The Unofficial Official Skyrim Mod Thread

Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 9:59 am

The Unofficial Official Skyrim Mod Thread
Why Skyrim will be the best “console port” ever

There are about 16 trillion threads (last I counted) complaining about why life is not worth living because Skyrim is a "console port", so, I decided to make a thread focusing on why The Elder Scrolls games (and many other Bethesda games) are some of the best PC games ever made. This is not a console bashing or PC elitist thread. I don't dislike consoles or console gamers. In fact, I celebrate the fact that the Elder Scrolls has the fortune of being enjoyed by such a wide audience.

This thread is about Mods. Mods are the main reason I buy Bethesda games. To my knowledge, no other game series has the amazing capacity and user-friendly system of modding that the Elder Scrolls and Fallout3/NV are famous for. It also has the largest, most talented, and helpful modding community that I've ever been part of.

I wanted to make this thread to be a compilation of links to mods from past Elder Scrolls games which will give hope to mod users and inspiration to modders. We can look back at mods we loved to use in Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Fallout NV and look forward to potential mods for Skyrim.

I'll start by laying down a few categories, and listing several mods appropriate to each. These categories are related to several complaints I've seen people express on the forum about Skyrim. Complaining about the game is nice, but why not be proactive and start generating mod ideas about how to make it better?

The mods I'm listing are special because they worked beautifully in the game they were made for and show the amazing possibilities for Skyrim allowed by the mod support Bethesda gives their customers.


  • Playable Dragons - Allows you to make a character that uses the skeletons and animations of several different creatures. Maybe the same method could be used with the dragons in Skyrim, at least the ground animations... For flying see the next category.

  • Dragon Mounts - Allows you to summon a customizable dragon mount. No doubt this inspired Bethesda's inclusion and design of dragons in Skyrim, at least a little...

  • Hypothermia - An amazing mod that monitors the temperature of the area you're in, and also the body heat of the player. Factors like time of day, location, and weather influence the temperature of the play. When your core temperature gets too low, you shiver and suffer penalties. You can warm yourself up by being near (or on!) fire (i.e. fireplace, fireball, etc.), and keep dry by wearing a cloak when it rains. Since Skyrim obviously has a very cold climate, and dangerous looking weather high up in the mountains, why shouldn't keeping warm be a big part of the game?

  • Armor - In Fallout New Vegas the only armor slots are body and head. This mod allows you to customize your character's armor by utilizing the "invisible" extra slots that all characters have. It adds pauldrons, belts, knee pads, and every other kind of equipment you can think of. Perhaps Skyrim's default armor system can be bypassed in a similar way to allow more customization.

  • Combat - Skyrim's combat looks amazing, but many people are complaining about the apparent lack of locational damage. This mod gives reasons to aim at vulnerable parts of an enemy, and adds many new features such as combos and special attacks. - A huge overhaul to every conceivable part of combat. Dismemberment, spell effects, critical hits, mounted combat (at least in older versions) shield bashing, kicking, dodging - these are the features I can think of off the top of my head. It also overhauls NPC AI. NPCs are unpredictable and dangerous! They can do all the things previously mentioned, and can adapt and even outsmart the player. To beat NPCs you have to be unpredictable as well, and use every one of the new features at your disposal to outsmart them and catch them off guard. - This is supposedly the mod that influenced Bethesda's overhaul of archery for Skyrim. It makes archery a more complex, useful and dangerous form of combat. It adds many benefits for being a careful and intelligent archer, and several new things an archer must account for to be successful.

  • Magic - Adds a unique spells system with over 300 new, unique spells. It adds spells totally different from what the vanilla magic system allows. It shows what the game's engine is capable of. Skyrim's new spell system along with modders will allow for limitless possibilities.

  • Stealth - The perceived problem by some of a bandit taking the time to mourn his friend who was murdered right in front of him by the player, instead of looking for revenge was a problem in Oblivion too. In this mod when an actor sees a new friendly corpse they immediately start to look for the killer. - With this mod arrows which whistle past actors will catch their attention. Now they can see and hear near misses.

  • Physics - This mod changes the ragdoll physics of characters so that their bodies fall and tumble more realistically instead of shooting across cells when they're killed. It lets you customize the force created by normal weapons, enchanted weapons and magic.

  • Cities - Brings cities in Oblivion into the exterior world cells like they were in Daggerfall and Morrowind. No more loading screens when you stroll into town to rest from your adventures, visit the local tavern, or hit up a noble's house for loot. In Daggerfall the bigger cities closed their gates at night, but with the climb skill you could sneak right over the walls and into the city. What's more immersive than that?

  • Economy - This mod completely overhauls the economy of Cyrodiil. It makes every town feel unique, by changing the prices for certain items in each. In the capital, high class items like jewelry, fine clothes, and Alyeid artifacts are highly valued, while weapons and armor aren't needed. It makes merchant barter gold change dynamically with events that affect the empire as a whole (e.x. the Emperor's assassination, closing of certain Oblivion gates).

  • NPC Adventurers - Adds NPCs all across the wilderness as well as populated areas who are explorers just like the player. All of them can help the player in some way either by offering services like repairing equipment, recharging enchanted weapons, or buying and selling items and loot, or just by helping the player in a fight. It makes Cyrodiil a much less deserted place.

  • Character Levelling - This mod shows that it's possible to completely change the character levelling system. It removes skill progression, and replaces it with a system similar to Fallout's xp system. I like it because it is extremely customizable, and it allows you to play the game without micromanaging your skill usage. If you increase the amount of experience you get from quests, you don't have to worry about HOW you complete the quest, you can just play and reap the rewards.

  • Map Redesign

The new map style for Skyrim looks like it gives new possibilities to modders who add new areas to the world. However, some people say they would like a more traditional looking map. A complete map overhaul might not be possible for Skyrim, but these map mods for Oblivion prove that some editing may be possible.

  • User Interface - Makes the entire interface more "PC friendly" by allowing many times more items to be viewed on one screen, and reducing the size of UI components (health, magicka, fatigue, compass, etc.) - Removes the potentially immersion breaking quest arrow from the game.

  • 1st Person - More aesthetic than utility, this mod lets you see your body (torso, legs, arms) while in 1st person. - Allows some NPC and 3rd person animations like lockpicking and reading to be seen on the player character in 1st person. - Makes closed and semi-closed helmets affect 1st person view, adding immersion and a trade-off of less visibility for more protection.

  • Overhaul - In my opinion, the best overhaul for any Bethesda game. It seamlessly integrates the biggest and best mods and countless smaller mods which add specific complexity and fun to the game. Perhaps the best part is its in-game customization menu. You can change, tweak, and disable almost any feature that the overhaul adds on the fly. The makers have gone to great lengths to get several incompatible mods to work perfectly together, and have added entirely new features themselves. A great example of what can be accomplished with a dedicated team, and a great guide for overhaul makers in the future (i.e. Skyrim).

  • Utilities

I use 200+ mods for Morrowind, Oblivion, and Fallout 3. It's sometimes difficult to get them all to work together and have a stable game. Any serious mod user needs certain utilities to help organize and persuade them all to get along. - (Wrye Mash, Wrye Flash, depending on which version/game you're using) - Essential for a good modded game experience. It has so many features it's impossible to summarize. It makes the game work. No doubt a version will be made for Skyrim. The only question is what will it be called? (Wrye Smash?)


Please post other mods that give you hope for the mod-filled future of Skyrim. Preferably mods that deal with specific issues you have with what we've seen so far in the game footage and journalist reviews, and I'll add them to the list.


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Ana Torrecilla Cabeza
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:41 am

Awesome thread.
Makes me sad I'm a console user, but I have a hunch that majority of the people on this forum play PC, and this should help some feel better.
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Daddy Cool!
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 8:51 pm

Awesome thread.
Makes me sad I'm a console user, but I have a hunch that majority of the people on this forum play PC, and this should help some feel better.

Thank you.

Morale of the forum seems to be down since so many PC players think Bethesda has forgotten about them. Hopefully this thread will remind them about how much Bethesda care about their customers enough to give us awesome modding tools.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:27 am

If I want to learn how to make a big, ambitious mod including quest content, NPCs, animations, new item textures and meshes, as well as new spells, what software would you recommend that I learn how to use between now and November?
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:54 pm

Thank you.

Morale of the forum seems to be down since so many PC players think Bethesda has forgotten about them. Hopefully this thread will remind them about how much Bethesda care about their customers enough to give us awesome modding tools.

There's a mod I saw videos of, (never played, obviously) that added realistic gravity to Oblivion instead of the 'floaty' kind.
I can't remember the name of it, and can't seem to find it, but it's my favourite mod that almost made me go out and by a PC version of oblivion.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:20 pm

Unless SM really gives us a polished, well-developed Chargen system (I am not hopeful), I would love something like - it would add classes and make your choices really matter. I guess GCD is kind of the opposite of what the SM developers are going for (unlimited character growth), but I found GCD to be the best thing for a role-player. It allowed you to grow, but also restricted you so you could never become a Jack of All Trades.

Other than that, I'd like to see some mods like Uh, obviously not Sixth House - though I would love for Dagoth Ur to appear and lead us against the dragons - but just mods to explore the unplayable aspects and factions of the game, to explore the other side of the norm.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:14 am

There's a mod I saw videos of, (never played, obviously) that added realistic gravity to Oblivion instead of the 'floaty' kind.
I can't remember the name of it, and can't seem to find it, but it's my favourite mod that almost made me go out and by a PC version of oblivion.

Do you mean

Added to the list.
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Tessa Mullins
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:06 am

looks like there is going to be a classic map mod for skyrim
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:56 pm

looks like there is going to be a classic map mod for skyrim

I'll add a map redesign section.
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:56 am

Some of the mods i like :celebrate:

Pheeew ! :icecream:
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:19 am

Some of the mods i like :celebrate:

Pheeew ! :icecream:


Added an armor section.
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Sarah Evason
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 4:57 am

Thank you.

Morale of the forum seems to be down since so many PC players think Bethesda has forgotten about them. Hopefully this thread will remind them about how much Bethesda care about their customers enough to give us awesome modding tools.

Forum morale certainly is down
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Rachael Williams
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:27 am

Thank you.

Morale of the forum seems to be down since so many PC players think Bethesda has forgotten about them. Hopefully this thread will remind them about how much Bethesda care about their customers enough to give us awesome modding tools.

Forum morale certainly is down
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Kari Depp
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:30 am

Added a User Interface section.
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Laura Cartwright
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:39 am

If I want to learn how to make a big, ambitious mod including quest content, NPCs, animations, new item textures and meshes, as well as new spells, what software would you recommend that I learn how to use between now and November?

Those are a lot of big jobs just by themselves that require specific software for each. NPC's are easy, so it would come really quick once you get the Creation Kit (but if you do want to get a head start just use the Oblivion CS, or maybe the GECK). Quest content involves scripting, and their new kit probably uses a language totally unique to it. I dunno about animations, I think you can do them in Blender, but from what I understand this is the most complicated of all. Textures you just need an image editing software (I use GIMP, but you'll need some scripts for DDS conversion). For meshes I like blender mainly because it's free, but it's kind of hard to get used to. You'll also need NifSkope, but it will probably be a while after the game is released until the export scripts are made for Skyrims format.
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:29 am

Added a Utilities section.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:00 am

Those are a lot of big jobs just by themselves that require specific software for each. NPC's are easy, so it would come really quick once you get the Creation Kit (but if you do want to get a head start just use the Oblivion CS, or maybe the GECK). Quest content involves scripting, and their new kit probably uses a language totally unique to it. I dunno about animations, I think you can do them in Blender, but from what I understand this is the most complicated of all. Textures you just need an image editing software (I use GIMP, but you'll need some scripts for DDS conversion). For meshes I like blender mainly because it's free, but it's kind of hard to get used to. You'll also need NifSkope, but it will probably be a while after the game is released until the export scripts are made for Skyrims format.

Awesome, thanks very much for this detailed guidance. I hope 6 months will be enough time to learn. :goodjob:
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aisha jamil
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 11:29 am

Modders aren't a crutch :shrug:

Daggerfall didnt have mods,

when I went to Morrowind I played it for what it was, the Plugins offered on the site was a side thought, and over time it got sixy, the most anticipated mod I waited for but never played was Wizards isle.

same with Oblivion, I wasnt expecting to go Woot woot gonna download some mods YEAH....I was actually interested in the game, looking at the screenshots, seeing custom pics of an Imperial female with pink pony tail, I was like damn this is going to be so awesome......and in the first few months, while there were some mods, they were nothing compared to now, they were archaic, clunky and unrefined.

unfortunately others..including myself are now like MODS GONNA FIX THIS, AND THAT, and rather I personally would like that not to be the focus of modders, grant it yes some enjoy and do take up the duty of fixing flaws in the game.....but it shouldn't be a reliance........Modders mod as a hobby or to cut their teeth on something for future job prospects.......never should they be expected to fix what should already be fixed.

Check Morrowind for example... game crashes period all these years, with the official patches your copy of Morrowind WILL crash unless supplemented by unnofficial patches.....same goes for oblivion suffering from some game breaking bugs going on 5 years now.....don't put weight on Modders, we like to play the game too...(Initially, then modding becomes fun in of itself...for some)

yes Mods are great, unfreakingdoubtedly so......but it takes YEARS...

Skyrim is the Highrise built to completion, various rooms and living quaters, Players move in, like what they see, take it or not and move out. Modders are the guys that come in, see something, change it around, remove it or completely alter it from the ground up, and players lap it up like hot cakes but if there is a hole in the wall, or a floor missing, it should fall on Modders to "fix" it really :(

I guess what Im trying to say is, yeah the game is moddable sure, but it being moddable doesnt mean PC players should be happy with any shafting they are getting :shrug:
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 12:52 am

This looks exciting! :celebration:
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 2:33 am

Player made races such as the synx mod and cute elves mod for oblivion
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:14 am

Skyrim is the Highrise built to completion, various rooms and living quaters, Players move in, like what they see, take it or not and move out. Modders are the guys that come in, see something, change it around, remove it or completely alter it from the ground up, and players lap it up like hot cakes but if there is a hole in the wall, or a floor missing, it should fall on Modders to "fix" it really :(

I get what you're saying - that a game should not require mods, that a game shouldn't have holes that modders must fix - but the reality is that each of us have expectations. There are going to be several million Skyrim players - that's a lot of expectations for 300 hours of gameplay that Bethesda just can't meet. And we PC Gamers are a particular bunch, especially since we've been playing much more involved games than console gamers, yet Bethesda must market to both crowds. And so mods should be used - to add those things Bethesda would never put in the game (like mammoth riding), and, yea, to fix those things that don't meet our individual expectations. It all works out - people get a game tailored to their individual wants with the power of mods. They must be necessary.
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matt white
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Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:22 pm

Honestly the modders who do graphical overhauls need to forge there mods into huge packs.

Would make things amazingly awesome.
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Brad Johnson
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:58 am

Honestly the modders who do graphical overhauls need to forge there mods into huge packs.

Would make things amazingly awesome.

It's possible! Just look at the!
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:24 am

Check Morrowind for example... game crashes period all these years, with the official patches your copy of Morrowind WILL crash unless supplemented by unnofficial patches.....same goes for oblivion suffering from some game breaking bugs going on 5 years now.....don't put weight on Modders, we like to play the game too...(Initially, then modding becomes fun in of itself...for some)

Mine never did. :shrug:
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:09 am

same goes for oblivion suffering from some game breaking bugs going on 5 years now.....don't put weight on Modders, we like to play the game too...

Not to single you out or anything, but I've heard lots of people claim this but every time I've asked for specifics, nobody can ever come up with even one game breaking bug, as in something that once occurs, utterly prevents you from continuing. I personally can't think of anything, and I can tell you for certain I played vanilla with NO UOP with my first character and got all the way through the MQ and all the guild quests without anything that even broke one of the quests, let alone the game.
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