And now there is Skyrim.
Two-handed weapon and magic? No, don't be absurd. One-handed weapon and magic? I hope you didn't have any plans about defending yourself in any way. By the incredibly simple and probably unintended expedient of binding spells to a hand slot and removing the dedicated "use magic" key, gamesas has basically murdered the playability of their own canonical and unique character classes. It isn't really practical to mix magic and anything else now because for two-handed weapon it's just too slow to switch, and for one-handed weapons you somehow lose any ability to parry while mesmerized by the flames in your other hand; .... and your enemies are not at all fazed by being set on fire and will not pause in their ongoing effort to hack you to bits. I think it's pretty clear that nobody testing this game was actually using the mouse and keyboard given how many outright bugs there are in the UI, but did nobody over there ever play sword+sorcery in Oblivion and realize that the next game would completely murder it?
They are probably so heavily invested into what they have that putting back in the "use magic" key would conflict with all kinds of animation and control things, and wold not be easy to fix. I would love for them to fix this, but I doubt it will happen. I just think it's important that we acknowledge that the removal of the "use magic" key was a mistake, and needs to come back for the next game. It was a step forward in TES4, and its absence is a step back in TES5. Such great gameplay brought low by a simple oversight in the UI.