Neither for me. I'd choose a third option where Vampires avoid getting too involved with any humanoids; so not interested in seducing
or terrorizing them. Really if you're old, powerful, and had to keep those facts to yourself wouldn't it be logical that mortal humans would not be the people you'd want to spend time with, and are ultimately uninteresting? I'd think it'd be more of a Vampire thing to interact with your own kind, hence the complex rivalries between Vampire clans. Those kinds of relationships seem to be engineered to simmer away over centuries and involve the kind of strength and strategy that can provide some challenge for a Vampire. Seducing or killing humanoids isn't much of a challenge in comparison.
For worship, I don't think the genesis of vampirism is relevant. Molag Bal's motive for creating vampirism probably wasn't worth worshiping him for. Supposedly his reasons had very little to do with the mortals it affected, and were more about his fixation with Arkay. Those that were infected were only the means of getting Arkay's attention. So I think a Vampire could worship anyone, or no-one. I personally worship none, but I think of Azura every now and then because she's the only Daedric Prince I've met and had positive experiences with.
I don't see any basis in TES for Werewolves and Vampires being mortal enemies. In old mythology werewolves and Vampires were inter-changeable. In some folklore a werewolf was a living creature who would become a Vampire when he/she died. In
Dracula (the novel) he could transform into a wolf.