has just been updated to v1.6.4 on TESNexus. Mirrors will be updated shortly.
This release allows for the cliffs to be VWD, so that there will no longer be trees and statues seen from afar to be floating above the ground. You will still need to use TES4LODGen to generate your DistantLOD data (which makes VWD objects actually Visible When Distant).
Also, 1120 rocks which were buried underground (so out of sight) have been disabled, which might help with FPS for anyone suffering along the Coast.
14 obsolete cells have been removed from the mod along the edges, which might help reduce the chances of conflicting with other mods. Possibly. The cell grid maps have been updated, removing these cells.
This update to The Lost Coast required that I update two of my compatibility patches, so my patches for (aka '300 Akaviri') and have also been updated. These were two of my oldest patches and were a little dirty, so they've now been cleaned, with deleted objects switched to disabled (which reduces the chance of CTDs on exiting the game).
Also of note:
My patch for and has been updated, resolving the new land tears which were created with the last version-update of Bravil Barrowfields.
My patch for and has been updated, resolving the land tears and floating/buried objects which I had clearly missed in the previous version. I've also included a tiny patch for Hoarfrost Castle and, but if you use the patch for Lush Woodlands it already has this compatibility included so you don't need to use both ESPs.
A new patch is available now for and, resolving the buried entrance to a quest-related location (and a tree blocking the door).
Still some problems with
Affects **008258 and **008259 in cell 27, -40. Only other mod that affects that cell is the UOP.
Thanks for spotting those