Khajiit outside WhiterunMe: Lets trade.Khajiit: Take a look (and he makes this
Yes, I've noticed this too! Absolutely love that guy! And I bet he has a lot of customers only because of his adorable kitten face! :3333...Anyway... It's strange how many guards were once adventurers like you or me. Then they got arrow to their knee...No-one still beats those Whiterun people. Nazeem with his cloud district comment... Once, at night, after playing too much Skyrim, I actually watched about ten times and laughed hysterically... :INot to speak of that godcensored Heimskr with his Talos ecstacy! GAAAAAAAARGH! >____<
Love the cat face, and the arrow in the knee story!

DooooOOOOooooo CoooOOOOooome back!Not if you're going to be creepy, dude!
Everytime I leave his shop I'm thinking that I'll never go back to that sarcastic bum, but whenever I need to sell some pricey potions after the hag next door ran out of money he is the man for the job.

Oh and I have heard so many of the comments that you guys in this thread typed and I have heard them so many times that I even can correct them, even if it is with only a small word.. Fml. :spotted owl:
From time to time one gets so mad at some characters that you wish you could throw them in a well. But that is something I'm going to do the second time around when I start my other character. He is going to be in the dark brotherhood, killing annoying people without contracts or coins.
Among the first to fall:
Every Npc that switches between voice actors between lines or sound too much out of character. *looks at certain elves in the Bards collage* :violin:
Whiteruns court wizard - " the rest of the
great warriors." :swear:
About every shop keeper in Whiterun, for various reasons. :banghead:
Any Nord character that sounds too full of himself or sounds like he is trying to swallow his own beard while talking to me. :flame:
Last but not least I will take the Executioners Hood from the Dark Brotherhood quest line, reverse pickpocket it into Sven's inventory and then make him follow me to the Throat of the World where I will mercilessly beat him to a bloody pulp with my war hammer. Why? Not because I hate his guts, but to set an example to the rest of the asshats around Skyrim to back the
Talos off! :chaos: