I must report a bug with the Dark Forest v1.5 mod. Simply put, it crashes my game. That's definite, I've triple-checked it.
The details: the unexplainable part is, it did not always crash it. I've started my game in the Imperial City and spent lots of time in it. I then travelled North, East, and finally South. I passed the Green road south through the cells affected by this mod (I even got the Unicorn who happened to stray close to the road), played in the South for some time, and on the way back my game started crashing around Robber's Glen and Tiber Septim's Wayshrine (that is, north of Bruma and south of the Inn of Ill Omen). OK, I skipped this area and went back to the Imperial City. To my greatest surprise, the game started crashing in the Market District. I've disabled/enabled all of my mods and tracked down DF as the culprit. I do not know how a mod modifying the are south of the city can cause CTDs inside it, neither do I know how I managed to go safely though this area once, but that's the reality.
I suppose there may be some kind of mod conflict that is to blame. I dunno. I've been using the only compatibility patch I know there is from DF - that of the Lost Spires. The rest of my mods are:
Spoiler Подключенные моды:00 Oblivion.esm01 Jog_X_Mod.esm02 All Natural Base.esm [версия]03 Francesco's Leveled Creatures-Items Mod.esm04 Francesco's Optional New Items Add-On.esm05 MD_Saddle_Master.esm06 Cobl Main.esm [версия 1.72]07 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esm [версия 1.34]08 Mart's Monster Mod.esm [версия 3.7b3p3]09 FCOM_Convergence.esm [версия 0.9.9MB3]0A Armamentarium.esm [версия 1.35]0B Artifacts.esm [версия 1.1]0C Open Cities Resources.esm [версия 3.3.2]0D BetterMusicSystem.esm0E Progress.esm [версия 2.2]0F HorseCombatMaster.esm** TNR ALL RACES FINAL.esp** TNR - ShiveringIsles.esp10 Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp [версия 3.2.6]11 DLCShiveringIsles.esp12 Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp [версия 1.4.0]++ Shivering OOO.esp13 Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Bosses.esp14 Francesco's Optional Chance of Stronger Enemies.esp15 Francesco's Optional Leveled Guards.esp++ FranDarkSeducerWeapFix.esp++ FCOM_Francescos.esp [версия 0.9.9]++ FCOM_FrancescosItemsAddOn.esp [версия 0.9.9]16 FCOM_FrancescosNamedBosses.esp [версия 0.9.9]17 Fran_Lv30Item_Maltz.esp++ OMOBS_FRAN.esp** LoadingScreens.esp18 All Natural - Real Lights.esp [версия]19 All Natural.esp [версия]1A All Natural - SI.esp [версия]++ Advanced_Water_Modification-2734.esp1B Better Bell Sounds.esp1C MIS Low Wind.esp1D MIS New Sounds Optional Part.esp1E Atmospheric Oblivion.esp1F Distant Chapel Bells.esp++ Diverse Voices.esp20 Storms & Sound.esp21 WindowLightingSystem.esp** Book Jackets Oblivion.esp22 ChaseCameraMod.esp++ CM_Better Wine.esp23 Display Stats.esp [версия 1.2]24 diversegrasses.esp25 DS Time Manager.esp [версия 1.1]26 ImprovedSigns.esp++ Item interchange - Extraction.esp [версия 0.78]27 MM_TextLocks.esp28 BetterMusicSystem(SI).esp29 personality_idles4.esp2A P1DlookHereYou.esp2B RAEVWD Cities.esp [версия 1.7]2C RAEVWD New Sheoth.esp [версия 1.5]2D Enhanced Economy.esp [версия 4.1.1]2E Choices and Consequences.esp [версия 2.02]2F Map Marker Overhaul.esp [версия 3.5.1]30 Map Marker Overhaul - SI additions.esp [версия 3.5]31 sr_super_hotkeys.esp32 DLCHorseArmor.esp33 DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.5]++ Mart's Monster Mod - DLCHorseArmor+Slofs .esp [версия 0.90]34 DLCOrrery.esp35 DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.3]36 DLCVileLair.esp37 DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.5]38 DLCMehrunesRazor.esp39 DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.4]3A DLCSpellTomes.esp++ DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.1]** Book Jackets DLC.esp++ GrimbotsSpellTomes.esp++ MaleBodyReplacerV4.esp++ FineWeapons.esp3B PTArtifacts.esp3C Robe Replacer2.esp++ RustyItems.esp** Armamentium female.esp3D Command Mount.esp3E MD Saddlebags v3.0.esp3F MD Saddlebags v3.0 Alternative Trader Script.esp40 DLCThievesDen.esp41 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.5]42 DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp [версия 1.0.4]43 KDCircletsOOOOptimized - NPC Equip.esp [версия 1.2]++ FCOM_KDCircletsOOOOptimizedNPCEquip.esp [версия 0.9.9]44 Loth's Blunt Weapons for Npcs.esp++ FCOM_LothsBluntWeapons.esp [версия 0.9.9]45 Oblivion WarCry EV.esp46 FCOM_WarCry.esp [версия 0.9.9MB3]47 Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul.esp [версия 1.34]++ OMOBS_OOO_missing_Oblivion_Bow_Ammo.esp++ OMOBS.esp [версия 1.0]++ OMOBS_SI.esp48 OMOBS Optional Combat Settings.esp [версия 1.0]49 Choices and Consequences - OOO.esp [версия 2.0]++ ArmamentariumLLVendors.esp [версия 1.35]4A ArmamentariumArtifacts.esp [версия 1.35]4B FCOM_Convergence.esp [версия 0.9.9Mb3]++ FCOM_EntropicOrderRebalance.esp [версия 0.9.9beta2]4C FCOM_RealSwords.esp [версия 0.9.9]++ FCOM_SpawnRatesReduced.esp [версия 0.9.9Mb3]++ FCOM_SaferRoads.esp [версия 0.9.9]++ FCOM_LessRats.esp [версия 0.9.9]++ FCOM_LessReaversInGates.esp [версия 0.9.9]4D Mart's Monster Mod - Extra Wounding.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]++ Mart's Monster Mod - Less Reavers.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]4E Mart's Monster Mod - Zombies for Body Meshes.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]4F Mart's Monster Mod - Safer Quest Locations.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]50 Mart's Monster Mod - Dungeons of MMM.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]++ Mart's Monster Mod - Slof Horses Complete.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]++ OMOBS_MMM.esp++ FCOM_DiverseGuardUnity.esp [версия 0.9.9]++ FCOM_HungersUnitySI.esp [версия 0.9.9]** FCOM_FriendlierFactions.esp [версия 0.9.9]++ Mart's Monster Mod - Shivering Isles.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]++ ArmamentariumLL4OOO.esp [версия 2.01]++ ArmamentariumLLMagicOOO.esp [версия 1.35]** LoadingScreens-OOO.esp51 SSEE-OOO.esp** EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer4FCOM.esp52 Artifacts.esp [версия 1.1]++ Artifacts - EE patch.esp [версия 1.0]** ArtifactsFemaleArmor.esp++ Artifacts - ArmaCompleteAddon.esp [версия 1.0]53 LetThePeopleDrink.esp [версия 2.5]54 thievery.esp55 thievery - EE patch.esp [версия 1.0]56 DLCBattlehornCastle.esp57 DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.4]58 Lynges_Thieves_Highway-10256.esp59 DLCFrostcrag.esp5A DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.4]5B Knights.esp5C Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp [версия 1.0.9]** EVE_KnightsoftheNine.esp5D SM Plugin Refurbish(Merged).esp [версия 1.30]5E Choices and Consequences - SM Plugin Refurbish - Orrery.esp [версия 2.0]5F OCC-KOTN-Patch.esp [версия 2.1]60 Consequences.esp61 Consequences_Knights.esp62 Consequences_Vile.esp63 The Lost Spires.esp64 OCC-Lost Spires-Patch.esp [версия 2.0]++ FCOM_Knights.esp [версия 0.9.9Mb3]65 road+bridges.esp [версия 4.5.4]66 xulStendarrValley.esp [версия 1.2.2]67 xulTheHeath.esp68 XulEntiusGorge.esp69 xulFallenleafEverglade.esp [версия 1.3.1]6A LostSpires-Everglade patch.esp [версия 1.2]6B xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp [версия 1.2.1]6C xulChorrolHinterland.esp [версия 1.2.2]6D xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp [версия 1.6.4]6E xulBravilBarrowfields.esp [версия 1.3.2]6F xulLushWoodlands.esp [версия 1.3]70 xulAncientYews.esp [версия 1.4.2]71 xulAncientRedwoods.esp [версия 1.6]72 xulCloudtopMountains.esp [версия 1.0.3]73 xulArriusCreek.esp [версия 1.1.3]74 xulRollingHills_EV.esp [версия 1.3.2]75 xulPantherRiver.esp76 xulRiverEthe.esp [версия 1.0.2]77 xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp [версия 1.0.2]78 xulImperialIsle.esp [версия 1.6.5]79 xulBlackwoodForest.esp7A xulCheydinhalFalls.esp [версия 1.0.1]7B xulAspenWood.esp [версия 1.0.1]7C xulSkingradOutskirts.esp7D West Roads.esp7E Open Cities New Sheoth.esp [версия 1.1]7F Open Cities Outer Districts.esp [версия 3.3.2]80 Open Cities Full + Leyawiin Reborn.esp [версия 3.3.3]81 OCC-ULCH-Patch.esp [версия 2.2]82 OCC-OOO-Patch.esp [версия 2.3]83 NRB4+UL-II+LtPD+OCOD Patch.esp [версия 3.0.1]84 OCLR+ULBWForest Patch.esp [версия 1.0]85 OC+Cheydinhal Falls Patch.esp [версия 1.0.1]86 OC+ULSkingradOutskirts Patch.esp [версия 1.0]87 Harvest [Flora].esp [версия 3.0.0]++ Harvest [Flora] - Shivering Isles.esp [версия 3.0.0]++ Harvest [Flora] - DLCVileLair.esp [версия 3.0.0]88 Harvest [Flora] - DLCFrostcrag.esp [версия 3.0.0]89 Cliff_BetterLetters.esp [версия 1.1]8A DS Storage Sacks.esp [версия 1.21]8B EVE_ShiveringIslesEasterEggs.esp8C Dungeon Actors Have Torches 1.6 CT.esp8D Exterior Actors Have Torches 1.3 CT.esp8E Finite Ammo.esp++ Hurt Me Traps.esp8F ImprovedSoulgems.esp [версия 1.11]90 Oblivifall - Ambiant Dungeon SFX.esp [версия 1.2]91 Oblivifall - Something's Not Right.esp [версия 1.0]92 ReneerNPCSneakMod.esp93 ReneerNPCNameMod.esp++ Enhanced Vegetation [100%].esp94 Storms & Sound - The Lost Spires.esp95 talkwithyourhands PI4.esp96 Toggleable Quantity Prompt.esp [версия 3.1.1]97 ATakesAll.esp++ vendorchest-fix Shivering Isles.esp98 Quest Award Leveller.esp++ Quest Award Leveller - Battlehorn Castle.esp++ Quest Award Leveller - Vile Lair.esp++ Quest Award Leveller - Mehrunes Razor.esp++ Quest Award Leveller - Knights of the Nine.esp99 RealisticFatigue.esp9A RealisticHealth.esp9B RealisticForceMedium.esp9C RealisticMagicForceLow.esp9D RealSleepExtended.esp [версия 2.4.2]9E AgarMoreVariedSpellEffects.esp9F Disease Immunity (Oblivion + Shivering Isles).esp++ Jjiinx_Enhanced Disease.espA0 RshAlchemy.espA1 SM Combat Hide.esp [версия 1.2]A2 LFox No Trespassing.espA3 StealthOverhaul.espA4 DD_ProximitySneakPenalty.espA5 Deadly Reflex 5 - Timed Block with no damage or durability changes.espA6 DeadlyReflex 5 - Combat Moves.espA7 Duke Patricks - Near Miss Magic And Arrows Alert The Target.espA8 Duke Patricks - Actors Can Miss Now.espA9 Duke Patricks - Fresh Kills Now Alert The NPCs.espAA PTActorsCare.espAB PTDoorExploitBegone.espAC nGCD.espAD nGCD Oghma Infinium.esp++ nGCD Skeleton Key.espAE ProgressMBSP.esp [версия 2.0]AF ProgressSBSP.esp [версия 1.0]B0 ProgressRBSP.esp [версия 1.0]B1 ProgressArmorer.esp [версия 1.0]B2 Legendary Abilities-Shield MOJ.espB3 Grandmaster of Alchemy.esp++ Item interchange - Placement for FCOM.esp [версия 0.78]++ Item interchange - Placement for Frostcrag.esp [версия 0.78]++ EVE_KhajiitFix.esp++ Mart's Monster Mod - Resized Races.esp [версия 3.7b3p3]++ bgHighElfSeamReducerFixEV.espB4 TRAP.espB5 MM_TextHorse.espB6 MM_TextLoading.espB7 SPAWN.esp [версия 0.3]++ [GFX]_Initial_Glow-all.espB8 Get Wet Dark.espB9 BubbleFx.esp++ KoldornsImprovedLava2.esp++ Summon_Bear.espBA SnArrowEffects.espBB Shining Creatures.espBC Shining Creatures_AtronachFlame.espBD Shining Creatures_AtronachFrost.espBE Shining Creatures_WillOWisp.esp++ Shining Creatures_DLCFrostcrag.esp** Enhanced Economy - Soulgems.esp [версия 1.0]BF Real Hunger, Cobl.esp [версия 1.6.1]C0 NRB4 OCLR Road Record.esp++ CoreRandmonClothing4Npcs.esp++ Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp [версия 1.53]** All Natural - Indoor Weather Filter For Mods.esp [версия]++ Slof's Manly Stride.espC1 Side's EAX Control.esp++ E0ThievesGuildFence-Low.espC2 Quest Log Manager.esp [версия 1.0]C3 Bashed Patch, 0.espC4 Duke Patricks - Combat Archery.esp [версия 2.6.2]C5 kuerteeCleanUp.espC6 Streamline 3.1.esp
I realise that one of the reasons I managed to pass the modded area once and fail to do it now may be that I have introduced the conflict upgrading one of my mods or installing a new one. So here's a list of mods I downloaded after I first travelled South and before I tried to return to IC:
Spoiler upgraded:BetterMusicSystemWeather - All NaturalAnimated Window Lighting System and ChimneysMap Marker Overhaulnew:Side_s EAX ControlI have also run my load order through a new version of BOSS masterlist, upgraded to the latest Wrye Bash and regenerated my Bashed Patch.
Hope that information can help you track the actual conflict down.