Shamelessly "borrowed" & modded from
At the present we have no information about what DRM-free future games being published by Bethesda will be. There has been no formal announcement about it so this thread is merely for expressing your thoughts on various possibilities and expressing your thoughts about GOG and/or other DRM-Free options which may be used.
The following rules will apply to this thread as well as all forum rules already in place.
1. No flaming, attacking or demeaning one another for their opinion about GOG.COM/DRM-free (pro or con)
2. Any encouragement of piracy will result in a warning and temporary suspension of your account. Admission of piracy will result in a ban. This includes circumventing DRM of any kind.
3. Repeated posts by the same member to say the same thing can be considered spam and result in a warning against your account.
Preceding Thread(s)