The Trade System

Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 10:39 am

I'm wondering how people here think that the system of selling and trading will work? Personally, I think that the value of things is based on certain valuable items, Scrap Metal, Ammunition, Fuel (if there are vehicles) and food. This effects the pricing of all items, depending how much stock certain shops have. Here's an example:

There is Town A and Town B.
Town A is situated a Real-Life 40 minute trip by foot from Town B.
You are in Town A.
In Town B a person who has raided an old military base finds a large collection of (Insert weapon) Ammunition. They sell it to a shop in Town B.
In Town A you have a standard ammunition amounts in a shop there.
Because of the excessive amount of ammunition in Town B, it is cheaper there. (20 bullets = 15 caps in Town A, 20 bullets = 7 caps in Town B currently.)
So this motivates players to take long trips across the wasteland or do difficult tasks to gain access or buy fuel to drive a car etc, to get to Town B instead of Town A. This makes the game longer, it promotes exploration and adventuring and keeping equipment in good condition, making people spend more time on it.

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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:50 am

I'd prefer a player driven economy.

player A has a chemistry set and can make gunpowder.

player B has a a pocket tin press and can make casings.

player C has a reloader kit.

players A and B sell their materials to player C who then sells the completed rounds to other players. hay, "OC" ..... i got something for ya right here! _|_ (^.^) _|_

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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:45 am

My concept is player driven.... Yes, you can create ammo and sell it, but apart from that a player found the ammo in the base and altered the price in Town B.
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Post » Wed Dec 01, 2010 11:13 pm

That doesn't sound like a very plausible scenario in an MMO setting, considering the sheer scale of things when there can be hundreds or even thousands of players on a same server. Single person couldn't/shouldn't be able to gain access to such a valuable resource (surely it would be heavily guarded?) or even move it from the base to the town.

Also, would it be a one-time find or a respawnable resource? One-time find I honestly can't see happening at all, and as respawnable only if there were multiple such sources in the game and controlling them would be part of the competition between clans/guilds.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 4:43 am

@OP nothing wrong with your system. It does work. The impact however is of smaller scale. Part of what is overlooked is travel time. Games like WoW is spoiling in regards to travel. Games like Eve however are another story. Your entire concept though requires great distances and actual travel time to mean somehting. Rather than spending 6 minutes to travel around the world.
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Post » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:04 am

Auction houses need to be implement in the game for a smoth trading and a good economy.Some sandbox games (Darkfall) dont have the auction and the trade is a fking big mess with spaming chats and greifers who kill traders when they wana make a deal.In all ways im for more hardcoe features but when is about trade i want to put my items on auctions and be able to buy something when i need it and fast ,if i have the money. Image

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Post » Wed Dec 01, 2010 9:23 pm


If it could work like that I think it would probably be a good thing. I do like the idea of regional prices, which can also give incentives to play a trader and go around buying cheap and selling high. It also means you would be carrying lots of goods and might need protection, which could get guards involved to protect against raiders or even other players. If it worked it would certainly be an interesting dynamic.

One time find would mean it would be impossible for new players to join in, and could ruin the game for certain playstyles. Seeming as there are (hopefully) many players a respawnable system is obviously the only way to go.

I'm just worried how the respawning will be sorted out. If you can keep bringing things into the game world you need a way to send them out. Expendable items are easy enough, but you would have to figure out what rate items leave to set a rate of when items enter. Components could be very tricky to handle in that case. A massive thank you to EA for:
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