I've found myself in a quandary as to whom to side with in the civil war. I know I should side with someone, because the longer it goes on, the more damage is done to Skyrim, but... who? The Imperials all seem like thoroughly unpleasant people who are almost childishly indignant at the temerity of the Stormcloaks for objecting to their helping the Thalmor round up Talos worshipers. The Stormcloaks are more or less nicer, but their leadership constantly talks about making war on "the elves," which is both awkward and unnerving for my Altmer PC, who really doesn't want another bloody human invasion of the Dominion, especially one that might be racially biased and bad for its civilians. Then again, the Empire might do the same thing; I've considered joining one just to see if I could influence it somehow to be more peaceful, or at least circumspect in its actions, but I don't know which would be more suitable.