i - sneaking
ii - max bow damage
iii - max melee weapon damage
iv - max armor rating
v - max magic resistance rating
vi - powerful healing potions at wtf moment
i - sneaking
ii - max bow damage
iii - max melee weapon damage
iv - max armor rating
v - max magic resistance rating
vi - powerful healing potions at wtf moment
So... that's your strategy?
... max everything?
Isn't that blatantly obvious?
I'd go with Conjuration and Illusion, Restoration and Alchemy. All maxed out of course. Not that you really need the last two.
Well, Skyrim is a pretty easy game, so you don't need to max out everything in order to survive.
As long as you have upgraded gear and your skills fit your build, then you're going to be ok.
The best way to survive in Skyrim is to side with the stormcloaks, go to the sister's house and NEVER leave.
I have reach that conclusion in my first post, it is the ultimate the best of the best way to survive in Skyrim. Other ways are not the best
If you have trouble surviving in Skyrim, something is wrong.
It's mighty hard to pick a choice between two options in certain parts of the game.
Anything beyond linear is too difficult.
Get a strong follower to do the dirty work for you that the ultimate way or use god mode.
Or play it on novice. Same thing and it takes you 5 seconds to do it.
well, that's just like,
your opinion, man.
How do you come to that?
Surviving comes down to killing the enemy before he kills you. That is... dealing damage without taking damage.
There are a number of ways to do that and just by using Conjuration and Illusion alone will allow this.
No Sneaking
No Bow
No Sword
No Shield
No Armor
No Resistances
No Potions
No Chicken Sandwiches
No Underwear
No Hall and Oats records
No KY Jelly
...no kidding
Yeah, one or two...now my character one hit kill everyone except giants, dragons and bosses.
My character is like a god now, she can stand doing nothing when normal enemy attack physical or magic without any damage dealt on her
I play on Adept
How to survive in Skyrim; The true ultimate way
Step 1: Stockpile vegetable soup.
Step 2: Run away from every enemy. Consume vegetable soup to keep your stamina up.
Step 3: ????
Step 4: Profit.
Because Skyrim is easy it's unwise to play it simply as a game. It becomes way too boring really quickly if you view it as just a game. That's where RP comes in! RP is what makes TES really fun!
Early on i have to be really carefully sneaking around and using healing potions, but now those potions are just lists of junks in my inventory. No need healing spell either, no need magic and summons...and no need to sneak any longer just breach into any ruins and kill everything
Ahh, http://s471.photobucket.com/user/BiggieW/media/SKOOMA.png.html.
To master RP you have to become the character you're playing. Imagine you're actually him or her, that you're actually there. I'm very good at that. As a result I get tons and tons more enjoyment out of the "game" than I would if I was just playing it as a simple video game.
Sorry, my fellow player. That is not entirely true for everyone. I don't see the character as an extension of myself. I play as the character is their own entity with their own personality. I am just along for the ride as a... "spiritual advisor" if you will.
The key to RPing, for me... is to have the characters actions reflect their personality. Before you make any movement in a given direction you ask yourself... "What would they do?"
Then there's the element of previous knowledge. Just because you know the Bow of Stressful Woe is in the Dankly Strewn Grotto, doesn't mean your character does. If they have no logical reason offer by the game... then don't go there.
Every character I create is centered around their uniqueness not something I try to act with but interact with.