In reality, a playlist with all DLC set to TIA, IA, and Onslaught would make an insurmountable amount of sense. But I am not holding my breath for it to happen. So I'd figure I'd make a petition of sorts just on the off chance that:
1) The forums are still being looked at by Devs.
2) Licensing and @#$!ed up contracts aren't stopping Devs from updating this game.
The fact that 2 DLC packs were released for this game roughly around 3 months post game release and Crysis 2 being taken off Steam by EA tells me that things did not go smooth with the Publisher (A.K.A. PoS EA)
From personal experience by talking to developers for other games face to face I know that Publishers can indeed ruin the game experience for everybody by not aiding, or allowing the maker of the game to follow up on the game post release. I thought EA won me over this year with a few titles it published that appealed to me, but no I still hate them since the early 1990's. I have faith that BF3 will be amazing and will be treated properly (finally) but I will still stay away from EA.
And I guess I am one of the few that played the DLC maps from all the complaints I've read here about them. Retaliation was small but extremely fun. Decimation had giant maps and more than Retaliation and was a lot of fun too. I loved them, even the pink scope and pink head shot bullet bug, and would like to play on them with everyone else that bought them. So if any of you still read the forums and would like to see this happen, make your voice heard!