Better idea than toggling anything:
The compass is a part of the UI that requires your character to have a compass at all times to use. Ones can be purchased in one shop in every settlement with a store.
Compasses come in a variety of visual styles, as well as ones that are more or less enchanted. Note that while the most basic compasses all cost the same, Nice looking compasses are much, much cheaper if unenchanted. As far as enchantments go, every combination of features should be available, and with multiple strengths. However, these ramp much, much more quickly in price than an unenchanted compass. Don't want quest markers? buy one without that enchantment. Want a longer icon range for discovered locations? Well, that's not much of an issue: buy the long-range enchantment version.
This way, everyone gets what they want for themselves AS A CHOICE. There's no need for people to insist everyone play without a compass and with no quest markers. You elect not to buy a compass. Want limited detection ranges for undiscovered locations? Don't buy the ones enchanted with long range on that aspect. Want all the PoI features, but no quest markers? That can be available, too. The more your compass does, the more the cost ramps up compared to the "style points". Want it all? People will look at your compass and laugh for a really long time. Want only the directional indicator and tons of style? It's still not cheap, but you won't be saving for a new compass for 15 levels, either.