The Vampires Cave #1

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:57 am

Giant throwing contest!
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George PUluse
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 5:53 pm

I have not got Dawnguard so when I'm at stage 4 everyone attacks me and tips on hunting werewolves head to soletheim I've kill a few there. Just roam around at night and wait you may get lucky and run into one.
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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:51 pm

A challenge idea
Converting a dragon to a vamp dragon!!!

Good luck with that. Must have photo or video proof!!!!
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Eve Booker
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 4:02 pm

I don't think you can do that with Aedra /:

I guess it would work via PC mod, but it would be a bit lore-breaking.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:55 pm

We could try but I don't this it would be possible, seeing as I'm on PS3 I don't have access to mods so I can't try and mod it somehow. However if your on PC you could mod it. Anymore challenge ideas?
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 3:14 pm

No mods aloud!! Just the dlcs
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 3:42 pm

I will attempt this later
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:44 pm


Those with Lycanthropy who die in Nirn will go to Hircine's Hunting Ground to hunt with him for all eternity. This is the main reason why Kodlak Whitemane, a Harbinger of the Companions in the Fourth Era, wanted to be cured. The Hunting ground is sometimes an ideal place for Werewolves and they go there on their own accord but some are pulled there when their spirit tries to go to Sovngarde. The Realm is made up mostly of dense woodland and vast grasslands and plains, as well as blood-red tributaries. Mortals entering these realms are typically hunted down by the inhabitants. During the day, werebears hunt the inhabitants and at night, Hircine announces himself with a pack of werewolves.

Legend tells that Hircine rewarded peeled skin known as the Savior's Hide to the only mortal to have ever escaped his realm. This tailored cuirass has transferred from different owners ever since.

I thought I would start it off by going on about the hunting grounds.
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Natalie Harvey
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Post » Tue May 21, 2013 12:28 am

This is for vampires only!!!! Go and post the above on the werewolves page! Before your masters hunt you down and teach you, your place in the world of vampire dominancy!!

Stupid dog!!

Go chase the
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:52 pm

Its the topic of discussion fool! Really my masters I am the master
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:25 pm

? supposed to be the vampire thread.
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Marcus Jordan
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 2:26 pm

Wow! That's completely 180 off topic! And your the thread creator! WTF!

I have an idea, lets create a thread solely about vampires, and then discuss HIRCINE!


^ this, again and again. I propose that we discuss MOLAG BAL! and his realm COLDHARBOR!

Just to throw out a few questions for discussion:
  • What do you know about either? Each have been discussed at some length in other threads, but for the sake of this thread lets get some info posted
  • Do you characters worship or at least honor in some fashion Molag Bal?
    • if not then who or which deity do they revere and why?
  • Can vampires worship other aedra/deadra?
    • Do they get anything out of it?
  • How does one get to Coldharbor anyway?
    • Are there multiple ways or just the one?
  • If you were mortal and found yourself in Coldharbor, how do you think his realm would be?
    • Do you think it's survivable?
  • Do you think Molag Bal has an army or system of hierarchy set up?
    • ?ex. Captains, Lieutenants, Champions, etc...
  • Would it be fair to compare Coldharbor with the traditional notion of Hell?
    • ?Why or why not?
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Alisha Clarke
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 4:40 pm

Hmm maybe the Topic of Discussion was aboit off topic. Molag-bal is a good one thanks!

Molag-bal is now the new topic of discussion.
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Emma-Jane Merrin
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 12:19 pm


Molag Bal is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the domination and enslavement of mortals. He is known as the King of [censored][1] and the Harvester of Souls.[2] His main desire is to harvest the souls of mortals and to bring them within his sway by spreading seeds of strife and discord in the mortal realms. One legend claims that Molag Bal created the first vampire when he [censored] a Nedic virgin, who in turn slaughtered a group of nomads.[3] He also made pacts with other mortals and turned them into vampires such as Lord Harkon and his family. Thus it is implied Lord Harkon and his family are the original Volkihar Clan of vampires being directly turned by the Daedric Prince himself.[4] He is a Daedric power of much importance in Morrowind, where he is always the archenemy of Boethiah, the Prince of Plots. Other enemies are Ebonarm and Mephala. His summoning day is Chil'a. In Aldmeris, his name means Fire Stone.

Molag Bal's plane of Oblivion is Coldharbour. The book The Doors of Oblivion says that his plane resembles a copy of Nirn, including the Imperial Palace, but all desecrated and ruined. The ground is sludge, the sky is on fire, and the air is freezing. The Daedroths are typically counted among his servants.

He is the main source of the obstacles to the Dunmer people (and their Chimer predecessors). In the legends, Molag Bal always tries to upset the bloodlines of Houses or otherwise ruin Dunmeri 'purity'. He is also the god of [censored] and is said to be the parent (along with Vivec) of a population of mutant degenerates living in the Molag Amur region of Morrowind.[5] It is possible he assisted Jagar Tharn in his temporary procurement of the Imperial throne. He was also responsible for the destruction of the Bosmeri town of Gilverdale at the end of the First Era (he was summoned by Senchal King Dro'Zel). In Morrowind, he is seen as one of the four corners of the House of Troubles.

Molag Bal also has a daughter named Molag Grunda, a Winged Twilight who was in love with the lowly Frost Atronach Nomeg Gwai. Molag Bal did not approve of the relationship and had them both banished to Oblivion, so they could be punished for eternity.
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Penny Wills
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:34 am

Eh.. I'll throw in Clavicus Vile, as he has connections with vamps for one reason or another:

(Source: Everyone's favorite wiki. And there's obvious spoilers, but I'm sure you knew that)


"You think you lose, you die, and that's the end. It's not." - Clavicus Vile, Redguard

Clavicus Vile is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the granting of power and wishes through ritual invocations and pact.[1] Clavicus has a companion named Barbas. While capable of selective shapeshifting, the form it assumes most of the time is that of a dog. Clavicus himself is depicted as a small jovial fellow with horns protruding from his forehead. He is aptly described as a Daedra who likes souls for the sake of having them.

Clavicus's plane of Oblivion is an unnamed, tranquil countryside populated by deadly yellow Daedra. His enemy is Ebonarm and his summoning day is the New Life Festival. The relic Bittercup is associated with the Prince.[2] Clavicus is famous (or perhaps infamous) for his widespread meddling in mortal affairs and in the past has worked through mortal representatives to gain what he desires. It is possible, though by no means certain, that Clavicus Vile assisted Jagar Tharn in his temporary procurement of the Imperial throne. Clavicus Vile purportedly granted the Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order the ability to blend into mortal society undetected.[3]

Not all of Clavicus's machinations are necessarily insidious; he often rewards followers who, at his direction, eliminate threats to the general public. However, he is certainly self-serving. When Cyrus the Redguard came to him seeking his sister Iszara's soul, Clavicus kindly gave him an opportunity to have it- the two gambled, Clavicus wagering the soul of Iszara, and Cyrus wagering his own.

Umbriel, the floating island, is said to be a piece of Oblivion from Clavicus's realm, torn away by Vuhon and his new ingenium.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 4:16 pm

^ this, again and again. I propose that we discuss MOLAG BAL! and his realm COLDHARBOR!

Just to throw out a few questions for discussion:
  • What do you know about either? Each have been discussed at some length in other threads, but for the sake of this thread lets get some info posted
  • Do you characters worship or at least honor in some fashion Molag Bal?
    • if not then who or which deity do they revere and why?: I think pureblood vampires turned by Molag Bal himself worship him as thanks for their transformation. I believe however thin blooded vampires like the ones you find in caves or older non purebloods are more preoccupied with feeding, keeping up the masquerade, attaining wealth ect.
  • Can vampires worship other aedra/deadra?
  • I would think that some vampires might worship Nocturnal because she is the Daedra of darkness and that is home to many vampires. As for Aedra I wouldn't think so unless they were a devout worshipper in their mortal life.
  • How does one get to Coldharbor anyway
  • I think a vampire upon "dying" will go to coldharbor like the werewolves to the hunting grounds. A non-vampire servant who served Molag Bal could go their upon death or a portal could be opened to Molag's realm.
  • If you were mortal and found yourself in Coldharbor, how do you think his realm would be?
  • I don't think a mortal could survive in Coldharbor because they moment they set foot in it hundreds and possibly even thousands of vampires would smell their blood and go hunting. I think Coldharbor would be hell for mortals but like the garden of eden for vampires, however in this case the forbidden fruit is blood
  • Do you think Molag Bal has an army or system of hierarchy set up?
    • I think Molag probably has some army and second in command but I assume it would have infighting. Crowding a bunch of power hungry immortals in one place for centuries could lead to problems.
  • Would it be fair to compare Coldharbor with the traditional notion of Hell: Possibly
    • ?Why or why not?
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:17 pm

Really now? We could have shared the den with you if you asked politely and didn't try to debate with us. Anyway my character has two versions, the werewolf version (who happens to be so badass that guards automatically attack anyone who attacks me and Khajiit caravans apparently do not give a [censored] and ask me if I just like being naked) and a vampire Lord who is equally badass and took on three werebears (my wolf did this too but it was a better fight due to them giving my wolf a challenge where my vamp only had to be on the water and murder them there and even then my vamp like to take on enemies up close and personal)
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:34 pm

That brings up an interesting point for some discussion...maybe .
  • Can a pack of werewolves really co-exist with a family (coven, w/e) of vampires?

I open that up for some discussion or debate!

Right off hand I'd say no. They're both a competitive "species" (if i may use that term loosely) for certain, but I see werewolves as more cooperative. They'll fight to the death to find the strongest among them and then freely bow to his/her leadership or leave the pack. Much like an actual pack of wolves might function. It's all pretty straight forward. Vampires on the other hand (for the most part) are all about plots and schemes. Sure, they'll engage in open warfare until a leader is established, but even after they bow aligance they're more likely to harbor jealousy and plot their eminent rise to power.....or they'll leave and try to start their own family.

Also, I see werewolves as more tolerant of other packs so long as they respect territories. Even in warfare they'd likely assimilate survivors of the beaten pack into their own. Vampires I see as constantly threatened. For the most part there is no other family but their own, so they'll strike out at other weaker covens or families and seek their annihilation. It's not often that they accept other vampires into their fold.

So you might say that it's generally in the nature of the vampire to always seek superiority over all others, especially over a pack of werewolves. Oil and Water, as I see it.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:06 am

  • Do you characters worship or at least honor in some fashion Molag Bal?
  • if not then who or which deity do they revere and why?
My lone Vampire principally worships Molag Bal since he is her creator. Not directly mind you, so she's no Daughter of Coldharbor. She does however secretly desire to become one, even knowing what she must sacrifice and suffer to attain that prestige. Because, lets face it, within the vampire community to be a Daughter of Coldharbor is often something to be feared and least that's how I see it. She's as close to "pure blood" as anyone's going to get without getting it directly from Molag, so that'll suffice for now. She pays her respects and make her sacrifices to him at the only two shrines known to exist in Skyrim. The one in Volkihar Castle and the other in the abandoned house in Markarth, only in my rp story the rusty mace is still there since Bal has yet to choose a wielder.

Her origin-journey exposed her to a great deal of the underbelly and darkness of Skyrim, so she has also gained a reverence for Sithis. All her Brotherhood contracts are fulfilled in the name of Sithis. She also has a respect for Mehrunes Dagon, and will occasionally transform into her Vampire Lord form and sew chaos for chaos sake.

The only one that might "speak" to her personally however is Diabella. It seems to me that the bonus you get in-game for becoming an Agent (+10 boost in combat against opponents of the opposite six) seems that Diabella might also have a "warrior" side to her persona, so for this reason I've allowed my character to retain her 'Agent of Diabella' status in her rp story. Other than this, and the occasional benevolent gesture made in her honor, my Vampire doesn't do much more than contemplate this deity. She can be a deep thinker at times.
  • Can vampires worship other aedra/deadra?
  • Do they get anything out of it?
?I don't see why not, but I don't see what they'd possibly get out of it since several Aedra Deities won't touch a murderous vampire with a 30ft pole.
Other Deadra on the other hand, I don't see why not so long as they're not at war with each other.
  • How does one get to Coldharbor anyway?
  • Are there multiple ways or just the one?
? No idea. I'd assume that there would just be the one way, at Molag Bal's whim.
  • If you were mortal and found yourself in Coldharbor, how do you think his realm would be?
  • Do you think it's survivable?
I've read (on the glorious Wiki) that Coldharbor is a mirror of Mundus, only that the ground is sludge, the sky is on fire, and everything is in some form of ruin. All sounds about right, except for the burning sky. That seems a tad out of place, but whatever. It's not my plane . I would also imagine that there would be so many other abominations that wander that plane, not solely Vampires.

I think it would be survivable, but your chances would be fairly slim. It would take a special sort of character who could learn to adapt to that existence until they found their way back, or it got the better of them. Kinda like Lawrence Fishborn's character in Predators. It could be survived for a time, but you'd forever be mentally scared to some degree.
  • Do you think Molag Bal has an army or system of hierarchy set up?
  • ?ex. Captains, Lieutenants, Champions, etc...
?I do think he does. I also see it as an army of horrors and abominations to numerous to count and too terrible to speak of. I also see his armies constantly at war with each other, if for no other reason than they're bored and blood thirsty. I also think (due to something I read in a wonderful Wiki) that Vampires are among his greatest and most coveted creations, and so just being a vampire in Coldharbor would give you some 'street cred' and respect. The most powerful of these being chosen as his champions, Lieutenants, and so forth.
  • Would it be fair to compare Coldharbor with the traditional notion of Hell?
  • ?Why or why not?
?I would compare it to the traditional notion of Hell. Obviously there are some aesthetic differences, but by and large it fulfills a similar purpose. Molag Bal also strikes me as a kind of "devil" that might rule such a hell. Not necessarily 'Satan', per say, but definitely a Devil.
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:56 am

Its possible just highly improbable.Both would end up fighting over something. Vampires would claim superiority, werewolves would claim independence then it just goes downhill from there.

I could see it happening if it was with a group who were close and knew each other well but even then, their natures would probably end up making them fight each other.

Mix? Possible but extremely unlikely.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:50 pm

1.) Molag Bal is the Prince of domination and forceful sixual intercourse. His realm, Coldharbor is a replica of Tamriel, a beautiful alternate reality of bleak and coldness. Not for the weak.

2.) I worship Molag Bal, sparingly. I respect him, but I do not blindly follow him. I administer his ideals when I see fit.

3.) I also worship Mehrunes Dagon, glorious Prince of change and ambition. It is his will that my endurance and commitment to survival is tested. He keeps me on my toes, and in shape. I also summon his honorable Dremora in his name, to destroy my enemies. In addition, I am a proud champion of Hermaeus Mora and I will do as he commands. I shall gain knowledge through him, and likewise I will find new secrets for him.

4.) Through the will of Molag Bal, rather you like it or not. I imagine powerful conjurers and wizards could find some way as well.

5.) terrifying, and no.

6.) It is diffuclt to say. The real question is: does he require it? If he does, it will be done.

7.)Yes, seeing as how it is Tamriel - cold and destroyed. It's weak inhabitants subjugated and tormented. The strong under constant vigilance, for they can and will suffer the same fate.
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Phillip Hamilton
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 2:34 pm

The Werewolves are strong and stupid, Vampires are strong and clever. We have the edge over werewolves they are nothing to us Vampires. A pack of Werewolves could maybe harm a few of us but we would still come out on top, the ones that are left behind wounded we would turn into our own.
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Taylor Tifany
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 2:34 pm

So you'd have some wolves in sheeps clothing at your side?
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:04 pm

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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 4:46 pm

My vamp and my wolf would probably get along really well, both would rather get up close and personal with their prey, both would rather not kill every civilian in sight, the only time my wolf has had to kill a civilian was either a mercy kill, said civilian deserved it, or a civilian got in the way of my swing while I was fighting vampires. Both my wolf and my vamp can be considered to be noble, a rare trait amongst wolves and even rarer amongst vampires. My wolf is known as the phantom of Whiterun due to Whiterun's positioning as practically the dead center of Skyrim while my vamp is known as the wraith of Solstheim, Reavers, Horkers, Mudcraps, Pirates, Netches, Reiklings, Bears, Werebears, and somehow even Ash Zombies are found dead with the blood drained right out of them.
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