances at Fidelitas's tattered "dress"*

*chuckles ever so slightly*

Indeed, making people......better. Because slavery inevitably equates to a better person.

Now as for the pre-war government's Bio-Organic Weaponry experimentation, I can't speak for those who initiated those projects, but at the time, the government looked for any advantage that could be attained over the Chinese. Close-combat Bio-weaponry was one route heavily researched into.


Science can perhaps go too far occasionally, but turning your back completely on it in an attempt to revert humanity to some sort of stone-age existence is by no means an acceptable solution.

By all means though, continue to roll around in the dirt *motions at the westside delegate* like that fellow apparently does over there.

*takes a sip of ice-tea*

Of course that doesn't mean you can enter NCR terrority just as you wouldn't expect the NCR to enter your bases

*turns to Crocker*

Oh, believe me. I have no intention of ever going back there.

We also want control of Quarry Junction to begin creating new buildings to make the State of Utobitha a true home for super mutants.

Isn't that a Deathclaw nesting ground at the moment?

*begins cutting into his steak*

Good luck with that, mutant.
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Stephanie Nieves
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:06 pm

Ambassador Androncius: Enclave Remnants

Isn't that a Deathclaw nesting ground at the moment?

*begins cutting into his steak*

Good luck with that, mutant.

Ambassador Lobotomite - The State of Utobitha

*A deep rumble emanates from him that can only be associated with a chuckle

Haven't you heard lost one? The quarry has been cleared, how do you think many of the other ambassadors arrived here with limbs intact?
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Taylah Haines
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:31 pm

Ambassador Lobotomite - The State of Utobitha

*A deep rumble emanates from him that can only be associated with a chuckle

Haven't you heard lost one? The quarry has been cleared, how do you think many of the other ambassadors arrived here with limbs intact?

Ambassador Androncius: Enclave Remnants


I was only informed the I-15 had been secured, I assumed Quarry Junction was still under containment.

A pity really, it would have been an interesting struggle to watch.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:38 am

OOC: I'm gone for the night and miss two pages? ;-; BTW, Falloutbob, only the diplomats are in the presidential suite, the meeting is treated as a classified ordeal.

*Mieux taks another deep drink of his glass of wine*

Ah, Mr.King, you're forgetting, Mr. House is the big man over The King, NO NCR personnel or occupation in Vegas beyond their embassy. That said, we're making plans to extend work into Freeside, financially speaking. At any rate, Mr. Crocker, the treaty YOUR people signed declares that NCR has agreed to the terms of that treaty, making it legally binding, and politically speaking, this would make NCR untrustable were we to spread the word that NCR goes back on it's agreements. Mr. Lobotomite, your terms are denied. Your people are restricted to Black Mountain as a nation, and you are permitted to escort trespassers from your borders, but ultimately you must not attack anyone travelling the I-15 through Sloan. As for Quarry Junction, that is denied because we have a lucrative contract with NCR to discuss mining terms. Which brings to mind, Ambassador Crocker, we at New Vegas have decided we will send Protectrons to help you within New Vegas borders to reintroduce the rail lines here. The Protectrons work in an orderly and slow fasion, but I think their uniformity and obedience makes up for the assurity of them not staging a Coup like NCRCF did. In return, all we ask is A. NCR establishes a rail line to New Vegas, the station in Freeside will be run by Freesiders so they me introduce money into the economy, thus stimulating jobs. In Return, travellers to The Strip from NCR lands have assured travel. NCR charges a fee for the ride, half for the ride to Vegas borders, and we recieve the other half. In addition, Mr. House is willing to have US handle the caravan families of NCR here. This is something that I KNOW NCR will appreciate dearly.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 1:03 am

Joshua - Ambassador of Jacobstown

* Shifts attention to Crocker *

Indeed human, it is good, less tough than Bighorner for sure. As much as I personally dislike NCR, * displaying his scars*, Marcus sees fit to make Amnesty with you, don't send any more mercs. The mutants raiding your caravans? That's almost assuredly due to Tabitha. The human you speak of is Doctor Henry, he is researching a topic of interest to the Nightkin, his medical expertise is well-appreciated.

We would like to secure trade with humans in the Vegas area, we are aware our presence may be uncomfortable for some, so your caravans will have to come to us. We can trade large quantities of Bighorner horns, hide and meat. We took it upon ourselves to flush the Nightstalkers out of a nearby cave, so we also have Nightstalkers blood and tails.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:02 pm

Ambassador Crocker -NCR

Ambassador Graff you came just in time! I was just concluding an aid agreement with The Kings. I'm sure that you'll find with cheaper food available from the NCR sharecroppers and free aid for the citizens of Freeside that your business will improve. Further more of your criers will stay alive. But Ambassador Graff I have another matter of business to ask of you. The NCR military has requested your assistance in the acquisition of a large number of energy weapons. We require about 100 hundred plasma rifles and 100 microfusion cells per rifle for 1000 caps each. I'm sure you'll find this is the largest weapons shipment you've done for a while and that it will more than compensate for your lower amounts of business due to Freesides current lawlessness. If you accept this deal I'm sure you'll find the NCR and it's citizens are willing to be your most loyal customers yet.

Robin Van Graff - Van Graff family

That's ambassador Van Graff to you. Well, well, the NCR wants to finally get hold of some superior firepower at last? I guess those toy Service Rifles just don't make the grade anymore.

Quite frankly, your offer falls well short of our valuation of the items requested. Even buying wholesale, the discounted rifles are worth significantly more. The Legion offered us almost double what you are offering.

Let me propose another option - by using some of my men to police Freeside, free of charge naturally, we could dramatically reduce the crime in the area. It would allow traders and gamblers safe passage to and from the Strip. For this significant investment on our part, of both our resources and goodwill, we would request permission to expand our enterprise in the Mojave region without punitive taxation and restrictive bureaucracy, which somehow the Gun Runners do not suffer from. As an example, many buildings are going spare at Boulder City and Aerotech Offices....we could make good use of them.

*turns attention towards Van Graff emissary and chuckles*

It seems as if Freeside is well represented as is, doll. I don't see how the Van Graffs even factor into any discussion concerning the future of the Mojave.

*shrugs and turns attention back to Ambassador Crocker*

I shall present your offer to the Big Man. But NCR soldiers in Freeside? That doesn't seem likely. The Kings run Freeside. Remember that.

*Looks sternly at Ambassador Elvis*

The Van Graffs are the biggest supplier of energy weapons in the Mojave. By a simple business contract we can supply any faction with enough firepower to upset the balance significantly.

You will do well to remind your leader of this. And get a haircut while you're at it.

In return, all we ask is A. NCR establishes a rail line to New Vegas, the station in Freeside will be run by Freesiders so they me introduce money into the economy, thus stimulating jobs. In Return, travellers to The Strip from NCR lands have assured travel. NCR charges a fee for the ride, half for the ride to Vegas borders, and we recieve the other half. In addition, Mr. House is willing to have US handle the caravan families of NCR here. This is something that I KNOW NCR will appreciate dearly.

Ambassador Mieux, as a fellow businessman I welcome your efforts to improve transport connections to Freeside. As things stand, the only ways in are on foot, via the east and north gates. Any potential wealthy clients entering via these gates are often put off by violence and lack of safe passage to The Strip. Of course, the wealthiest clients of all sometimes get to use the exclusive NCR Monorail, bypassing Freeside entirely, but I guess that is just one of the perks of being friends with the NCR. And having money.

The attacks on caravans are indeed unfortunate. It saddens me that kind of thing is still going on. Truly, it does. If I can be of any use in providing any extra caravan protection, for a small fee of course, then by all means let me know.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:08 am

(OOC: Since this is playing with my courier's actions, I should have brought in the Van Graff situation in the OP too, crap)

Ambassador Mieux- New Vegas

Thank you for the assessment Mr. Van Graff. I'm sorry for the trade issues you and Crimson Caravan are going through in lieu of the issue Gloria and the CC were doing. While I can hope you weren't involved, it's best for all of us we don't know the answer to that. At any rate, I wish to make it clear if you supply anyone, it is only individual clients, and as the Kings are given respect, you are given feared respect, I'd say you two and the Followers share important positions in Freeside. As for the Silver Rush, Mr. House sees that you all are capable of supporting yourselves, as such, he has no interest in putting money in your branch in Vegas, er, no offense meant sir. But, I'd like to remind you, Mr. House is VERY set on restoring and maintaining order in the region, if the Van Graffs consider helping a faction that could damage the Vegas region of the Mojave's balance, Mr. House might send in the Mk ll Securitrons as punishment. For ALL of our sakes, it's best your people stick to business, not politics.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 8:24 pm

Words are wind, Mr Mieux, but I shall offer my thanks regardless. The Kings are more than ready for some work, I assure you. However, if it is the King's wish to allow some refugees into our slums in exchange for some much needed food, so be it.

Hell, we'll even retitle the refugees as "Freesiders". Then I'm sure the Old Man will have no reason to object.

*takes a gulp of the whiskey*

Crocker, will this suffice? Your refugees will strip, publicly at least, any ties they have with the NCR and declare themselves citizens of Freeside? You should know the Kings look after their own. That means it's still a no-no on the soldier-boys. We don't need em', and if anything they will only bring more hardship and isolation to the refugees. And, if you'll recall, it was the soldiers who started the troubles in Freeside.

* finishes the glass and places it on the table*

I do not doubt the importance of the Van Graffs... in Freeside anyway. They brought us business and tourists and caps. I would point out that the NCR have opened an investigation into your leaders however. Raiding across the Mojave was it? For shame.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 8:04 am

I'll take the Great Khans if they will be added, if not than Freeside for me.

Can I come up with a character to use as the spokes person?
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Allison C
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 2:18 am

Robin Van Graff - Van Graff family

That's ambassador Van Graff to you. Well, well, the NCR wants to finally get hold of some superior firepower at last? I guess those toy Service Rifles just don't make the grade anymore.

Quite frankly, your offer falls well short of our valuation of the items requested. Even buying wholesale, the discounted rifles are worth significantly more. The Legion offered us almost double what you are offering.

The attacks on caravans are indeed unfortunate. It saddens me that kind of thing is still going on. Truly, it does. If I can be of any use in providing any extra caravan protection, for a small fee of course, then by all means let me know.

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion

Regardless of what the NCR offers you, we can always double it. *sips on Brahmin milk* And our money has actual backing, not just a bunch of useless bottle caps, but real gold. My male counter parts toil long hours to achieve a currency of worth. Our roads are safe, and while I know you can handle yourselves, there is virtually no competition in the weapons department in the Legion...why, you could have a full blown monopoly over a war-like people! The only profession in the Legion is that of a warrior. Not only would you rake in the currency, but you'd have Caesar's favor as well. Why would you look to the NCR when you can supply the Legion?

Ambassador Androncius: Enclave Remnants

*briefly looks up from his meal at Fidelitas*


*glances at Fidelitas's tattered "dress"*

*chuckles ever so slightly*

Indeed, making people......better. Because slavery inevitably equates to a better person.

To enslave them is to save them, to give them purpose and virtue. And it looks like you could use a little purpose and virtue Mr. Andronicus

-OOC umm what is going on with the Khans in this play? if the Legion fails at the dam, but the Khans side with the Legion, does the Legion reject them for being losers or do they still try to assimilate the Khans. I would think the Legion needs as many bodies as possible, which means that Sebor, would just be an auxiliary representative for the Legion. Martyr, this is your courier, what do you think?
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Hairul Hafis
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:10 pm

I'll take the Great Khans if they will be added, if not than Freeside for me.

Can I come up with a character to use as the spokes person?

Would the Kings not count as Freeside? I mean, in the game there is no actual rep bar for the Kings, just Freeside. And the icon for said faction is a picture of a King.
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 3:25 am

Would the Kings not count as Freeside? I mean, in the game there is no actual rep bar for the Kings, just Freeside. And the icon for said faction is a picture of a King.

Well there is a seperate option for Freeside in the OP.

I would think that they are seperate factions but are closely related.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 4:04 am

Madam Ambassador Fidelitas- Representative for the Legion
-OOC umm what is going on with the Khans in this play? if the Legion fails at the dam, but the Khans side with the Legion, does the Legion reject them for being losers or do they still try to assimilate the Khans. I would think the Legion needs as many bodies as possible, which means that Sebor, would just be an auxiliary representative for the Legion. Martyr, this is your courier, what do you think?

The OP states that they seperated themselves from the Legion and then went north into Wyoming.

If they have not built and empire yet I would like to represent Freeside.
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 7:11 pm

NCR got taken quick but I could represent the Boomers.
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 11:47 pm

I'll take the Great Khans if they will be added, if not than Freeside for me.

Can I come up with a character to use as the spokes person?

Great Khans broke their tie with the Legion and went north because of the Courier. As for Freeside, I might remove that since Freeside is more or less a threeway power wire between Kings, Van Graffs, and FotA.

@Meghan, since the slide says they make an empire in Wyoming, I imagine it's unoccupied up there. But for this RP's sake, there are no Khans, I need to remove Freeside as a powerslider. Edit: The idea of the Legion suddenly using high tech laser and plasma rifles is a little farfetched dont you think.

@Flame- Sure. I'll update the OP list in a second.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 5:51 pm

Great Khans broke their tie with the Legion and went north because of the Courier. As for Freeside, I might remove that since Freeside is more or less a threeway power wire between Kings, Van Graffs, and FotA.

@Meghan, since the slide says they make an empire in Wyoming, I imagine it's unoccupied up there. But for this RP's sake, there are no Khans, I need to remove Freeside as a powerslider.

@Flame- Sure. I'll update the OP list in a second.

Perhaps House or the Courier appointed a handful of people to rebuild Freeside (maybe they could be called the Freeside Rebuilding Effort) and the ambassador of that group's job is to keep all of the powers in check so Freeside can be at its best.
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Killah Bee
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 9:25 am

Perhaps House or the Courier appointed a handful of people to rebuild Freeside (maybe they could be called the Freeside Rebuilding Effort) and the ambassador of that group's job is to keep all of the powers in check so Freeside can be at its best.

Wouldn't that be the Kings again? Not trying to simply push my faction, but that is essentially the King's goal.
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:32 am

Wouldn't that be the Kings again? Not trying to simply push my faction, but that is essentially the King's goal.

Not really, the Kings (like the Follower's of the Apocalypse and the Van Graffs) want total control of Freeside.

This faction would want to balance those powers.
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Mason Nevitt
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Post » Fri Dec 16, 2011 7:17 am

Wouldn't that be the Kings again? Not trying to simply push my faction, but that is essentially the King's goal.

Way I see it in terms of power structure, Kings are the everymans faction, VG's arent respected, they just have the muscle to do what they will, and FotA are the charity organization.
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