Pointless, which was also the most popular choice so far, oddly enough. Didn't quite expect that. We'll have to pay for the public beta, like always

How does consoles and updates work? Is the game installed or played only by disc content? Reason I ask is that I'm shocked about the amount of fixes that we need "the unofficial patch" for. It's like they don't care anymore when a game is reasonably stable, instead of keep on fixing them.
But voted pointless, as 99% would use it to *play* the game early without knowing what testing is all about. Public beta only after release, where you'd still need the game, sounds better, but only if there is plans for a prolonged support of it instead of only the most critical bugs. I'm on PC myself, and I often see complains about game being consolidized (?). As they can't use mods, they sure seem neglected badly after release.
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