Talking solely about who Tiber Septim was, before he was an aspect of Talos, Haggar is right: we can come to no solid conclusions. He may have been a Breton or Nord from High Rock, or an Atmoran.
Talking solely about who Tiber Septim was, before he was an aspect of Talos, Haggar is right: we can come to no solid conclusions. He may have been a Breton or Nord from High Rock, or an Atmoran.
Well said.
Shouldn't this be in the Lore Forum?
The overall topic probably should have been, as the question of Talos's divinity is far deeper and broader than game-related Skyrim discussion alone can broach.
I don't think "barbaric" suits Septim. The whole cutthroat nature seen in the Arcturian Heresy brings to mind the political powergames of the Bretons rather than Nordic "ME SMASH SKULL".
TalOS was a CHIMMER who played TES 0 - Numidium, where he played as "Dragonborn" with multiple alternate characters. All ranging from different races and fighting style. The only thing consistent was that he constantly played as a male. He simply could not role-play a female character.
Mdnvrthst, have to say well done.
There are arguments against Talos worship, pointing out that he is not a God. One individual on an Elder Scrolls Lore site, whose name escapes me, made some rather impressive points, yet there is still strong contradicting evidence.
I've taken the position that a Ninth Aedra exists. Whether or not one wishes to worship said deity should be a choice. The High Elves certainly don't owe anything to Tiber Septim, who crushed their lands with the Numidium. Lorkhan the trickster, who robbed elves of immortality? Shor, the Nordic god that encourages slaughter of mer? Yeah, I don't think so.
If I am understanding their theological position correctly, the Thalmor, at the very least, wish to ban Talos worship because this Ninth Aedra is a deity arrayed against them. If Michael Kirkbrides word is to be taken as canon, they also wish to erase Talos, along with Man, and the very idea of man to unravel the universe and re-attain immortality.
The Thalmor are justified in not wanting to worship Talos. The flawed 'defensive imperialism' in the heart of their plans is dangerous to Tamriel's stability, but at least it can be explained and defended. But erasing existence? No thanks.
To add to what was said earlier about Atmora, in 1E 143 Harald consolidated Skyrim into a unified kingdom and ',_Conquest.' In 1E 480, Skyrim was ruled by So, to say it was depopulated by 1E 98 is simply wrong.
The Atmoran 'Talos' is Ysmir Wulfharth, an undead Atmoran Dragonborn king who came into conflict with Hjalti Early-Beard/Tiber Septim.
The lorumites know more about it.