Are you sure about that? That didn't happen to me when I logged in at my GF's apartment.
It says it is added in patch .18 for the game and is already on the account page.
I honestly don't see this becoming an issue. If a player uses a password like "password1" or "apples" or "elderscrolls", then they deserve to be hacked. People should be creative with their passwords and not be ignorant with them.
They'll get the username anyways. I mean, to hack someone you need two pieces. It doesn't change really anything.
What is going to be funny is all the 15 year olds who pick a really dirty perverted totally inappropriate username are going to have that visible to everyone. So they are going to have to have some mechanism in place to change a persons username. Should be quite entertaining to say the least hehe.
No offense but your password must be really really bad if you think that your username is halfway there to hacking you. It definitely is not, and other MMO's have used this system in the past with no problem.
It's not the hackers fault that your password is rubbish and easily hacked. it though. Someone deadset is going to hack you, public username or not.
what a one time password does is pretty much the exact same thing as an authenticator, just without an extra program or piece of hardware (btw authenticators can be hacked as well).
How much does an authenticator cost to download? Probably less than a penny.
But..... why give everybody already half of your account login information for free? This account has your creditcard information tied to it. It is asking for problems. Do you know that many passwords are actually easy to gues? Here is a list of most common passwords used:
1 123456
2 password
3 12345678
4 qwerty
5 abc123
6 123456789
7 111111
8 1234567
9 iloveyou
10 adobe123
11 123123
12 admin
13 1234567890
14 letmein
15 photoshop
16 1234
17 monkey
18 shadow
19 sunshine
20 12345
21 password1
22 princess
23 azerty
24 trustno1
25 000000
I bet you can hack at least 1% of all accounts on ESO. And many of these people never come to this forum and read this message: Don't make easy to guess passwords!
and if the hacker already has that email, you are sol no matter what.
Someone trying to hack you is going to do it. It doesn't matter if you are on a character name or a handle. That's all I'm saying.
Does that mean: Why bother to make it harder for them?
As I said, we'll see.
Btw, authenticators rarely get hacked other than by researchers. Whenever you see hacks associated with authenticators in the real world, they are usually due to mistakes in installation and implementation.