well thank you very much, any input is good because i can compare my results. hopefully soon there will just be one or a couple patches to take care of everything. cuz so far nothing works for me. thanks again man
Anytime, dude.

And of course, anything for the community. Hopefully a few patches will take care of those issues for you. And to be honest, I can feel that New Vegas is more optimized than Fallout 3. This is just from what I experienced so far by default. Sure, I may get a bit of lag (sometimes lots, mainly being around fires or huge dust clouds), but I think this file made it more smooth and bearable being around them. I do still get a tad bit of a performance drop around those areas, but not as extreme as before. I still don't know if the d3d9.dll file was the culprit for this, or if my recent discovery of new NVidia drivers did the trick, along with forcing triple buffering.
Soon I'm getting an ATI Radeon X1950 Pro in the mail from a friend and 2 sticks of RAM - 1 GB each (that'd increase my overall RAM to about 3GB, so my performance may drastically change and I'll have to take out the d3d9.dll if I don't want weird issues. My main FPS drops are because my card doesn't quite meet the requirements, but I somehow get smooth framerates in large open areas depending on what's there. All my fade-ins are low. My textures are medium. And I have bloom on. I dread seeing responses about my system if I post my crappy specs at the moment. Rofl.I'm just glad I can run the game with, at the very least, a decent texture size setting. I can't wait to see if I can run this svcker on higher settings.