our story starts in the dank dark prison cell i hear a noise a slight tap tap tap... but where is it comming from. then i hear "OI REGINALD YOU THERE?" its my best friend of 12 years at the door.. i jump to my feet and unlock it' i didnt really feel like hanging out with him today so i quickly whisked him out the door and went back to my game. just like every other time that i played the game uriel septum was at the game coming into my prison cell i knew exactly what was going on and went through the tutorial like starting part. im scared of water so entering the lake was troubling however i faced my fear and dipped my toe in followed by my leg then atlast the rest of my body the water was cold as hard as it was i managed to swim the the opposite bank i got bugged in a rock and had to spam the "y" key to unstuck... i noticed before me an enormous intimidating broken building i rememberd these from stories my mum used to tell. then out of the ruins shouting and warcries i had no choice but to prepare for battle then from around a corner came a half man half beast weilding the biggest hammer i had ever seen he ran towards me.. palms sweating i hit the "X" button to draw my shortsword he held his hammer high.. expecting an attack i held the left trigger to parry his attack.. then remembering that i hadnt selected bloack as a major atribute but to late his hammer struck me with a mighty force.... i looked at my healthbar and damn it was low i slammed my thumb down onto the left dpad witch is what i had heal minor wounds bound to than a quick bludgeoning if the left bumper later then my health was of ample condition... now its my turn i held down the right trigger while moving farward to do a lunge it hit him and i think it should have killed him. i paused the game and turned the dificulty down so that it was more realistic and people would die from an obviously fatal wound
stay tuned for chapter 2:the venture into the ruins