Welcome to Lord Hevnoraak's TRUE NORD beauty contest! Featuring both Men and Women! Hosted by his holiness: Lord Hevnoraak!
Greeting savage heathens. It is with great honor that I hold this beauty pageant for the True Nords of Skyrim, YOUR ancestors whom bled and died for you to live cozily in this land. A land for the almighty benevolence of Overlord Alduin whom you blasphemers have forsaken! But I digress.
Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. From physical appeal and attraction, to one's personality and actions. Our contestants have waited 4,000 years for this day, where they too can be honored and remembered for past deeds and accomplishments. Many have auditioned for the chance, only these select few have been chosen. And it is my hope that more will audition for the months to come. For I believe beauty should be shared with ALL. Even those who are dead deserve recognition and appreciation.
-Drog Hevnoraak, onik sonaan do Valthume.
Without further ado, with the blessings of the cult, and our Overlord and Savior: Alduin First-Born of Akatosh, I present:
The Valthume Beauty Pageant of 4E year 201 of our Lord Alduin.
Male Contestants
http://i.imgur.com/NmCCOW8.jpg Here lies Jolgard the Butcher. So brutal his murders were, the Dov reviled him.
http://i.imgur.com/lHk1sGG.jpg Here lies Revnak the Clueless. Was slain by rebel forces he thought were allies.
http://i.imgur.com/d2FoPJ8.jpg Here lies Ulgard Rebel-Slayer. Fiercely loyal even in death; legends of his kill-count were sung in ye olden days.
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/576740413786542677/4AC5F828BE8026228A1F437B631C0985D059CBD6/ Here lies Haaki Iron-Chest. He doesn't even lift.
http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/576740413786278923/3D77A7D832F3D16562D786DE47E3413BC0996F74/ Here lies Ingmad the Gentle. As frightening as a beast; As cuddly as a rabbit.
http://i.imgur.com/0IYnc01.jpg Here lies High King Borgas. Blasphemous heretic to the old Nordic Pantheon; Was slain in the wild Hunt of 1E 369.
http://i.imgur.com/OEiL0yK.jpg Here lies Lord Hevnoraak. Master of the Reach; Rightful heir to the Snow Throne; Most loyal, wise, and powerful of the Priesthood; And the Truest Son of Skyrim.
Female Contestants
http://i.imgur.com/kfrwzNZ.jpg Here lies Eruki Stone-Fist. Punched ol' Kunthjol the Arrogant; A female activist of her time. Great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandmother of Rolff and Galmar Stone-Fist
http://i.imgur.com/lkv5FlL.png Here lies Fryfnhil the Sleepless. So sleep deprived in life she was; She slumbers now in death.
http://i.imgur.com/nwi3fso.jpg Here lies Hjotra the Blonde. Promiscuous in life as she is in death.
http://i.imgur.com/4rCFeoa.jpg Here lies Aumsi the Fair. Is rumored to have won the hearts of Giants.
http://i.imgur.com/JT5nUyu.jpg Here lies Barri the Huntress. So skilled in hunting she was; Was eventually slain by Mudcrabs of the great plains.
http://i.imgur.com/EQaAhH9.jpg Here lies Ilfhild the Cruel. Her voice broke the will of heretic heathens.