He's making a joke about your name.
Necessary? No. It's not required for the game to function. But it's incredibly good at fixing bugs, and making the game into what the developers intended (but don't have time to patch).
It shouldn't cause problems, and it definitely will fix them.
You can organise your LO with NMM as previously stated. However, BOSS is generally good. What issues have you heard of? There's the occasional person who has some issue (which is easily fixed) but there's the silent millions of times it works fine. I like those odds.
If it helps, USKP generally fixes retroactively. So if you wait and install it once you've hit a bug, it'll probably fix the bug. (and it can be applied to old save games just fine) But the beauty of the USKP lies in fixing bugs you never knew about, nor would know about. So I recommend you get it now. No downsides to it, after all.