The Vampires Cave #1

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 12:18 pm

I need to catch up on my lore
What about the Argonians? What are there vamps like?
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 4:19 pm

You see a vampire hailing from Black Marsh then you should run but you are still in a spot that you would want to be near one rather than a Bosmer vampire . . .

nuff said
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:31 am

WTF!!! A bosmer eating a man whole! Then his brothers go ahead and eat children!!!! The Argonians just get a prisoner and put him in a coma then just svck out his blood at will?!!
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Jennie Skeletons
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:51 pm

Yeah, the two scariest kinds of vampire, I wonder what would happen if my wolf and my vamp went up against them . . .
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:47 pm

I wouldn't come back....
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:47 pm

Anyone got any challenges?
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Vincent Joe
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Post » Tue May 21, 2013 12:01 am

What size of pack we talking?
A pack can be anywhere from 3 or 4 to 15.

For the sake of this question however, I'll assume 5 Wolves vs 5 Master class Vamps. Winners?

Its a toss up really.

5 on 5; I would likely place my money on the Wolves. The thing is at this point it really comes down to a question of terrain and tactics.
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:58 pm

We can argue all day on who's the better hunter but we'll get absolutely nowhere. Everything we "know" is based off unrelated topics and game mechanics, both of which are completely useless in scenarios as they are either nothing like TES or they construe things too far to be useful. useful could say vampires think themselves too high and might therefore they are arrogant therefore they are rash, stupid thus end up dead; I could say that vampires smell like graveyard soil and old blood. You can say werewolves smell like wet dogs and that they are too stupid to kill vampires.
In short. We can SAY what we want but that doesn't mean we are right.

You can be born a half vampire. There was a person who was born who's father was a vampire but the mother was human so they were a half breed. It was either Morrowind or Oblivion...

What's to say a werewolf, much less a pack, isn't as cunning as a handful of vampires? If the wolves were feral then sure you could easily say the vamps are smarter but there's no guarantee that the wolves won't be as smart or smarter than the group of vampires.
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 3:13 pm

I'm a fan of the NatGeoWild and other network shows that treat the different breeds of wolves in the wild. It's interesting to see how they socialize as well as how they hunt. I'm also a big fan of Cesar Millan's Dog Whisperer, which offers incredible insight into the psychology of dogs, who are generally descendants of wild wolves so there is a strong correlation there. I also consider myself fairly well read on the matter (though I don't claim any expertise, just understanding).

To say wolves (referring to Werewolves) are stupid doesn't offend me, I just don't think its fair. Anyone who has even a basic understanding of these animals (referring to Wolves) will know that a lone man (experienced hunter or not) with no other weapons than his two fists, out in the wilderness surrounded by even 4-5 small hungry coyotes, is as good as dead. His only saving grace could be his ability to weaponize and employ superior tactics....and that's just against 4 or 5 small coyotes. A single moderately sized wolf could eat those coyotes for breakfast.

Now pit that man with a hunting knife against that lone wolf and I'd put his odds at around 50/50. Throw in a second wolf and his goose is cooked!

I only bring up such real world examples (as hypothetical as they are) to help me illustrate a fictional tussle between a vampire and a werewolf, hopefully taking bias out of the equation.

Give a wolf the power and intelligence of a man and you get a Werewolf. Take a man and give him some supernatural powers and you got a Vampire. Pit those against each other and I'd say the Vampire has a 50/50 chance at surviving the encounter. What will make the difference is their ability to weaponize and utilize superior tactics. The one who falters, looses. Naturally their odds of survival increase the more of either you have, so toss in another Werewolf and I'd say goodbye to that Vampire or pray he can run really fast. Tip those 2:1 odds in favor of the Vampire and I'd say they've got an 80/20 chance of survival.

We can play the numbers game all night, but as I've said before it all comes down to weapons and tactics.

Btw, this opinion comes from a healthy respect for those fowl smelling creatures, as I am a Vampire myself. (or rather, I prefer playing one in game)

[Edit] Oh boy! There I go, derailing the thread
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Emzy Baby!
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:00 pm

I honestly can't think up any good Vampire-centric challenges that don't involve the Vampire Lord Form, and those that do are basically modifications of existing Werewolf challenges. Honestly none of those really spark my interest since there is no time limit to VL form. I can also open up most doors while transformed, so the only reason I ever revert is to visit a city or loot something.

*light bulb flickers on*

How about this!?

Challenge: Hunt down a traveling pack of Thalmor and attack them on the road, then report back here how it turned out. Detail the out come here.
  • If you have access to VL form then it must be done while Transformed (note also with or without the use of the trinkets).
  • If you don't have the Dawnguard DLC, or just don't have access to the VL form, then describe your tactics used for the attack and its outcome.
  • Include also your game difficulty level.
Gear: If you're not in VL form, then you can't use any armor or weaponry that you've enchanted yourself. Items looted are allowed, but nothing attained through a deadra.
**If you're not like me and don't stockpile your loots, then go ahead and craft something without the use of mods, loops or glitches. The idea being that you are equipped as closely as possible to an actual in-game vampire.
***Not required, but for general interest if you like please list your gear used as well as character level and all pertinent stats like amount of health and so forth...but again those details are not required.
Magic: I would encourage you to utilize only those powers and abilities given you as a Vampire, but clearly if you are built as a mage then by all means, utilize what you have. Just no mods, loops or glitches.
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My blood
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:20 pm

Best challenge yet, ill try this out tommorrow and then report back
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:08 am

Would be a pretty epic fight though.
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Karl harris
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:57 am

Optional: Watch a werewolf pack tear Thalmor to pieces as well if possible.
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Kat Lehmann
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:20 am

I rather like the look of the Vampire Lord.

I always play as a Vampire, indeed both of my Avatars are VL's. The new look allows me to RP as the monster I am, and especially when I get into a fight where I use the transformation. I agree with you on the feeding animations, but I really think that the looks of the Vampire Lord is what makes it "stick" for those of us who like it.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 12:49 pm

Definitely, I would give them a good battle but they would come out on top for sure.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:19 am

That depends, my wolf and my vamp might just be able to defeat one or two of them, but a whole army of the damn things would be too much.
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Katie Samuel
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:08 pm

I wouldn't mind if they made the vampire lord much more appealing. Or scrap the vampire lord form and add the vampire lord perk tree with all the other perks. As the current form looks like a deformed birdman thing.
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Shannon Lockwood
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:25 pm

Vampire Lords aren't supposed to be beautiful. They are supposed to be the epitome of power, power gained through corruptive means, i.e. Molag Bal. Its the Patron of vampires, he himself isn't very appealing (from the look of his statue). Power like that isn't supposed to be beautiful.
"Power corrupts" in more ways than one.
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Hannah Barnard
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Post » Tue May 21, 2013 12:29 am

5 vampires massacred 50 werewolves
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Tue May 21, 2013 12:52 am

Those were whelps.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:58 pm

The Werewolves would not stand a chance against the Volkihar Vampire Clan.
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Elea Rossi
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 3:54 pm

*Sigh* Again we can't know that as its all based on opinions and gameplay (neither of which count as you could be as OPed as a god). Old old subject that no one will win.

Again we have to exclude gameplay since AI is stupid and as the PC you are stupidly overpowered. Unless it lorically states otherwise both sides are equal until you add in certain factors.

Arguing who's better is like arguing for the Empire or for the Stormcloaks.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 5:14 pm

500 werewolves vs one vamp of any type and the vampire is screwed, the same is true if the numbers were reversed.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 2:46 pm

Meh. I'm gonna call shenanigans.

Had he taken the basic Volkihar Vampire NPC straight from the game, untouched, and just duplicated it then I might find the out come more interesting. As presented, the five are all decked out in different (custom) gear which could have also had custom stats, not to mention the fact that the werewolf doesn't scale past a certain level (if it scales at all, I don't recall tbh). It's entirely possible that those 5 were OP solely because they were several levels higher.

...and the one in glass armor was sporting a light saber.

...which leads me to believe that she was in fact a Sith, so naturally she alone would win.

Sith kick ass.

[Edit] I did not know that they could Rez each other. I just assumed all they could do was reanimate. That I do find interesting.
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 6:31 pm

Exactly, you can't prove [censored] by gameplay alone.
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