» Mon May 20, 2013 8:34 am
Eh.. I'll throw in Clavicus Vile, as he has connections with vamps for one reason or another:
(Source: Everyone's favorite wiki. And there's obvious spoilers, but I'm sure you knew that)
"You think you lose, you die, and that's the end. It's not." - Clavicus Vile, Redguard
Clavicus Vile is the Daedric Prince whose sphere is the granting of power and wishes through ritual invocations and pact.[1] Clavicus has a companion named Barbas. While capable of selective shapeshifting, the form it assumes most of the time is that of a dog. Clavicus himself is depicted as a small jovial fellow with horns protruding from his forehead. He is aptly described as a Daedra who likes souls for the sake of having them.
Clavicus's plane of Oblivion is an unnamed, tranquil countryside populated by deadly yellow Daedra. His enemy is Ebonarm and his summoning day is the New Life Festival. The relic Bittercup is associated with the Prince.[2] Clavicus is famous (or perhaps infamous) for his widespread meddling in mortal affairs and in the past has worked through mortal representatives to gain what he desires. It is possible, though by no means certain, that Clavicus Vile assisted Jagar Tharn in his temporary procurement of the Imperial throne. Clavicus Vile purportedly granted the Cyrodiil Vampyrum Order the ability to blend into mortal society undetected.[3]
Not all of Clavicus's machinations are necessarily insidious; he often rewards followers who, at his direction, eliminate threats to the general public. However, he is certainly self-serving. When Cyrus the Redguard came to him seeking his sister Iszara's soul, Clavicus kindly gave him an opportunity to have it- the two gambled, Clavicus wagering the soul of Iszara, and Cyrus wagering his own.
Umbriel, the floating island, is said to be a piece of Oblivion from Clavicus's realm, torn away by Vuhon and his new ingenium.