The poor TES character system, once innovative, deep, and brilliant, has been tweaked and dumbed down from 36 skills in Daggerfall, allowing you creating any character you want, with specific advantages and disadvantages, to 27 somewhat plain skills in Morrowind, to 21 skills in Oblivion: 7 in each group (the immortal Fighter, Mage, Thief builds), 3 skills per attribute. As you all know, some skills have been merged - one Blade skill for all bladed weapons, one Blunt skill for all non-bladed weapons, some skills have been dropped, some concepts have been changed - enchanting is no longer a skill, but a service, staffs are "rocket launchers" and can't be used as melee weapons, crossbows are gone again, etc. - An excerpt from the rpgcodex review of the game, that for some reason the butthurt idiots at Bethesda won't let me post the link to.