Haha check out one of the comments:
"Why would you kill me?? I was only asking a question."
by: Nazeem38
Ohmigod... Are you saying he has... a fan? Where is this world going to? :facepalm:
Another comment I've began to hate is that from Narri, a maid in Falkreath. With the most over-the-top Russian accent I've encountered so far in the game, which is saying a lot: "Shor's Bones! A handsome man in Falkreath!" Alright, ALRIGHT, I heard it around the 27th time you said it! Besides, I don't think I'm your type - at least the guards are more like saying "I recognize the Thieves Guild armor when I see it - you're not fooling anyone", "Psst, I know who you are. Hail Sithis!" or most of all, "What is it, lizard?".

Narri also means 'jester' or 'fool' in Finnish, which isn't helping much. At all. :I
One place I've learned to hate is The Bee and Barb inn in Riften. First there's Sapphire with her arms crossed standing in the corner. "I don't have any business with you, so get out of my feisssss" x 5. Then Marcurio spends literally ALL his time there, telling just how perfect a wizard and hired gun he is. (No-one listens, though; he sits on his own.) Then all the Black-Briar scum - is it Maven's spouse who looks more like a jester than a man of a crimelord? - and especially the two Nords having lengthy drunk discussions about how everything's bad now and how Ulfric is the greatest man ever lived! >< Oh, and those fellow Argonians who actually keep the bar are mad at me because I had to
Spoiler charge them for the Thieves Guild. This goes on even now that I've given three flawless amethysts to the man for his wedding ring... *sigh*

So I freaking hate the place already.