UG2 (as I call it) is VERY fussy about changes to your load list in the middle of a game. With any change to your load list, you run the risk of missing doors, doubling, and things like you describe above arising from missing dialogue updates and misfiring scripts. With a fresh version of UG2, it's best to start a fresh game. With this latest version, I teleported away from Johnny/Synda several times, and talking to the bartender worked. Johnny/Synda always popped into The Underground within a few seconds and started following me.
That might be the cause Synda wouldn't show up at the bar, as it worked in the beginning when she wouldn't teleport with me. I might have screwed up my load list when i started to try to fix things myself. I just thought that Wrye Mash would ensure stuff like that wouldn't happen. Anways on to the script. I have it in a seperate .esp but i really don't think its a good idea to share cause i haven't cleaned it or anything as i have no idea how to do that, so instead i will post the code.
Script to spawn Synda with a ring (base structure of the ring taken from "All stronghold non-equipping transport ring" mod) :
Begin AND_SpawnSynda
short button
short messageOn
short OnPcEquip
short PCSkipEquip
short Active
if ( OnPCEquip == 0)
set Active to 0
if ( OnPCEquip == 1)
set Active to 1
set PCSkipEquip to 1
if ( Active == 1)
Set OnPCEquip to 0
MessageBox "What do you want to do?" "Placeholder" "Spawn Synda" "Nevermind"
set messageON to 1
if ( messageOn == 1)
set button to GetButtonPressed
if (button == 0)
playsound, "mysticism hit"
set messageOn to 0
Player->AddItem "Gold_001", 1
Player->RemoveItem "Gold_001", 1
if (button == 1)
playsound, "mysticism hit"
PlaceAtPC, AASynda_Rains 1 120 0
AddTopic -Equip
set messageOn to 0
Player->AddItem "Gold_001", 1
Player->RemoveItem "Gold_001", 1
End AND_SpawnSynda
Then the dialogue option to give Synda her end-game gear and remove her starting gear and to set her disposition back to max (i named the option "-Equip". Speaker condition should be "AASynda_Rains"):
SetDisposition 1000
RemoveItem Q_blkThighBoots, 1
RemoveItem QshortsTop01, 1
RemoveItem "daedric dai-katana", 1
AddItem, Q_Sting, 1
AddItem, Qfishnets, 1
AddItem, Q_red_stockingsB, 1
AddItem, "Q_shiny Black Boots2", 1
AddItem, Q_shiny_black_miniskirt2, 1
AddItem, Q_syn_corset, 1
All dialogue i have had with Synda seems to be saved even when i spawn a new one, but Companion Share is not enabled when spawning a new Synda. To fix this add the line "Set Compaion to 1" right after the initializing of the script SCUGSyndaA. It should look like this:
Float coDist2
Float playz
Float h_Check
Set Companion to 1
Set counter To ( counter + 1 )
It might be possible to add the following line of code after the AddTopic command in the spawning script so you don't have to change the original script but i haven't tested it myself :
Set AASynda_Rains.Companion to 1 (source : Morrowind Scripting for Dummies v9.0 page 29)
As i said, not sure if that work because Synda is no longer "unique" which i think the command requires, so i have just turned Companion Share on inside the script it self (see above). Also because she isn't unique anymore i can't give Synda her gear directly from the spawning script so i had to make it a dialogue option.
Also tried to make the ring-script disable and delete any former Syndas in my game, but that seemed to either cause CTD or not working (probably because she wasen't unique), so should i run into any Syndas in my game(i haven't yet) i would open the console, click on them and type:
SetDelete, 1
Think thats about it, but as i said if you need to know anything else or want me to test out something, feel free to write it in here, i will bookmark the thread and check it from time to time.