Well, I'm happy to report it's all good here. No issues so far. Game loads and plays fine. Just like before. It's still a little laggy around groups of NPC's but I had that with and without the .dll file so I'll have to put up with it.
I backed up all my .ini files and saves, didn't have to verify my installation. Didn't really have to do anything. It installed the updates I went offline, loaded the game and it all worked as good as before.
Unfortunately the archive invalidation thing from earlier isn't working for me, so I've gone back to the text file version. I don't really have many texture replacers installed (4 eye re-colors, face and body texture and ranger combat armor) so it's not much of a hassle adding lines to that. It's fine for now.
I walked from Gypsum Trainyard to Primm with ED-E and Veronica and had no crashes. I
do like the little follower markers on the local map. They're handy
Haven't done too much else to pick out anything else. I geuss I never really noticed/didn't come across many of the things the patch fixed.