The Unique Landscapes Project

Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:43 pm

It says it is compatible with Unique Landscapes, so that means it can use your name, right?

I know that is ONE of the UL team rules for their mods (compatibility with one another) but that doesn't automatically make a mod a part of the project. And if David Brasher (who does do some good work) didn't seek permission to use the name, already taken for such a major long running project as this, it is at the very least a serious bit if cheek!

EDIT: From the looks of it, even if it was a part of this project I think it would be the only one I have no real interest in installing. Doesn't seem to fit right.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 3:41 pm

No more comments relating to this please :)
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:55 pm

Really looking forward to Snowdale! :D

Gonna test it the minute it gets out! (Be ready for a sweep report :) )
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jeremey wisor
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:52 pm

Snowdale does sound fantastic, yes. :)

I wonder how many patches I will need for that, then... ;)
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jessica breen
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:57 pm

I got some (what I presumed to be) overlapping objects from different mods east of Cheydinhal like this just east of Cheydinhal and Tamriel Traveler's also near Cheydinhal east gate. I did use Cheydinhal Falls and Open Cities Full (with patch already installed), and Tamriel Travelers. Do I miss something?
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TOYA toys
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:20 am

I got some (what I presumed to be) overlapping objects from different mods east of Cheydinhal like this just east of Cheydinhal and Tamriel Traveler's also near Cheydinhal east gate. I did use Cheydinhal Falls and Open Cities Full (with patch already installed), and Tamriel Travelers. Do I miss something?

Nope, Travellers has not been updated in a Long Time for all the New UL mods..On my list to fix once again..
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:17 am

Whenever people bump this thread I get all excited-like for Snowdale. You guys are making me jumpy! :P
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:28 am

Ah yes, Snowdale. Soon :P
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:10 pm

I noticed some floating rocks in the Skingrad Outskirts area. They were over the ridge that is due east of the eastern exit...the one that is further north. Anyone else have that problem?
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:53 pm

Any advice on merging all the UL with TES4Gecko?

Any reasons it should not be recommended?

TES4Gecko has to modify some editorIDs to make it successfully merge. (

Also, what's the best method to take out the dependencies of xulPatch_AY_AC.esp from getting into the final merge?
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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:51 pm

Advice against:

1. They are updated still - Arthmoor has been slowly making rounds updating the various UL mods.
2. Once merged the multitide of patches - constantly being created and updated by Vorians - will not work with the final result - unless you edit them yourself to work.
3. Less support from UL team.

In the past I've merged patches for UL mods (with the result having many masters), but lately that is too much hassle to stay on top of and prefer to either stick with the products as they are or make small adjustments to either the mods myself to remove unsightly object misalignment/tears, etc.
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:47 pm

I noticed some floating rocks in the Skingrad Outskirts area. They were over the ridge that is due east of the eastern exit...the one that is further north. Anyone else have that problem?

Screenshots please :)

Any advice on merging all the UL with TES4Gecko?

Any reasons it should not be recommended?

TES4Gecko has to modify some editorIDs to make it successfully merge. (

Also, what's the best method to take out the dependencies of xulPatch_AY_AC.esp from getting into the final merge?

Advice: Don't do it.
Reasons: Makes the patches upset (those dependant on a UL will stop working), and you'll have to do it again if a UL gets an update. Arthmoor also finds merging mods which contain landscape records tends to go wrong. I personally have never had such a problem however, so we'll contradict each other on that subject.
The screenshot isn't showing an error, that's a warning message. As long as no other mod is dependant on the ESP having Editor IDs renamed, it is safe to allow, otherwise it isn't (actually it probably is, since the game uses the Form IDs rather than Editor IDs. Only a script might try to reference an Editor ID, but I don't believe any patch contains a script referencing the Editor ID of a STATIC base object).
Best method to take out dependencies of the xulPatch_AY_AC.esp: Don't use xulPatch_AY_AC.esp. Problem solved.

More specifically, if you're determined to go ahead, and assuming you are using some of the compatibility patches (if you're not, then just merge away)...
Use TES4Edit to change the Form IDs used by each UL to a unique block of IDs which won't overlap with any other UL. Ensure that every single patch dependant on the UL whose Form IDs you are in the process of changing is also loaded into TES4Edit, this prevents the patches from breaking.
Now merge the ULs together using TES4Gecko. Make a note of every Editor ID it changes during the merge.
Delete the merged result, and again use TES4Edit to open each UL (along with all patches). Find the Editor IDs which were renamed, and check to see if any patch references that object. If it does, check whether the reference is from a script. If it is, rename the Editor ID manually, save and exit, launch the CS, open the script, update the script and recompile it. If it isn't, just ignore it and let the merge rename when the time comes.
Once this is done for all renamed Editor IDs, repeat the merge.
Now use Wrye Bash to redirect every single patch to the merged ESP instead of the individual UL ESPs.
And when a UL gets updated or a new patch dependant on a UL gets released or updated which you want to use, go back to the beginning and start all over again, or don't use the updated UL or patch.
And if something goes wrong or something in-game looks out of place around a UL, don't report it to us, as we can't support any UL which has been merged with another mod :)

That's how I'd do it, anyway.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:57 am

Thanks for the info.

I was actually merging only the UL plugins. Except for the inclusion of a newly released UL, I would not have to run Gecko anymore.

For each patch from other mods that modify any UL, I'd load it in TES4Edit, with the original UL plugin and the merged plugin.
Applying the changes directly in the merged plugin just like the patch would do to the original plugin could be easy this way, no?

Problem arises when I have made patched changes into the merged plugin and a new release comes up.
Then again, having the original UL loaded, renaming the new version and also load along with the merged plugin, should make differences to original easier to spot.

That's how I was planning to do - just manually fix the merged plugin in TES4Edit.

The only trouble I am not sure will happen is if something addresses the formID instead of the editorID, which does not change, regardless of the merge.
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 2:27 pm

Thanks for the info.

I was actually merging only the UL plugins. Except for the inclusion of a newly released UL, I would not have to run Gecko anymore.

For each patch from other mods that modify any UL, I'd load it in TES4Edit, with the original UL plugin and the merged plugin.
Applying the changes directly in the merged plugin just like the patch would do to the original plugin could be easy this way, no?

Problem arises when I have made patched changes into the merged plugin and a new release comes up.
Then again, having the original UL loaded, renaming the new version and also load along with the merged plugin, should make differences to original easier to spot.

That's how I was planning to do - just manually fix the merged plugin in TES4Edit.

The only trouble I am not sure will happen is if something addresses the formID instead of the editorID, which does not change, regardless of the merge.

What I described ONLY covers merging the ULs themselves, not the patches. If you're trying to make the patches themselves no longer dependant on the ULs by transferring the UL-related edits into the ULs, then yes you could do that, but you'll still have to start all over again when one of the ULs gets an update. And you'll still need the patches if they're also dependant on the other conflicting mod. I really wouldn't recommend merging the ULs unless you have no intention of ever using a future update to the existing ULs.
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Kirsty Wood
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 3:34 am

From my experience with merging UL related items, as said above, merging the UL's themselves is too much of a hassle when updates are fairly consistent. Being a person who is constantly hovering around the 255 mod limit though, with tweaks, weapons/armors, and some dungeons merged together, I have decided more so out of necessity to merge the UL patches together, then use Gecko to move the masters around so they don't show up as orange on Bash.

As with what Arthmoor told me a while ago, it is not recommended to do, however it was either merge the patches or not use some of the landscapes (and they are all so fantastic!). My experience so far hasn't been too bad, although I think I might be getting the odd crash in heavy patched areas (for instance when I was tcl'ing around "Cheydinhal Falls", where I have about 4 or so patches merged together, I think I was crashing the odd time, but that has since *seemed* to clear up).

Of course, I must say I lack when it comes to Modder's knowledge. However, from my personal experience with the situation if you *must" have all the UL's and they along with the patches are putting you over the 255 limit, patch merging is one way to cut it down, but don't expect things to be as smooth. Just keep track of what patches are merged together in the description section, but that should be done for any merge.

I will also note that some patches would not gecko together, and it would spit out an error. As such, I have three groups of merged patches.

Just my personal experience.

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 7:02 pm

Advice: Don't do it.

I'll second that. It seriously isn't worth the mountain of hassle you're going to endure trying to keep it all straight, and you'll be screwed if a case ever comes up where a mod has to load between two ULs in order to work right. That hasn't happened yet that I've seen, but it could. A monolith UL mod is inflexible in that regard.

Arthmoor also finds merging mods which contain landscape records tends to go wrong. I personally have never had such a problem however, so we'll contradict each other on that subject.

I'm pretty sure I've stated over and over that this is only an issue when merging mods that edit THE SAME CELL of landscape. Gecko cannot do a detailed anolysis to come up with a proper solution, so you will end up with land rips in cases like this. Most often happens when trying to merge patches.

I can certainly sympathize with the problem of running out of mod slots, but there are other less problematic mods you could probably merge without any trouble at all.
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:30 pm

I can certainly sympathize with the problem of running out of mod slots, but there are other less problematic mods you could probably merge without any trouble at all.
Should be made easier when Waruddar finishes cbash, as well. That's expected to expand the number of bash mergeable mods by a fair degree. I doubt it would allow you to merge the UL mods, but it should free up some slots from mods that are only one quest away from being bash mergeable.
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:36 am

I guess it is not worth it after all. If I want to merge mod patches where the land rips occur, it is doubling the work already done.

Thanks for the advice.
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 12:59 am

hi !
I've been using Unique Landsacpes and enjoying them much for ages :)
I was installing them via the OMOD compilation and installing the patches via the OMOD patches compilation
I recently discovered BAIN (I am retarded) and I am now trying to move to BAIN from manual/OBMM install
Should I stick with the OMODs in the UL case ? Haven't' seen much of BAIN support for them and manually selecting the patches would be a hassle
Feedback appreciated :foodndrink:
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Mylizards Dot com
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:28 pm

I recently discovered BAIN (I am retarded) and I am now trying to move to BAIN from manual/OBMM install
Should I stick with the OMODs in the UL case ? Haven't' seen much of BAIN support for them and manually selecting the patches would be a hassle

You can mix and match (BAIN and OBMM) but personally, I am loath to do so, except if/when I absolutely must.

Anyway, for creating BAIN packages, check out Psymon's thread, and/or Tomlong's site (TESIV:POSItive, I believe it's called) would be my advice.

Else, what I do - and I am new to BAIN myself, so... - is package them just like the ones I find. Core stuff goes in a "00 Core" folder, then anything you need to speparate goes into appropriately numbered and named folders after that. You can, in some cases, make the archive as simple or complex as you like, and the result will be the same.

But really, do check out one (or more) of the extremely helpful threads/sites out there. You'll learn heaps, and be doing your own BAIN installs from the ground up in no time. :)
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Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:24 am

You can mix and match (BAIN and OBMM) but personally, I am loath to do so, except if/when I absolutely must.

Anyway, for creating BAIN packages, check out Psymon's thread, and/or Tomlong's site (TESIV:POSItive, I believe it's called) would be my advice.
Tomlong says in his thread his BAIN guide is outdated and will remain so

My problem is not creating a BAIN package - my problem is the patches - it really helps to automate the process - given one has many mods and which of them conflict ? :ninja:
But mixing bash and OBMM could lead to problems :ninja:
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:34 pm

hi !
I've been using Unique Landsacpes and enjoying them much for ages :)
I was installing them via the OMOD compilation and installing the patches via the OMOD patches compilation
I recently discovered BAIN (I am retarded) and I am now trying to move to BAIN from manual/OBMM install
Should I stick with the OMODs in the UL case ? Haven't' seen much of BAIN support for them and manually selecting the patches would be a hassle
Feedback appreciated :foodndrink:

Learn to script. Oh, and bug lojack for requests.

but here's a start

;;;Oblivion with the official patch version is Highly recommended.;;;

RequireVersions "","","","284"


bOverview = False
bInstallAllxul = False
bInstallSinglexul = False
bForceLODCheck = False

bAncientRedwoods = False
bAncientYews = False
bArriusCreek = False
bAspenWood = False
bBlackwoodForest = False
bBravilBarrowfields = False
bBrenaRiverRavine = False
bCheydinhalFalls = False
bChorrolHinterland = False
bCloudtopMountain = False
bColovianHighlands = False
bDarkForest = False
bEntiusGorge = False
bFallenleafEverglade = False
bHeath = False
bImperialIsle = False
bLostCoast = False
bLushWoodlands = False
bPantherRiver = False
bRiverEthe = False
bRollingHills = False
bSkingradOutskirts = False
bStendarrValley = False

;bKvatchLowlands = False
;bRiverStrid = False
;bSilverfishRiverValley = False
;bSnowdale = False

bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp = False
bDarkForestLPGrass = False

bLODacSwitch = False
bLODcfSwitch = False
bLODegSwitch = False
bLODrhSwitch = False
bLODac_cf = False
bLODac_cf_eg = False
bLODac_cf_eg_rh = False
bLODac_cf_rh = False
bLODac_eg = False
bLODac_eg_rh = False
bLODac_rh = False
bLODcf_eg = False
bLODcf_eg_rh = False
bLODcf_rh = False
bLODeg_rh = False

;;;This will ask the user if they want to read a summary of the package.;;;
SelectOne "SelectOne: Would you like to read an overview of the package contents before continuing with the installation wizard?",\
"I just want to see the screenies!","",""
Case "Yes"
bOverview = True
Case "No"
bOverview = False
Case "I just want to see the screenies!"
bULScreenshots = True

;;;The Overview of the package.;;;
If bOverview ;= True
SelectOne "Click on the text(s) to view infos, or click the 'Next' button to continue with the wizard's installation."\
"Description of Mods-Subpackages-Numbering-Other Info","00 ===Unique Landscapes Mods (in BOSS order)===: \n01 The Dark Forest 1.0.5 -11162 \n01Opt The Dark Forest LowPoly Grass -11162 \n02 Stendarr Valley 1.2.2 -7054 \n03 The Heath 1.1.1 -11165 \n04 Entius Gorge 1.2 -7037 \n05 Fallenleaf Everglade 1.3.1 -17562 \n06 Colovian Highlands 1.2.1 -15511 \n07 Chorrol Hinterland 1.2.2 -11189 \n08 Lost Coast 1.6.4a -14720 \n09 Bravil Barrowfields 1.3.3 -20426 \n10 Lush Woodlands 1.3 -11164 \n11 Ancient Yews 1.4.2 -11458 \n12 Ancient Redwoods 1.6 -11163 \n13 Cloudtop Moutains 1.0.3 -16677 \n14 Arrius Creek 1.1.3 -16818 \n15 Rolling Hills 1.3.2 -10768 \n15Altesp Rolling Hills 1.3.2 Without Wheat -10768 \n16 Panther River 1.1.1 \n17 River Ethe 1.0.2 -17330 \n18 Brena River Ravine 1.0.2 -23573 \n19 Imperial Isle 1.6.5 -9531 \n20 Blackwood Forest 1.0.3 -25799 \n21 Cheydinhal Falls 1.0.1 -27494 \n22 Aspen Wood 1.0.1 -28763 \n23 Skingrad Outskirts 1.0.0 -29948 \nLOD ===Landscape LOD=== \nLOD AC_CF \nLOD AC_CF_EG \nLOD AC_CF_EG_RH \nLOD AC_CF_RH \nLOD AC_EG \nLOD AC_EG_RH \nLOD AC_RH \nLOD CF_EG \nLOD CF_EG_RH \nLOD CF_RH \nLOD EG_RH \nPA ===Unique Landscapes Patches=== \nPA PATCH xulPatch_AY_AC.esp \n",""\
"Conflicts","Incompatible Mods: \n\nThe following mods have conflicts with a UL mod that are not yet resolved. \n*Haunted House Quest and Ancient Yews: No patch planned. \n*Ravenview Village (before it was merged with other mods to Shezrie's Villages) and Cloudtop Mountains: No patch planned. \n*Wicker Man and Beaches of Cyrodiil: Lost Coast: Issue with two trees near the wicker man that can get disabled in-game using the console. No patch planned.",""\
"Credits\Authors","Wrye - For BAIN. Woooooooot!\nLojack - For the wonderful BAIN wizard installer feature.\nMetallicow - For making this not-so-simple wizard.txt\n===Historic List of Saints===\n* St. Aberneth II \n* St. Addiktive I \n* St. Aelius II \n* St. Apallo I\n* St. Arthmoor I \n* St. bananasplit II \n* St. Carel de Winter III \n* St. Gondor Wache I \n* St. GrandDukeAdense I \n* St. Malachit III \n* St. Meg I \n* St. Phitt II \n* St. Rancen I \n* St. roobsi I \n* St. trollf I",""\
"Wizard Notes","BAIN 'wizard.txt's can ONLY be edited while in a project folder or outside of the bash installers folder(EX. on the desktop,etc).\nThey CANNOT be edited while inside an archive(package).",""\
"About the Project","",""\
"Web Links & Official Forums Project Threads","UL at the Oblivion Mod Wiki @ \nThread LXI @ \n",""\
"FAQ","- What exactly is a Saint? A Saint is a title we give to modders who have completed a UL mod in recognition of their accomplishment. The Roman Numeral after their name represents how many UL mods they have finished.",""\
"ANCIENT YEWS By Carel de Winter","The Ancient Yews features a complete landscape makeover, inspired by the Yew trees of England. It includes a major water feature, with waterfalls, and stone pathways. Adorning the hill is Arkved's Spike, which is the ideal spot to survey the land. The spike reminds the adventurer that The Ancient Yews might have been some kind of region of power in the days of Olde. Longmans Barrow is an ancient sealed tomb that is closed due to unknown reasons at this stage. It is easy to waste time, just looking at the scenery while in the Yews. We can not blame you if you do. Just hold your horses, someday we shall all discover the truth about Longmans Barrow and its contents. It may not be so nice. Remember, if you stay away from the Ancient Yews, you may be doing yourself a visual disservice!",""\
"ARRIUS CREEK By Malachit","Ice cold springs rise in the Mountains and unite to a creek that feed Lake Arrius north of Cheydinhal and continues its way to the southeast. In the eastern part, the landscape is sparse and rocky while the tree density increases when going westwards, repeatedly interrupted by big groups of rocks. Unrestrained by its stony streambed, the water rushes downwards in the steep, sharp gorge it milled out during eons. Lake Arrius is a deep and cold mountain sea, whose shore line is mostly formed by overhanging rocks. Its depth takes most of the power of the rushing water masses. From the lake, the water finds its way to the lower regions of inner Cyrodiil in a more calm, but not less impressive way. At some places, humanoid traces are highly visible: Chopped trees lead to a charburner's camp and bridges offer a safe way to pass the stream. Some resourceful craftsmen learned to utilise the power of the streaming water: In a water driven hammer mill, supplied with ore from the nearby mine, tools get manufactured, and a grinding mill, powered by the water, produces granite plates.",""\
"ASPEN WOOD By Apallo","Aspen woods overhauls an area placed between Cerbele River and Silverfish River, bordered by Entius Gorge and the Yellow Road. It adds cascading waterfalls, more realistic foliage, legion outposts and scenic lookouts. Enjoy a peaceful spot, filled with dense wood surrounding a beautiful lake placed in the middle of nowhere.",""\
"BEACHES OF CYRODIIL: LOST COAST By aberneth","This is the first in a series of UL mods designed to be a total conversion of the beaches of our beloved Cyrodiil. The Lost Coast overhauls the entire area north of Anvil, and divides it into three regions: The Anvil Cliffsides, The Lost Coast, and Oyster Bay. The Anvil Cliffsides are large, stout cliffs that reach from Anvil to Crowhaven. It features a large, tall rock, known as Beacon Rock, along with a very extensive history of the Rock. The Lost Coast is a stretch of long, wide beaches, littered with driftwood and occasional rocks. Even though they are wide open, they protray a sense of solitude and seclusion, hence the name. Oyster Bay is an old oyster farming town, long since ruined. Of course, there is a good piece of history to go along with it, but it is (of course) featured in the mod as a series of books and journals. Don't get creeped out by the solitude and loneliness of Oyster Bay. After all, it is only a ghost-town. Or is it ''just a ghost-town''? Go visit it and you decide...",""\
"BLACKWOOD FOREST By roobsi","This mod overhauls the southern half of the Blackwood, east and southeast of Leyawiin. It changes the area to a dense wood on moist ground, in consistence to the closeness of the swamps in the north. Small creeks meander between the trees, leading to the south below the canopy of leaves, until they unite to a small stream that flows into the sea.",""\
"BRAVIL BARROWFIELDS By bananasplit","Bravil Barrowfields improves the area around Bravil and the Larsius River. It creates a wide grassland with small hills, intermitted by small groups of trees and speckled with bushes. Though nature is gorgeous in this region, signs of decay can be seen whereever civilization left its mark: Ruinous buildings and crumbled walls testify to the poverty of County Bravil's inhabitants. In the hinterland, ancient graves can be found that give this mod its name and create a somewhat enchanted atmosphere. This mod is based less on spectacular views than on a lot of carefully placed details which can be found everywhere in Bravil Barrowfield's area, so it's worth to explore it thoroughly.",""\
"BRENA RIVER RAVINE By chuck21, IAMTHEEMPEROR, Arthmoor","Brena River Ravine stretches from BoC:Lost Coast to the headwaters of both forks of the Brena River. At the river's fork, the area is divided by a system of ancient Ayleid dams which serve to create 3 distinct regions in the area. The north fork of the river stretches back into a thick forest lined with many rocks, trees, and old Ayleid fortifications. One dam here creates a reservoir of deep water. A group of bandits has made the area its home and headquarters of their smuggling operations. The east fork is marked by a pair of large and ancient Ayleid dams, the purpose of which has been lost to the ages. The twin dams stand as a testament to the engineering skills of the Ayleids. The waters here are very deep and the ravine is lined by massive cliffs. A giant waterfall marks the headwaters of the east fork, rising thousands of feet up the wall to a small lake in the Colovian Highlands. Below the dams the Brena River's waters are shallow. It lazily winds through the Colovian Highlands on its way to the Abecean Sea. Here, amongst the greenery lie the humble old remains of a once great Ayleid city, interspersed with clusters of rocks and flowers.",""\
"CHEYDINHAL FALLS By Meg","Cheydinhal Falls overhauls the surrounding of Cheydinhal. It prolongs the Reed River to the city and continues it to a peaceful lake at the bottom of the mountains that is surrounded by dense forest. From this source, the water quietly flows through the wilderness and then, after the city, changes to a wild creek that splashes through steep gorges and over waterfalls until it becomes the again slowly flowing Reed River.",""\
"CHORROL HINTERLAND By Carel de Winter","50 years or so ago, the villagers of Chorrol took it upon themselves to become agriculturally self-sufficient. No more having to rely on imports from the Imperial City that rarely showed up on schedule. But they also noticed how dangerous the woodlands on the borders had become. The answer to this dilemma was the creation of a wall surrounding the farmlands. This farming area outside of the main town walls became known as the Chorrol Hinterland. If the occasional monster does happen to cross the wall, it is quickly taken care of by the many dillegent gaurds who patrol the perimeter. Many sister villages in Cyrodiil have become jealous of this engineering feat that the Chorrol villagers undertook. The Chorrol townsfolk just wink and smile when they hear this.",""\
"CLOUDTOP MOUNTAINS By bananasplit","This mod changes the mountaineous area north-west of Chorrol. The lower mountainside is covered by dense and dark conifer wood and lots of rocks, with small paths running through the area. Halfway to the top, plateaus with grass and flowers separate the woody lower half from the rocky upper part of the mod, where more and bigger rocks change the landscape to a cliffy and inhospitable place. Lots of small paths form a labyrinthine network there, and at the top as well as on the plateaus, ruins of old fortifications show that you are near the border to Hammerfell.",""\
"COLOVIAN HIGHLANDS By Malachit","A highly defensible trading post was built in the Colovian Highlands at the beginning of the first era and after Colovia was conquered. Rich Trade goods were brought from Hammerfell and even High Rock over the mountains to County Chorrol. But, because of the addition of a faster route to the port of Anvil and the border expansion in the year 1E 1029, the Colovian trading post became unimportant and was eventually forgotten. More than one thousand years later, a group of smugglers discovered the expanded natural rock caves and started to use them as a resting place and hideout. Then the Thrassian plague broke out and more than half of Tamriels inhabitants died. The few surviving smugglers secured their loot with traps and left to find a cure. They planned to locate and identify their traps by certain noises and deactivate them, if and when they returned. They didn't return and the traps are still activated. No one knows if exploring the caves is worth the risk. All those who tried and lived to tell were unwilling to return to the caves and risk their lives again. They told of horrible fluttering, biting animals and devious traps that reactivate themself when tripped. Do you have what it takes to reconquer the Colovian Highlands?",""\
"ENTIUS GORGE By Phitt","Entius Gorge is a deep gorge located inside the Nibenay Basin Region, near the source of the Silverfish River. It features mist and firefly ambience effects and a new creature, the Degenerated Slaughterfish. A recent poll of adventurers conducted by Cyrodiil Travellers' Guild notes that Entius Gorge is among the most beautiful regions across the land. Don't forget to be careful if you want to take a dip; the combination of the currents and the shape of the riverbed has been known to trick unwary swimmers. Plus the slaughterfish, mind you. But don't get scared away by my warnings. First-time visitors are bound to be blown away by the ''gorge''ous scenery. In fact, the CTG makes regular trips here with new members to showcase the beauty of it. This is a wonderful environment, but watch out when petting the fish...they just might take a piece out of you!",""\
"FALLENLEAF EVERGLADE By aberneth","Fallenleaf Everglade, the ninth chapter in the Unique Landscapes series, is a breathtaking swamp southeast of Skingrad. Its shallow, murky waters and ancient deep green trees add to the mystery of the primeval swamp. The large basin that houses the Everglade overlooks an ancient ayeleid ruin, and further beyond, a deep gorge carved by the mighty Ferid river. The Fallenleaf Everglade is the headwater for the Ferid, and home to an abundance of flora and fauna. It is a miniature ecosystem in its own. There is nowhere else like it in all of Tamriel. Further more, the Ferid Gorge has been added. It is a deep gorge lined with steep, gigantic mossy rock walls. The ancient trees that sprout from cracks in the wall overlook the pristine waters like ancient guardians. The Granite cliff, measuring over 70 feet tall is a unique landmark definitely worth a visit. The Cyrodiil Travelers Guild gives it a 5 star rating and adds that this is another must-see location out in the wilderlands. The Fighters' Guild in Skingrad is another group that uses the area; in this case, it is to train their recruits in cliff climbing. This is a very scenic landscape to visit, so make plans to see it while in the area.",""\
"IMPERIAL ISLE By Gondor Wache","The majesticness that is the Imperial Isle is finally brought to life through this Unique Landscape. City residents no longer have to leave the Isle in order to find naturally gorgeous scenery. Small shrines now dot the Isle, where travelers can rest and take in the view. Even the wildlife look better in this new environment...will make you think twice before slaughtering that venison for your next meal. Also, now that there is more foliage, you no longer think twice about where exactly that bird is that you heard, because it could be in any of the numerous new trees and bushes. The Cyrodiil Travelers' Guild lists the Imperial Isle as ''One of the prettiest environments to visit'', and also ''Very convenient...just step outside the walls of the Imperial City, and you are there.''",""\
"PANTHER RIVER By trollf","This mod beautifies the Panther River east of Bravil. It focuses on the river and it's banks, making it a quietly and peacefully flowing stream through the lush forest.",""\
"RIVER ETHE By Carel de Winter","This plugin continues the river Ethe in UL - Chorrol Hinterland to the Strid River at the southern border of western Cyrodiil.",""\
"ROLLING HILLS: ROLAND JENSERIC'S FARM By Malachit","This plugin adds a Grass Hills environment between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal, complete with grazing sheep, a wheat field and a windmill. Finally, after centuries of having to import food from neighboring provinces, the Imperial City has a farm relatively nearby. It happens to be north of the Blue Road, which connects the Red Ring Road with the village of Cheydinhal. Several farm buildings and fenced off pastures make Rolling Hills quite the idyllic agricultural dreamland. The farm workers are hard working, have schedules to keep, and have little time for idle pvssyr, so don't bug them too much. Otherwise, the Imperial City will not have enough food to feed the masses. And guess what? You are one of the masses! The chickens were provided by Farmers Unite!. The mill and the remaining new models in the mod were created by RA II.",""\
"SKINGRAD OUTSKIRTS By GrandDukeAdense & Vorians","This mod redesigns the surroundings of Skingrad. It adds a small river as well as lots of cliffs and in general, the vegetation gets densified and more detailed. In addition to the landscape improvements, Skingrad Outskirts adds new farms, and also implements ruins of farms, abandoned by their owners for unknown reasons and reconquered by nature.",""\
"STENDARR VALLEY By Rancen","Stendarr Valley features a winter wilderness, a dead forest, and a few places of interest to the Jerral Mountains region. If you enjoy mountain climbing, exploring snow-covered regions, and plain old winter adventuring, this is the mod for you! But one must take care when one climbs in the Jerrals; it is easy to get hurt because falls can happen often, even when you are not expecting it . Remember, this is the wilds...quite a ways away from any healing temples, so pack plenty of potions. So many folk have been involved in mishaps while traveling through this region that the Cyrodiil Travelers' Guild only recommends this area if you are well-equipped and armored. Also, you might want to watch out for the wild beasts; wolves and bears are all over. Many an unwise adventurer has found themselves bleeding to death because of a few too many wild-beast bites. But, fear not! Perhaps you have a spell to control them? All-in-all, get ready for a decent adventure with some realistic mountaineering in the coldest part of Cyrodiil...BRRR!!!",""\
"THE DARK FOREST By addiktive","This plugin adds a UniqueLandscape to the area south of the Imperial City. It is called The Dark Forest. Located within the forest is Harcanes Grove, a place of magic and wonder, and Lorikh Village, a forsaken and cursed ruin of a village. The area features several new re-textured trees and plantlife along with unique creatures and ambience effects. Most of the rock ledges and tree logs are sittable. However, it is a good idea to not be sitting around for too long in this spooky environment. One never knows what will happen. In fact, there is a rumor that tells something about what happens to you if you fall asleep in The Dark Forest. But no one remembers how the rest of the rumor went. This mod is not recommended for players who are faint of heart. We warned you.",""\
"THE GREAT FOREST: ANCIENT REDWOODS By Aelius ","This plugin adds a dense Redwood Forest to the Great Forest, south-east of Chorrol. Additionally, there are Kodiak Bears who inhabit the area and feature advanced AI. There are even families of Kodiaks. You'll see an advlt Kodiak protectively accompanying its cub or cubs. You can chase the cubs and they will play around, while the parents will keep a watchful eye on them, making sure they don't wander too far! The Kodiaks are all harmless to you, unless, of course, you attack them. The Kodiaks have a sleep schedule too. They'll find a suitable spot, and sleep soundly unless you or an enemy is nearby. In fact, we've included snoring sounds when the Kodiaks sleep! They will awake if you come to close, but if you're quiet enough, you'll be able to sneak around them without waking them from their sleep. They also have a keen interest in berries. You'll see the Kodiaks eating them occasionally. A Kodiak Den is provided, with a Kodiak family nearby. You can even use the den as a home if you'd like. It features a soft mossy interior with a log that you can sit on and sittable rocks, along with the sleeping area. Have yourself a good nap on the soft moss...pleasant dreams!",""\
"THE GREAT FOREST: LUSH WOODLAND By Aelius","The Lush Woodlands adds many more trees to the Great Forest, east of Chorrol. To match these green trees, the ground is now much more green, consisting of mostly grass and clover. Also, the ground without this mod is very jagged, consisting of many ugly vertices that pop out of the ground We have made the ground is much smoother. The ruin called ''Lindai'', directly east of Chorrol, now features a very, very detailed graveyard site, containing many tombstones. There's also added vertex shadows beneath the trees to further give the illusion of a dense forest with a thick tree canopy. The shadow that is added comes with no performance hit, so that's taken advantage of. The only thing that causes a performance hit is the added trees of course, but it's only an average of -3 frames per second loss. There is minimal FPS Loss. Please read this thread for more info and guides on optimising Oblivion.",""\
"THE HEATH: WETLAND By Phitt","This plugin adds a Heath/Wetland type environment to the County Kvatch area with additional Muskrats and features night-time mist effects and fireflies for ambience. When your adventurer becomes tired, most of the rock ledges and tree logs are sittable; the realism makes many an adventurer want to slow down and enjoy. However, we all know that the object of the game is not just to sit around and marvel at the landscape; do so if you want, though. It's up to you, because THE HEATH was the very first of the UniqueLandscapes, and still is considered by many to be one of the best. But aren't they all pretty good? It is hard to decide which is ''The best.'' Centuries from now, scholars will be downloading remnants of THE HEATH and marveling, ''This is the one that began it all.'' Who knows, there may be a new interpretation of the game out by then, called ''Elder Scolls: UniqueLandscapes Version.''",""\
"Modder's Resources","6 DESERT LAND TEXTURES & 8 DESERT ROCKS - Modders Resource - By addiktive \nIncludes 6 Land textures & Meshes and Textures for 8 Rocks \n===Download=== \n@ \n\n48 BLACKWOOD ROCKS - Modders Resource - By IAMTHEEMPEROR\nIncludes Meshes and Textures for 48 Blackwood Rocks \n===Download=== \n@,%22\
"3.3: UL History","Chapter 1: Back around the end of May 2006, several modders, led by addiktive, had gotten tired of the vanilla landscapes. They knew that better and more interesting lands could be carved out of the Construction Set with a little bit of effort. They called their initial thread UniqueForests, because those were some of the first landscapes to be worked on. Later on, the title was switched to UniqueLandscapes to better define the actuality of their work. Little did they know back then, but they had created one of the most popular threads on! They worked hard on their creation and positive results soon followed. Many downloads and positive comments later, by thread XX, addiktive had found new dreams and departed. \n\nChapter 2: There was lots of insecurity when addiktive left and no one was sure what would happen to the thread. Yzerman19, with little experience running threads, took over in the middle of September, righted the listing of UL mods (with assistance from the team) and started to renew the OP with fresh ideas. But the lack of an leading authority in the team caused further problems and ended in big verbal fights in the thread. To avoid this in the future, a collection of rules for UL, the ''Modstitution'', was written by DarkAsmodeous and cthulhu314. This cleared up some things but could not prevent long discussions in the public. So a second version of the modstitution was formulated by cthulhu314. Following the Modstitution v2.0, the UL council was founded with the initial members yzerman19, aberneth and cthulhu314.",""\
"3.4: The Team","The UL Council: Arthmoor, cthulhu314 (spokesman), Vorians (user name ''display name is already in use'') \nThe currently active UL modders: Carel de Winter, DarthSloth74, GrandDukeAdense, Verganon \nGerman Translations: ThreeD \nFrench Translations: Roi_liche \nRussian Translations: DJk \nPatch Makers: Arthmoor, Vorians (user name ''display name is already in use'') \nOMOD Manager: Kerghan55 \nUL teaser video: Egger3rd \nWiki pages Manager: MiSP \nThread I to XX Manager: addiktive \nThread XXI to XXXII Manager: Yzerman19 \nThread XXXIII to LVIII Manager: cthulhu314 \nThread LVIX to ??? Manager: Vorians (user name ''display name is already in use'') \nFounder of UL: addiktive \nSpecial Credits go to our Beta Testers and all Forum Posters!",""\
"Other Notes","The check WryeBash Version part of the RequireVersions Function is still not working/recognising. Ex. \nRequireVersions '''','''','''',''384''",""

;;;This will ask if the user wants to install all of the Unique Landscapes plugins.;;;
SelectOne "SelectOne: Would you like to install all of the Unique Landscapes plugins?",\
Case "Yes"
bInstallAllxul = True
Case "No"
bInstallSinglexul = True

;;;Install All Unique Landscapes Plugins.;;;
If bInstallAllxul ;= True
bAncientRedwoods = True
bAncientYews = True
bArriusCreek = True
bAspenWood = True
bBlackwoodForest = True
bBravilBarrowfields = True
bBrenaRiverRavine = True
bCheydinhalFalls = True
bChorrolHinterland = True
bCloudtopMountain = True
bColovianHighlands = True
bDarkForest = True
bEntiusGorge = True
bFallenleafEverglade = True
bHeath = True
bImperialIsle = True
bLostCoast = True
bLushWoodlands = True
bPantherRiver = True
bRiverEthe = True
bRollingHills = True
bSkingradOutskirts = True
bStendarrValley = True
SelectSubPackage "11 Ancient Yews 1.4.2 -11458"
SelectSubPackage "14 Arrius Creek 1.1.3 -16818"
SelectSubPackage "22 Aspen Wood 1.0.1 -28763"
SelectSubPackage "08 Lost Coast 1.6.4a -14720"
SelectSubPackage "20 Blackwood Forest 1.0.3 -25799"
SelectSubPackage "09 Bravil Barrowfields 1.3.3 -20426"
SelectSubPackage "18 Brena River Ravine 1.0.2 -23573"
SelectSubPackage "21 Cheydinhal Falls 1.0.1 -27494"
SelectSubPackage "07 Chorrol Hinterland 1.2.2 -11189"
SelectSubPackage "13 Cloudtop Moutains 1.0.3 -16677"
SelectSubPackage "06 Colovian Highlands 1.2.1 -15511"
SelectSubPackage "04 Entius Gorge 1.2 -7037"
SelectSubPackage "05 Fallenleaf Everglade 1.3.1 -17562"
SelectSubPackage "19 Imperial Isle 1.6.5 -9531"
SelectSubPackage "16 Panther River 1.1.1 -20332"
SelectSubPackage "17 River Ethe 1.0.2 -17330"
SelectSubPackage "15 Rolling Hills 1.3.2 -10768"
SelectSubPackage "23 Skingrad Outskirts 1.0.0 -29948"
SelectSubPackage "02 Stendarr Valley 1.2.2 -7054"
SelectSubPackage "01 The Dark Forest 1.0.5 -11162"
SelectSubPackage "12 Ancient Redwoods 1.6 -11163"
SelectSubPackage "10 Lush Woodlands 1.3 -11164"
SelectSubPackage "03 The Heath 1.1.1 -11165"

;;;Install Single Unique Landscapes Plugins.;;;
If bInstallSinglexul ;= True
SelectMany "SelectMany: Choose which Unique Landscapes Plugins you would like to install."\
"Ancient Yews","",""\
"Arrius Creek","",""\
"Aspen Wood","",""\
"Beaches of Cyrodiil: Lost Coast","",""\
"Blackwood Forest","",""\
"Bravil Barrowfields","",""\
"Brena River Ravine","",""\
"Cheydinhal Falls","",""\
"Chorrol Hinterland","",""\
"Cloudtop Mountains","",""\
"Colovian Highlands","",""\
"Entius Gorge","",""\
"Fallenleaf Everglade","",""\
"Imperial Isle","",""\
"Panther River","",""\
"River Ethe","",""\
"Rolling Hills: Roland Jenseric's Farm","",""\
"Skingrad Outskirts","",""\
"Stendarr Valley","",""\
"The Dark Forest","",""\
"The Great Forest: Ancient Redwoods","",""\
"The Great Forest: Lush Woodland","",""\
"The Heath: Wetland","",""\
Case "Ancient Yews"
bAncientYews = True
Case "Arrius Creek"
bArriusCreek = True
Case "Aspen Wood"
bAspenWood = True
Case "Beaches of Cyrodiil: Lost Coast"
bLostCoast = True
Case "Blackwood Forest"
bBlackwoodForest = True
Case "Bravil Barrowfields"
bBravilBarrowfields = True
Case "Brena River Ravine"
bBrenaRiverRavine = True
Case "Cheydinhal Falls"
bCheydinhalFalls = True
Case "Chorrol Hinterland"
bChorrolHinterland = True
Case "Cloudtop Mountains"
bCloudtopMountains = True
Case "Colovian Highlands"
bColovianHighlands = True
Case "Entius Gorge"
bEntiusGorge = True
Case "Fallenleaf Everglade"
bFallenleafEverglade = True
Case "Imperial Isle"
bImperialIsle = True
Case "Panther River"
bPantherRiver = True
Case "River Ethe"
bRiverEthe = True
Case "Rolling Hills: Roland Jenseric's Farm"
bRollingHills = True
Case "Skingrad Outskirts"
bSkingradOutskirts = True
Case "Stendarr Valley"
bStendarrValley = True
Case "The Dark Forest"
bDarkForest = True
Case "The Great Forest: Ancient Redwoods"
bAncientRedwoods = True
Case "The Great Forest: Lush Woodland"
bLushWoodland = True
Case "The Heath: Wetland"
bHeath = True

If bAncientYews ;= True
SelectSubPackage "11 Ancient Yews 1.4.2 -11458"

If bArriusCreek ;= True
SelectSubPackage "14 Arrius Creek 1.1.3 -16818"

If bAspenWood ;= True
SelectSubPackage "22 Aspen Wood 1.0.1 -28763"

If bLostCoast ;= True
SelectSubPackage "08 Lost Coast 1.6.4a -14720"

If bBlackwoodForest ;= True
SelectSubPackage "20 Blackwood Forest 1.0.3 -25799"

If bBravilBarrowfields ;=True
SelectSubPackage "09 Bravil Barrowfields 1.3.3 -20426"

If bBrenaRiverRavine ;= True
SelectSubPackage "18 Brena River Ravine 1.0.2 -23573"

If bCheydinhalFalls ;= True
SelectSubPackage "21 Cheydinhal Falls 1.0.1 -27494"

If bChorrolHinterland ;= True
SelectSubPackage "07 Chorrol Hinterland 1.2.2 -11189"

If bCloudtopMountains ;= True
SelectSubPackage "13 Cloudtop Moutains 1.0.3 -16677"

If bColovianHighlands ;= True
SelectSubPackage "06 Colovian Highlands 1.2.1 -15511"

If bEntiusGorge ;= True
SelectSubPackage "04 Entius Gorge 1.2 -7037"

If bFallenleafEverglade ;= True
SelectSubPackage "05 Fallenleaf Everglade 1.3.1 -17562"

If bImperialIsle ;= True
SelectSubPackage "19 Imperial Isle 1.6.5 -9531"

;If bKvatchLowlands ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bPantherRiver ;= True
SelectSubPackage "16 Panther River 1.1.1 -20332"

If bRiverEthe ;= True
SelectSubPackage "17 River Ethe 1.0.2 -17330"

;If bRiverStrid ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bRollingHills ;= True
SelectSubPackage "15 Rolling Hills 1.3.2 -10768"

;If bSilverfishRiverValley ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bSkingradOutskirts ;= True
SelectSubPackage "23 Skingrad Outskirts 1.0.0 -29948"

;If bSnowdale ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bStendarrValley ;= True
SelectSubPackage "02 Stendarr Valley 1.2.2 -7054"

If bDarkForest ;= True
SelectSubPackage "01 The Dark Forest 1.0.5 -11162"

If bAncientRedwoods ;= True
SelectSubPackage "12 Ancient Redwoods 1.6 -11163"

If bLushWoodland ;= True
SelectSubPackage "10 Lush Woodlands 1.3 -11164"

If bHeath ;= True
SelectSubPackage "03 The Heath 1.1.1 -11165"

;;;Force LOD Check;;;

;;;LOD Combinations-Order of operations: Most to Least Ex.4,3,2;;;
If bForceLODCheck ;= True ;It never will be true!
SelectSubPackage "LOD ===Landscape LOD==="
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; All 4 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF_EG_RH"
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF_EG"
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls & bRollingHills ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF_RH"
Elif bArriusCreek & bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_EG_RH"
Elif bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD CF_EG_RH"
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF"
Elif bArriusCreek & bEntiusGorge ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_EG"
Elif bArriusCreek & bRollingHills ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_RH"
Elif bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD CF_EG"
Elif bCheydinhalFalls & bRollingHills ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD CF_RH"
Elif bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD EG_RH"

;;;Deselects Lowpolygrass SubPackage before asking question if it got selected by the installall/selectall earlier in the script.;;;
;DeSelectSubPackage "01Opt The Dark Forest LowPoly Grass -11162"

;;;Asks user if they want to install the LowPoly Grass Mesh for the Dark Forest.;;;
If bDarkForest ;= True
SelectOne "SelectOne: Do you want to install the LowPoly Grass mesh for the Dark Forest to improve performance in that area?",\
Case "Yes"
bDarkForestLPGrass = True
Case "No"
bDarkForestLPGrass = False

If bDarkForestLPGrass ;= True
SelectSubPackage "01Opt The Dark Forest LowPoly Grass -11162"

;;;Asks user if they want to install the 'No Wheat' version for the Rolling Hills.;;;
If bRollingHills ;= True
SelectOne "SelectOne: Do you want to disable the wheat in the Rolling Hills to improve performance in that area?"\
Case "Yes"
bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp = True
Case "No"
bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp = False

If bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp ;=True
SelectSubPackage "15Altesp Rolling Hills 1.3.2 Without Wheat -10768"
DeSelectEspm "xulRollingHills_EV.esp"

;;;Notes at the finish page.;;;
Note "Remember to run TES4LODGen prior to playing for correct LOD Generation.
Note "Remember to sort your load order with BOSS prior to playing for correct load order placement."

10 years from finished....
User avatar
Posts: 3355
Joined: Sun Jun 25, 2006 5:28 am

Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:15 am

Learn to script. Oh, and bug lojack for requests.

but here's a start

;;;Oblivion with the official patch version is Highly recommended.;;;

RequireVersions "","","","284"


bOverview = False
bInstallAllxul = False
bInstallSinglexul = False
bForceLODCheck = False

bAncientRedwoods = False
bAncientYews = False
bArriusCreek = False
bAspenWood = False
bBlackwoodForest = False
bBravilBarrowfields = False
bBrenaRiverRavine = False
bCheydinhalFalls = False
bChorrolHinterland = False
bCloudtopMountain = False
bColovianHighlands = False
bDarkForest = False
bEntiusGorge = False
bFallenleafEverglade = False
bHeath = False
bImperialIsle = False
bLostCoast = False
bLushWoodlands = False
bPantherRiver = False
bRiverEthe = False
bRollingHills = False
bSkingradOutskirts = False
bStendarrValley = False

;bKvatchLowlands = False
;bRiverStrid = False
;bSilverfishRiverValley = False
;bSnowdale = False

bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp = False
bDarkForestLPGrass = False

bLODacSwitch = False
bLODcfSwitch = False
bLODegSwitch = False
bLODrhSwitch = False
bLODac_cf = False
bLODac_cf_eg = False
bLODac_cf_eg_rh = False
bLODac_cf_rh = False
bLODac_eg = False
bLODac_eg_rh = False
bLODac_rh = False
bLODcf_eg = False
bLODcf_eg_rh = False
bLODcf_rh = False
bLODeg_rh = False

;;;This will ask the user if they want to read a summary of the package.;;;
SelectOne "SelectOne: Would you like to read an overview of the package contents before continuing with the installation wizard?",\
"I just want to see the screenies!","",""
Case "Yes"
bOverview = True
Case "No"
bOverview = False
Case "I just want to see the screenies!"
bULScreenshots = True

;;;The Overview of the package.;;;
If bOverview ;= True
SelectOne "Click on the text(s) to view infos, or click the 'Next' button to continue with the wizard's installation."\
"Description of Mods-Subpackages-Numbering-Other Info","00 ===Unique Landscapes Mods (in BOSS order)===: \n01 The Dark Forest 1.0.5 -11162 \n01Opt The Dark Forest LowPoly Grass -11162 \n02 Stendarr Valley 1.2.2 -7054 \n03 The Heath 1.1.1 -11165 \n04 Entius Gorge 1.2 -7037 \n05 Fallenleaf Everglade 1.3.1 -17562 \n06 Colovian Highlands 1.2.1 -15511 \n07 Chorrol Hinterland 1.2.2 -11189 \n08 Lost Coast 1.6.4a -14720 \n09 Bravil Barrowfields 1.3.3 -20426 \n10 Lush Woodlands 1.3 -11164 \n11 Ancient Yews 1.4.2 -11458 \n12 Ancient Redwoods 1.6 -11163 \n13 Cloudtop Moutains 1.0.3 -16677 \n14 Arrius Creek 1.1.3 -16818 \n15 Rolling Hills 1.3.2 -10768 \n15Altesp Rolling Hills 1.3.2 Without Wheat -10768 \n16 Panther River 1.1.1 \n17 River Ethe 1.0.2 -17330 \n18 Brena River Ravine 1.0.2 -23573 \n19 Imperial Isle 1.6.5 -9531 \n20 Blackwood Forest 1.0.3 -25799 \n21 Cheydinhal Falls 1.0.1 -27494 \n22 Aspen Wood 1.0.1 -28763 \n23 Skingrad Outskirts 1.0.0 -29948 \nLOD ===Landscape LOD=== \nLOD AC_CF \nLOD AC_CF_EG \nLOD AC_CF_EG_RH \nLOD AC_CF_RH \nLOD AC_EG \nLOD AC_EG_RH \nLOD AC_RH \nLOD CF_EG \nLOD CF_EG_RH \nLOD CF_RH \nLOD EG_RH \nPA ===Unique Landscapes Patches=== \nPA PATCH xulPatch_AY_AC.esp \n",""\
"Conflicts","Incompatible Mods: \n\nThe following mods have conflicts with a UL mod that are not yet resolved. \n*Haunted House Quest and Ancient Yews: No patch planned. \n*Ravenview Village (before it was merged with other mods to Shezrie's Villages) and Cloudtop Mountains: No patch planned. \n*Wicker Man and Beaches of Cyrodiil: Lost Coast: Issue with two trees near the wicker man that can get disabled in-game using the console. No patch planned.",""\
"Credits\Authors","Wrye - For BAIN. Woooooooot!\nLojack - For the wonderful BAIN wizard installer feature.\nMetallicow - For making this not-so-simple wizard.txt\n===Historic List of Saints===\n* St. Aberneth II \n* St. Addiktive I \n* St. Aelius II \n* St. Apallo I\n* St. Arthmoor I \n* St. bananasplit II \n* St. Carel de Winter III \n* St. Gondor Wache I \n* St. GrandDukeAdense I \n* St. Malachit III \n* St. Meg I \n* St. Phitt II \n* St. Rancen I \n* St. roobsi I \n* St. trollf I",""\
"Wizard Notes","BAIN 'wizard.txt's can ONLY be edited while in a project folder or outside of the bash installers folder(EX. on the desktop,etc).\nThey CANNOT be edited while inside an archive(package).",""\
"About the Project","",""\
"Web Links & Official Forums Project Threads","UL at the Oblivion Mod Wiki @ \nThread LXI @ \n",""\
"FAQ","- What exactly is a Saint? A Saint is a title we give to modders who have completed a UL mod in recognition of their accomplishment. The Roman Numeral after their name represents how many UL mods they have finished.",""\
"ANCIENT YEWS By Carel de Winter","The Ancient Yews features a complete landscape makeover, inspired by the Yew trees of England. It includes a major water feature, with waterfalls, and stone pathways. Adorning the hill is Arkved's Spike, which is the ideal spot to survey the land. The spike reminds the adventurer that The Ancient Yews might have been some kind of region of power in the days of Olde. Longmans Barrow is an ancient sealed tomb that is closed due to unknown reasons at this stage. It is easy to waste time, just looking at the scenery while in the Yews. We can not blame you if you do. Just hold your horses, someday we shall all discover the truth about Longmans Barrow and its contents. It may not be so nice. Remember, if you stay away from the Ancient Yews, you may be doing yourself a visual disservice!",""\
"ARRIUS CREEK By Malachit","Ice cold springs rise in the Mountains and unite to a creek that feed Lake Arrius north of Cheydinhal and continues its way to the southeast. In the eastern part, the landscape is sparse and rocky while the tree density increases when going westwards, repeatedly interrupted by big groups of rocks. Unrestrained by its stony streambed, the water rushes downwards in the steep, sharp gorge it milled out during eons. Lake Arrius is a deep and cold mountain sea, whose shore line is mostly formed by overhanging rocks. Its depth takes most of the power of the rushing water masses. From the lake, the water finds its way to the lower regions of inner Cyrodiil in a more calm, but not less impressive way. At some places, humanoid traces are highly visible: Chopped trees lead to a charburner's camp and bridges offer a safe way to pass the stream. Some resourceful craftsmen learned to utilise the power of the streaming water: In a water driven hammer mill, supplied with ore from the nearby mine, tools get manufactured, and a grinding mill, powered by the water, produces granite plates.",""\
"ASPEN WOOD By Apallo","Aspen woods overhauls an area placed between Cerbele River and Silverfish River, bordered by Entius Gorge and the Yellow Road. It adds cascading waterfalls, more realistic foliage, legion outposts and scenic lookouts. Enjoy a peaceful spot, filled with dense wood surrounding a beautiful lake placed in the middle of nowhere.",""\
"BEACHES OF CYRODIIL: LOST COAST By aberneth","This is the first in a series of UL mods designed to be a total conversion of the beaches of our beloved Cyrodiil. The Lost Coast overhauls the entire area north of Anvil, and divides it into three regions: The Anvil Cliffsides, The Lost Coast, and Oyster Bay. The Anvil Cliffsides are large, stout cliffs that reach from Anvil to Crowhaven. It features a large, tall rock, known as Beacon Rock, along with a very extensive history of the Rock. The Lost Coast is a stretch of long, wide beaches, littered with driftwood and occasional rocks. Even though they are wide open, they protray a sense of solitude and seclusion, hence the name. Oyster Bay is an old oyster farming town, long since ruined. Of course, there is a good piece of history to go along with it, but it is (of course) featured in the mod as a series of books and journals. Don't get creeped out by the solitude and loneliness of Oyster Bay. After all, it is only a ghost-town. Or is it ''just a ghost-town''? Go visit it and you decide...",""\
"BLACKWOOD FOREST By roobsi","This mod overhauls the southern half of the Blackwood, east and southeast of Leyawiin. It changes the area to a dense wood on moist ground, in consistence to the closeness of the swamps in the north. Small creeks meander between the trees, leading to the south below the canopy of leaves, until they unite to a small stream that flows into the sea.",""\
"BRAVIL BARROWFIELDS By bananasplit","Bravil Barrowfields improves the area around Bravil and the Larsius River. It creates a wide grassland with small hills, intermitted by small groups of trees and speckled with bushes. Though nature is gorgeous in this region, signs of decay can be seen whereever civilization left its mark: Ruinous buildings and crumbled walls testify to the poverty of County Bravil's inhabitants. In the hinterland, ancient graves can be found that give this mod its name and create a somewhat enchanted atmosphere. This mod is based less on spectacular views than on a lot of carefully placed details which can be found everywhere in Bravil Barrowfield's area, so it's worth to explore it thoroughly.",""\
"BRENA RIVER RAVINE By chuck21, IAMTHEEMPEROR, Arthmoor","Brena River Ravine stretches from BoC:Lost Coast to the headwaters of both forks of the Brena River. At the river's fork, the area is divided by a system of ancient Ayleid dams which serve to create 3 distinct regions in the area. The north fork of the river stretches back into a thick forest lined with many rocks, trees, and old Ayleid fortifications. One dam here creates a reservoir of deep water. A group of bandits has made the area its home and headquarters of their smuggling operations. The east fork is marked by a pair of large and ancient Ayleid dams, the purpose of which has been lost to the ages. The twin dams stand as a testament to the engineering skills of the Ayleids. The waters here are very deep and the ravine is lined by massive cliffs. A giant waterfall marks the headwaters of the east fork, rising thousands of feet up the wall to a small lake in the Colovian Highlands. Below the dams the Brena River's waters are shallow. It lazily winds through the Colovian Highlands on its way to the Abecean Sea. Here, amongst the greenery lie the humble old remains of a once great Ayleid city, interspersed with clusters of rocks and flowers.",""\
"CHEYDINHAL FALLS By Meg","Cheydinhal Falls overhauls the surrounding of Cheydinhal. It prolongs the Reed River to the city and continues it to a peaceful lake at the bottom of the mountains that is surrounded by dense forest. From this source, the water quietly flows through the wilderness and then, after the city, changes to a wild creek that splashes through steep gorges and over waterfalls until it becomes the again slowly flowing Reed River.",""\
"CHORROL HINTERLAND By Carel de Winter","50 years or so ago, the villagers of Chorrol took it upon themselves to become agriculturally self-sufficient. No more having to rely on imports from the Imperial City that rarely showed up on schedule. But they also noticed how dangerous the woodlands on the borders had become. The answer to this dilemma was the creation of a wall surrounding the farmlands. This farming area outside of the main town walls became known as the Chorrol Hinterland. If the occasional monster does happen to cross the wall, it is quickly taken care of by the many dillegent gaurds who patrol the perimeter. Many sister villages in Cyrodiil have become jealous of this engineering feat that the Chorrol villagers undertook. The Chorrol townsfolk just wink and smile when they hear this.",""\
"CLOUDTOP MOUNTAINS By bananasplit","This mod changes the mountaineous area north-west of Chorrol. The lower mountainside is covered by dense and dark conifer wood and lots of rocks, with small paths running through the area. Halfway to the top, plateaus with grass and flowers separate the woody lower half from the rocky upper part of the mod, where more and bigger rocks change the landscape to a cliffy and inhospitable place. Lots of small paths form a labyrinthine network there, and at the top as well as on the plateaus, ruins of old fortifications show that you are near the border to Hammerfell.",""\
"COLOVIAN HIGHLANDS By Malachit","A highly defensible trading post was built in the Colovian Highlands at the beginning of the first era and after Colovia was conquered. Rich Trade goods were brought from Hammerfell and even High Rock over the mountains to County Chorrol. But, because of the addition of a faster route to the port of Anvil and the border expansion in the year 1E 1029, the Colovian trading post became unimportant and was eventually forgotten. More than one thousand years later, a group of smugglers discovered the expanded natural rock caves and started to use them as a resting place and hideout. Then the Thrassian plague broke out and more than half of Tamriels inhabitants died. The few surviving smugglers secured their loot with traps and left to find a cure. They planned to locate and identify their traps by certain noises and deactivate them, if and when they returned. They didn't return and the traps are still activated. No one knows if exploring the caves is worth the risk. All those who tried and lived to tell were unwilling to return to the caves and risk their lives again. They told of horrible fluttering, biting animals and devious traps that reactivate themself when tripped. Do you have what it takes to reconquer the Colovian Highlands?",""\
"ENTIUS GORGE By Phitt","Entius Gorge is a deep gorge located inside the Nibenay Basin Region, near the source of the Silverfish River. It features mist and firefly ambience effects and a new creature, the Degenerated Slaughterfish. A recent poll of adventurers conducted by Cyrodiil Travellers' Guild notes that Entius Gorge is among the most beautiful regions across the land. Don't forget to be careful if you want to take a dip; the combination of the currents and the shape of the riverbed has been known to trick unwary swimmers. Plus the slaughterfish, mind you. But don't get scared away by my warnings. First-time visitors are bound to be blown away by the ''gorge''ous scenery. In fact, the CTG makes regular trips here with new members to showcase the beauty of it. This is a wonderful environment, but watch out when petting the fish...they just might take a piece out of you!",""\
"FALLENLEAF EVERGLADE By aberneth","Fallenleaf Everglade, the ninth chapter in the Unique Landscapes series, is a breathtaking swamp southeast of Skingrad. Its shallow, murky waters and ancient deep green trees add to the mystery of the primeval swamp. The large basin that houses the Everglade overlooks an ancient ayeleid ruin, and further beyond, a deep gorge carved by the mighty Ferid river. The Fallenleaf Everglade is the headwater for the Ferid, and home to an abundance of flora and fauna. It is a miniature ecosystem in its own. There is nowhere else like it in all of Tamriel. Further more, the Ferid Gorge has been added. It is a deep gorge lined with steep, gigantic mossy rock walls. The ancient trees that sprout from cracks in the wall overlook the pristine waters like ancient guardians. The Granite cliff, measuring over 70 feet tall is a unique landmark definitely worth a visit. The Cyrodiil Travelers Guild gives it a 5 star rating and adds that this is another must-see location out in the wilderlands. The Fighters' Guild in Skingrad is another group that uses the area; in this case, it is to train their recruits in cliff climbing. This is a very scenic landscape to visit, so make plans to see it while in the area.",""\
"IMPERIAL ISLE By Gondor Wache","The majesticness that is the Imperial Isle is finally brought to life through this Unique Landscape. City residents no longer have to leave the Isle in order to find naturally gorgeous scenery. Small shrines now dot the Isle, where travelers can rest and take in the view. Even the wildlife look better in this new environment...will make you think twice before slaughtering that venison for your next meal. Also, now that there is more foliage, you no longer think twice about where exactly that bird is that you heard, because it could be in any of the numerous new trees and bushes. The Cyrodiil Travelers' Guild lists the Imperial Isle as ''One of the prettiest environments to visit'', and also ''Very convenient...just step outside the walls of the Imperial City, and you are there.''",""\
"PANTHER RIVER By trollf","This mod beautifies the Panther River east of Bravil. It focuses on the river and it's banks, making it a quietly and peacefully flowing stream through the lush forest.",""\
"RIVER ETHE By Carel de Winter","This plugin continues the river Ethe in UL - Chorrol Hinterland to the Strid River at the southern border of western Cyrodiil.",""\
"ROLLING HILLS: ROLAND JENSERIC'S FARM By Malachit","This plugin adds a Grass Hills environment between the Imperial City and Cheydinhal, complete with grazing sheep, a wheat field and a windmill. Finally, after centuries of having to import food from neighboring provinces, the Imperial City has a farm relatively nearby. It happens to be north of the Blue Road, which connects the Red Ring Road with the village of Cheydinhal. Several farm buildings and fenced off pastures make Rolling Hills quite the idyllic agricultural dreamland. The farm workers are hard working, have schedules to keep, and have little time for idle pvssyr, so don't bug them too much. Otherwise, the Imperial City will not have enough food to feed the masses. And guess what? You are one of the masses! The chickens were provided by Farmers Unite!. The mill and the remaining new models in the mod were created by RA II.",""\
"SKINGRAD OUTSKIRTS By GrandDukeAdense & Vorians","This mod redesigns the surroundings of Skingrad. It adds a small river as well as lots of cliffs and in general, the vegetation gets densified and more detailed. In addition to the landscape improvements, Skingrad Outskirts adds new farms, and also implements ruins of farms, abandoned by their owners for unknown reasons and reconquered by nature.",""\
"STENDARR VALLEY By Rancen","Stendarr Valley features a winter wilderness, a dead forest, and a few places of interest to the Jerral Mountains region. If you enjoy mountain climbing, exploring snow-covered regions, and plain old winter adventuring, this is the mod for you! But one must take care when one climbs in the Jerrals; it is easy to get hurt because falls can happen often, even when you are not expecting it . Remember, this is the wilds...quite a ways away from any healing temples, so pack plenty of potions. So many folk have been involved in mishaps while traveling through this region that the Cyrodiil Travelers' Guild only recommends this area if you are well-equipped and armored. Also, you might want to watch out for the wild beasts; wolves and bears are all over. Many an unwise adventurer has found themselves bleeding to death because of a few too many wild-beast bites. But, fear not! Perhaps you have a spell to control them? All-in-all, get ready for a decent adventure with some realistic mountaineering in the coldest part of Cyrodiil...BRRR!!!",""\
"THE DARK FOREST By addiktive","This plugin adds a UniqueLandscape to the area south of the Imperial City. It is called The Dark Forest. Located within the forest is Harcanes Grove, a place of magic and wonder, and Lorikh Village, a forsaken and cursed ruin of a village. The area features several new re-textured trees and plantlife along with unique creatures and ambience effects. Most of the rock ledges and tree logs are sittable. However, it is a good idea to not be sitting around for too long in this spooky environment. One never knows what will happen. In fact, there is a rumor that tells something about what happens to you if you fall asleep in The Dark Forest. But no one remembers how the rest of the rumor went. This mod is not recommended for players who are faint of heart. We warned you.",""\
"THE GREAT FOREST: ANCIENT REDWOODS By Aelius ","This plugin adds a dense Redwood Forest to the Great Forest, south-east of Chorrol. Additionally, there are Kodiak Bears who inhabit the area and feature advanced AI. There are even families of Kodiaks. You'll see an advlt Kodiak protectively accompanying its cub or cubs. You can chase the cubs and they will play around, while the parents will keep a watchful eye on them, making sure they don't wander too far! The Kodiaks are all harmless to you, unless, of course, you attack them. The Kodiaks have a sleep schedule too. They'll find a suitable spot, and sleep soundly unless you or an enemy is nearby. In fact, we've included snoring sounds when the Kodiaks sleep! They will awake if you come to close, but if you're quiet enough, you'll be able to sneak around them without waking them from their sleep. They also have a keen interest in berries. You'll see the Kodiaks eating them occasionally. A Kodiak Den is provided, with a Kodiak family nearby. You can even use the den as a home if you'd like. It features a soft mossy interior with a log that you can sit on and sittable rocks, along with the sleeping area. Have yourself a good nap on the soft moss...pleasant dreams!",""\
"THE GREAT FOREST: LUSH WOODLAND By Aelius","The Lush Woodlands adds many more trees to the Great Forest, east of Chorrol. To match these green trees, the ground is now much more green, consisting of mostly grass and clover. Also, the ground without this mod is very jagged, consisting of many ugly vertices that pop out of the ground We have made the ground is much smoother. The ruin called ''Lindai'', directly east of Chorrol, now features a very, very detailed graveyard site, containing many tombstones. There's also added vertex shadows beneath the trees to further give the illusion of a dense forest with a thick tree canopy. The shadow that is added comes with no performance hit, so that's taken advantage of. The only thing that causes a performance hit is the added trees of course, but it's only an average of -3 frames per second loss. There is minimal FPS Loss. Please read this thread for more info and guides on optimising Oblivion.",""\
"THE HEATH: WETLAND By Phitt","This plugin adds a Heath/Wetland type environment to the County Kvatch area with additional Muskrats and features night-time mist effects and fireflies for ambience. When your adventurer becomes tired, most of the rock ledges and tree logs are sittable; the realism makes many an adventurer want to slow down and enjoy. However, we all know that the object of the game is not just to sit around and marvel at the landscape; do so if you want, though. It's up to you, because THE HEATH was the very first of the UniqueLandscapes, and still is considered by many to be one of the best. But aren't they all pretty good? It is hard to decide which is ''The best.'' Centuries from now, scholars will be downloading remnants of THE HEATH and marveling, ''This is the one that began it all.'' Who knows, there may be a new interpretation of the game out by then, called ''Elder Scolls: UniqueLandscapes Version.''",""\
"Modder's Resources","6 DESERT LAND TEXTURES & 8 DESERT ROCKS - Modders Resource - By addiktive \nIncludes 6 Land textures & Meshes and Textures for 8 Rocks \n===Download=== \n@ \n\n48 BLACKWOOD ROCKS - Modders Resource - By IAMTHEEMPEROR\nIncludes Meshes and Textures for 48 Blackwood Rocks \n===Download=== \n@,%22\
"3.3: UL History","Chapter 1: Back around the end of May 2006, several modders, led by addiktive, had gotten tired of the vanilla landscapes. They knew that better and more interesting lands could be carved out of the Construction Set with a little bit of effort. They called their initial thread UniqueForests, because those were some of the first landscapes to be worked on. Later on, the title was switched to UniqueLandscapes to better define the actuality of their work. Little did they know back then, but they had created one of the most popular threads on! They worked hard on their creation and positive results soon followed. Many downloads and positive comments later, by thread XX, addiktive had found new dreams and departed. \n\nChapter 2: There was lots of insecurity when addiktive left and no one was sure what would happen to the thread. Yzerman19, with little experience running threads, took over in the middle of September, righted the listing of UL mods (with assistance from the team) and started to renew the OP with fresh ideas. But the lack of an leading authority in the team caused further problems and ended in big verbal fights in the thread. To avoid this in the future, a collection of rules for UL, the ''Modstitution'', was written by DarkAsmodeous and cthulhu314. This cleared up some things but could not prevent long discussions in the public. So a second version of the modstitution was formulated by cthulhu314. Following the Modstitution v2.0, the UL council was founded with the initial members yzerman19, aberneth and cthulhu314.",""\
"3.4: The Team","The UL Council: Arthmoor, cthulhu314 (spokesman), Vorians (user name ''display name is already in use'') \nThe currently active UL modders: Carel de Winter, DarthSloth74, GrandDukeAdense, Verganon \nGerman Translations: ThreeD \nFrench Translations: Roi_liche \nRussian Translations: DJk \nPatch Makers: Arthmoor, Vorians (user name ''display name is already in use'') \nOMOD Manager: Kerghan55 \nUL teaser video: Egger3rd \nWiki pages Manager: MiSP \nThread I to XX Manager: addiktive \nThread XXI to XXXII Manager: Yzerman19 \nThread XXXIII to LVIII Manager: cthulhu314 \nThread LVIX to ??? Manager: Vorians (user name ''display name is already in use'') \nFounder of UL: addiktive \nSpecial Credits go to our Beta Testers and all Forum Posters!",""\
"Other Notes","The check WryeBash Version part of the RequireVersions Function is still not working/recognising. Ex. \nRequireVersions '''','''','''',''384''",""

;;;This will ask if the user wants to install all of the Unique Landscapes plugins.;;;
SelectOne "SelectOne: Would you like to install all of the Unique Landscapes plugins?",\
Case "Yes"
bInstallAllxul = True
Case "No"
bInstallSinglexul = True

;;;Install All Unique Landscapes Plugins.;;;
If bInstallAllxul ;= True
bAncientRedwoods = True
bAncientYews = True
bArriusCreek = True
bAspenWood = True
bBlackwoodForest = True
bBravilBarrowfields = True
bBrenaRiverRavine = True
bCheydinhalFalls = True
bChorrolHinterland = True
bCloudtopMountain = True
bColovianHighlands = True
bDarkForest = True
bEntiusGorge = True
bFallenleafEverglade = True
bHeath = True
bImperialIsle = True
bLostCoast = True
bLushWoodlands = True
bPantherRiver = True
bRiverEthe = True
bRollingHills = True
bSkingradOutskirts = True
bStendarrValley = True
SelectSubPackage "11 Ancient Yews 1.4.2 -11458"
SelectSubPackage "14 Arrius Creek 1.1.3 -16818"
SelectSubPackage "22 Aspen Wood 1.0.1 -28763"
SelectSubPackage "08 Lost Coast 1.6.4a -14720"
SelectSubPackage "20 Blackwood Forest 1.0.3 -25799"
SelectSubPackage "09 Bravil Barrowfields 1.3.3 -20426"
SelectSubPackage "18 Brena River Ravine 1.0.2 -23573"
SelectSubPackage "21 Cheydinhal Falls 1.0.1 -27494"
SelectSubPackage "07 Chorrol Hinterland 1.2.2 -11189"
SelectSubPackage "13 Cloudtop Moutains 1.0.3 -16677"
SelectSubPackage "06 Colovian Highlands 1.2.1 -15511"
SelectSubPackage "04 Entius Gorge 1.2 -7037"
SelectSubPackage "05 Fallenleaf Everglade 1.3.1 -17562"
SelectSubPackage "19 Imperial Isle 1.6.5 -9531"
SelectSubPackage "16 Panther River 1.1.1 -20332"
SelectSubPackage "17 River Ethe 1.0.2 -17330"
SelectSubPackage "15 Rolling Hills 1.3.2 -10768"
SelectSubPackage "23 Skingrad Outskirts 1.0.0 -29948"
SelectSubPackage "02 Stendarr Valley 1.2.2 -7054"
SelectSubPackage "01 The Dark Forest 1.0.5 -11162"
SelectSubPackage "12 Ancient Redwoods 1.6 -11163"
SelectSubPackage "10 Lush Woodlands 1.3 -11164"
SelectSubPackage "03 The Heath 1.1.1 -11165"

;;;Install Single Unique Landscapes Plugins.;;;
If bInstallSinglexul ;= True
SelectMany "SelectMany: Choose which Unique Landscapes Plugins you would like to install."\
"Ancient Yews","",""\
"Arrius Creek","",""\
"Aspen Wood","",""\
"Beaches of Cyrodiil: Lost Coast","",""\
"Blackwood Forest","",""\
"Bravil Barrowfields","",""\
"Brena River Ravine","",""\
"Cheydinhal Falls","",""\
"Chorrol Hinterland","",""\
"Cloudtop Mountains","",""\
"Colovian Highlands","",""\
"Entius Gorge","",""\
"Fallenleaf Everglade","",""\
"Imperial Isle","",""\
"Panther River","",""\
"River Ethe","",""\
"Rolling Hills: Roland Jenseric's Farm","",""\
"Skingrad Outskirts","",""\
"Stendarr Valley","",""\
"The Dark Forest","",""\
"The Great Forest: Ancient Redwoods","",""\
"The Great Forest: Lush Woodland","",""\
"The Heath: Wetland","",""\
Case "Ancient Yews"
bAncientYews = True
Case "Arrius Creek"
bArriusCreek = True
Case "Aspen Wood"
bAspenWood = True
Case "Beaches of Cyrodiil: Lost Coast"
bLostCoast = True
Case "Blackwood Forest"
bBlackwoodForest = True
Case "Bravil Barrowfields"
bBravilBarrowfields = True
Case "Brena River Ravine"
bBrenaRiverRavine = True
Case "Cheydinhal Falls"
bCheydinhalFalls = True
Case "Chorrol Hinterland"
bChorrolHinterland = True
Case "Cloudtop Mountains"
bCloudtopMountains = True
Case "Colovian Highlands"
bColovianHighlands = True
Case "Entius Gorge"
bEntiusGorge = True
Case "Fallenleaf Everglade"
bFallenleafEverglade = True
Case "Imperial Isle"
bImperialIsle = True
Case "Panther River"
bPantherRiver = True
Case "River Ethe"
bRiverEthe = True
Case "Rolling Hills: Roland Jenseric's Farm"
bRollingHills = True
Case "Skingrad Outskirts"
bSkingradOutskirts = True
Case "Stendarr Valley"
bStendarrValley = True
Case "The Dark Forest"
bDarkForest = True
Case "The Great Forest: Ancient Redwoods"
bAncientRedwoods = True
Case "The Great Forest: Lush Woodland"
bLushWoodland = True
Case "The Heath: Wetland"
bHeath = True

If bAncientYews ;= True
SelectSubPackage "11 Ancient Yews 1.4.2 -11458"

If bArriusCreek ;= True
SelectSubPackage "14 Arrius Creek 1.1.3 -16818"

If bAspenWood ;= True
SelectSubPackage "22 Aspen Wood 1.0.1 -28763"

If bLostCoast ;= True
SelectSubPackage "08 Lost Coast 1.6.4a -14720"

If bBlackwoodForest ;= True
SelectSubPackage "20 Blackwood Forest 1.0.3 -25799"

If bBravilBarrowfields ;=True
SelectSubPackage "09 Bravil Barrowfields 1.3.3 -20426"

If bBrenaRiverRavine ;= True
SelectSubPackage "18 Brena River Ravine 1.0.2 -23573"

If bCheydinhalFalls ;= True
SelectSubPackage "21 Cheydinhal Falls 1.0.1 -27494"

If bChorrolHinterland ;= True
SelectSubPackage "07 Chorrol Hinterland 1.2.2 -11189"

If bCloudtopMountains ;= True
SelectSubPackage "13 Cloudtop Moutains 1.0.3 -16677"

If bColovianHighlands ;= True
SelectSubPackage "06 Colovian Highlands 1.2.1 -15511"

If bEntiusGorge ;= True
SelectSubPackage "04 Entius Gorge 1.2 -7037"

If bFallenleafEverglade ;= True
SelectSubPackage "05 Fallenleaf Everglade 1.3.1 -17562"

If bImperialIsle ;= True
SelectSubPackage "19 Imperial Isle 1.6.5 -9531"

;If bKvatchLowlands ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bPantherRiver ;= True
SelectSubPackage "16 Panther River 1.1.1 -20332"

If bRiverEthe ;= True
SelectSubPackage "17 River Ethe 1.0.2 -17330"

;If bRiverStrid ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bRollingHills ;= True
SelectSubPackage "15 Rolling Hills 1.3.2 -10768"

;If bSilverfishRiverValley ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bSkingradOutskirts ;= True
SelectSubPackage "23 Skingrad Outskirts 1.0.0 -29948"

;If bSnowdale ;= True
; SelectSubPackage ""

If bStendarrValley ;= True
SelectSubPackage "02 Stendarr Valley 1.2.2 -7054"

If bDarkForest ;= True
SelectSubPackage "01 The Dark Forest 1.0.5 -11162"

If bAncientRedwoods ;= True
SelectSubPackage "12 Ancient Redwoods 1.6 -11163"

If bLushWoodland ;= True
SelectSubPackage "10 Lush Woodlands 1.3 -11164"

If bHeath ;= True
SelectSubPackage "03 The Heath 1.1.1 -11165"

;;;Force LOD Check;;;

;;;LOD Combinations-Order of operations: Most to Least Ex.4,3,2;;;
If bForceLODCheck ;= True ;It never will be true!
SelectSubPackage "LOD ===Landscape LOD==="
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; All 4 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF_EG_RH"
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF_EG"
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls & bRollingHills ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF_RH"
Elif bArriusCreek & bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_EG_RH"
Elif bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; 3 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD CF_EG_RH"
Elif bArriusCreek & bCheydinhalFalls ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_CF"
Elif bArriusCreek & bEntiusGorge ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_EG"
Elif bArriusCreek & bRollingHills ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD AC_RH"
Elif bCheydinhalFalls & bEntiusGorge ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD CF_EG"
Elif bCheydinhalFalls & bRollingHills ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD CF_RH"
Elif bEntiusGorge & bRollingHills ;= True ; 2 of them
SelectSubPackage "LOD EG_RH"

;;;Deselects Lowpolygrass SubPackage before asking question if it got selected by the installall/selectall earlier in the script.;;;
;DeSelectSubPackage "01Opt The Dark Forest LowPoly Grass -11162"

;;;Asks user if they want to install the LowPoly Grass Mesh for the Dark Forest.;;;
If bDarkForest ;= True
SelectOne "SelectOne: Do you want to install the LowPoly Grass mesh for the Dark Forest to improve performance in that area?",\
Case "Yes"
bDarkForestLPGrass = True
Case "No"
bDarkForestLPGrass = False

If bDarkForestLPGrass ;= True
SelectSubPackage "01Opt The Dark Forest LowPoly Grass -11162"

;;;Asks user if they want to install the 'No Wheat' version for the Rolling Hills.;;;
If bRollingHills ;= True
SelectOne "SelectOne: Do you want to disable the wheat in the Rolling Hills to improve performance in that area?"\
Case "Yes"
bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp = True
Case "No"
bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp = False

If bRollingHillsNoWheatEsp ;=True
SelectSubPackage "15Altesp Rolling Hills 1.3.2 Without Wheat -10768"
DeSelectEspm "xulRollingHills_EV.esp"

;;;Notes at the finish page.;;;
Note "Remember to run TES4LODGen prior to playing for correct LOD Generation.
Note "Remember to sort your load order with BOSS prior to playing for correct load order placement."

10 years from finished....

Thanks - script in bain heh ?
I'll bug someone with a request for an anologous script for patches :whistling: :D
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Posts: 3419
Joined: Mon Aug 13, 2007 10:48 pm

Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 1:48 am

Thanks - script in bain heh ?
I'll bug someone with a request for an anologous script for patches :whistling: :D

I think someone's already got that one done, heh?
Measure twice, cut once. It will surface someday...
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chirsty aggas
Posts: 3396
Joined: Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:23 am

Post » Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:11 am

Awesome jobs so far! But a quick question, though! I was looking thru the second map link's huge map pic and noticed that the UL River Strid will overlap a pretty big chunk of Northern Elsweyr and Valenwood. So now the question is is the upcoming UL River Strid gonna be compatible with the Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina mod (as that mod also goes thru a small part of Valenwood as well!)?
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