» Mon May 20, 2013 3:13 pm
I'm a fan of the NatGeoWild and other network shows that treat the different breeds of wolves in the wild. It's interesting to see how they socialize as well as how they hunt. I'm also a big fan of Cesar Millan's Dog Whisperer, which offers incredible insight into the psychology of dogs, who are generally descendants of wild wolves so there is a strong correlation there. I also consider myself fairly well read on the matter (though I don't claim any expertise, just understanding).
To say wolves (referring to Werewolves) are stupid doesn't offend me, I just don't think its fair. Anyone who has even a basic understanding of these animals (referring to Wolves) will know that a lone man (experienced hunter or not) with no other weapons than his two fists, out in the wilderness surrounded by even 4-5 small hungry coyotes, is as good as dead. His only saving grace could be his ability to weaponize and employ superior tactics....and that's just against 4 or 5 small coyotes. A single moderately sized wolf could eat those coyotes for breakfast.
Now pit that man with a hunting knife against that lone wolf and I'd put his odds at around 50/50. Throw in a second wolf and his goose is cooked!
I only bring up such real world examples (as hypothetical as they are) to help me illustrate a fictional tussle between a vampire and a werewolf, hopefully taking bias out of the equation.
Give a wolf the power and intelligence of a man and you get a Werewolf. Take a man and give him some supernatural powers and you got a Vampire. Pit those against each other and I'd say the Vampire has a 50/50 chance at surviving the encounter. What will make the difference is their ability to weaponize and utilize superior tactics. The one who falters, looses. Naturally their odds of survival increase the more of either you have, so toss in another Werewolf and I'd say goodbye to that Vampire or pray he can run really fast. Tip those 2:1 odds in favor of the Vampire and I'd say they've got an 80/20 chance of survival.
We can play the numbers game all night, but as I've said before it all comes down to weapons and tactics.
Btw, this opinion comes from a healthy respect for those fowl smelling creatures, as I am a Vampire myself. (or rather, I prefer playing one in game)
[Edit] Oh boy! There I go, derailing the thread