... there are many many lines of dialogue but when you walk by the same person 400 times you are bound to hear the dialogue again.
Well, sure, but you'd think the people testing it would have figured out how annoying it is.
I think it's just the sheer frequency of it. Imagine walking down the street in your home town and everyone you pass stops to make the same inane comment.
"Whatever you need........" Seriously, you don't have to say that EVERY time I talk to you Alvor! I'd be okay if he repeated any other phrase. Whatever I need? Why don't you give me some Daedra Hearts? That's what I need. "Some may call this junk. Me, I call them treasures." That phrase is overused. Like 75% of merchants say this. This phrase is not annoying, its just repetitive.
There were many funny moments chatting with NPCs. Two I can remember are talking to a farmer that travels to Solitude (to join Empire) by the signpost pointing to Solitude in an opposite direction. Or a Riverwood guard killing a thief than asking me "What is it? A dragon?"
Walking through Winterhold, a Nord woman walked by me and all she did was nod and say "Aye",... Gods, if only everyone did this once you finished whatever quest or story line that involved their expanded greetings.
Yes. Skyrim's NPCs are annoying as HELL. But it doesn't stop from playing. Still can't imagine how good the game will be when the modders get their hands on CK.
Also I hate when i hear some long greeting from an NPC, and when I start the dialogue, he starts all over again! They do that A LOT.
Come to Dragonsreach to discuss the ongoing hostilities... like... the rest of the great warriors? .... Come to Dragonsreach to discuss the ongoing hostilities... like... the rest of the great warriors? .... Come to Dra-
What about standing and talking to someone about a quest, and 20 NPC's (15 guards, and 5 other randoms) ALL telling you different garbage about something you dont want to know about and in the end you missed everything the quest giver said..
^ This happens alot. Extremely annoying. STFUALREADY!!