The Vampires Cave #1

Post » Mon May 20, 2013 2:33 pm

I decided to make this topic for Vampires to discuss their adventures. Seeing as Werewolves have there topic (The Wolves Den) I think us Vampires should have one too. If you want me to I could post daily challenges for Vampires to do in Skyrim
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:19 pm

Vampires, yuck.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:05 pm

Everyone is entitled to an opinion.
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 4:49 pm

Vampires got hit with an epic quality ugly bat with Dawnguard.

I'm playing around as a Vampire Lord on my latest character but I gotta say I don't enjoy it much. The new feeding animations are pretty cool though.
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Marquis deVille
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 3:47 pm

I quite like the bats and the anamations are amazing.
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Saul C
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:12 pm

My most recent turned vampire, Edara, who was a simple thief in her life, was slain during her attempt to defeat Potema and her undead army. 3 days later, she arose, a servant of The Wolf Queen.
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Isabella X
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 6:01 pm

I'm a good vampire.
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Stu Clarke
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 11:06 am

I need to feed soon.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 3:27 pm

About damn time.

And I wouldn't say they're THAT ugly..
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Romy Welsch
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 7:07 pm

I do enjoy walking into a Forsworn camp, casting Vampire's Seduction on a Forsworn and feeding off him while his buddies look on in horror, turning invisible and leaving again.
Just to remind them that choosing an outlaws life in Tamriel has its dangerous disadvantages.
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Dan Endacott
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:46 am

Yeah I was trying to find one but there was none so I thought I might start one.
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tegan fiamengo
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 1:13 pm

When I am at Stage 4 of vampirism and need to feed I wait until night and turn invisible and then enter Whiterun to feed. I feed like hell its quite fun.
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sally R
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:55 am

What type of challenges should I set???
Anyone want to set one???
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Brιonα Renae
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:36 pm

After creating a mass argument of the wolves page, I'm glad we now have our own page. We vampires are the most lethal and dangerous creatures to exist. Even films with vamps and werewolves we vamps always win and walk away. (Underworld is the best example)
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Natalie J Webster
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:43 pm

Yes werewolfs are nothing to us I make short work of them. Vampires are superior!
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Pawel Platek
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:21 am

The vamps get their asses handed to them in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans with only a few surviving by fleeing from the Lycans.

In the interim between Underworld: Evolution and Awakening the Lycans intelligently wage a war and reduce the vamps numbers to dangerously low levels and even get the humans on the side of the lycans.

Just sayin'.

I don't mind vamps in any case, depending on if they are done well and are interesting. Vamps I dislike the most are the romanticized, seductive and sensual lot as a rule (as in all vamps are like that, rather than just ones that are charismatic enough to pull it off). I dunno, in general I prefer my "beasts/creatures" to be vicious, violent and deep. Not flashy with no substance except for an inflated ego and exaggerated sixual appeal lol.

What about you guys/gals? Do you prefer them being all flawless of skin and charismatic seducers of mortals? Or as vicious and cunning creatures that would rip someone apart instead of trying to seduce 'em?
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:01 pm

I prefer both, a nice even mix of sixy [censored]ty seductress, and blood lusting canible. Makes it easier to fool you prey and enemies.

Which makes my character much more fun to play.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:09 pm

I agree nothing I'd better than seducing your prey and then when they come close you reveal your bad side
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trisha punch
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 1:37 pm

1.How many people can you feed on in 48 hours of in game time?
2.How many Werewolves can you kill in a week of in game time?
3. How long can you last at Stage 4 in a town? (Hiding in your house or something)

I've posted these challenges to keep fellow Vamps occupied in game and they can post their experience on the forums!

Atm my vampire is hiding out in Brokenfang cave waiting to strike at midnight.
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:04 am

The vampire is one of the most powerful and feared of all the undead. While they are typically incredibly fast, gift mages, and unnaturally strong, fear of vampires is abnormally great due to their ability to infect others, a fate often described as worse than death. Distrust and chaos can potentially bring down entire settlements should just one vampire infiltrate the populace. Vampires spread by giving mortals the disease Porphyric Hemophilia or Sanguinare Vampiris. Vampires tend to be organized into many different clans; in fact, there are over a hundred distinct kinds of vampire in Tamriel.

Text from
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Taylrea Teodor
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 4:55 pm

BEWARE the dreaded WALL-O-TEXT!!

I also enjoy messing with the populace from time to time. It can be fairly satisfying.

Here! Here!
As far as skyrim is concerned I think they are on rather equal footing. Either can be just as vicious and deadly, yet I do prefer skyrim vamps over wolves. I'm happy with dawnguard and their new VL form. It satisfies the beast within.

As to your question, I like them both ways. Depends on the character and the fantasy I suppose. In the common media I much prefer the vicious cunning of Dracula. Sure he seduces, but there is always that dangerous glint in his eye. At any moment he could move from a simple seductive p.rick on the neck to feed and instead go straight for the jugular, or he might just throw it all out the window, tear her throat out and bath in the blood. I also did like the beast of Marcus in Underworld: Evolution. Admittedly it took a while for it to grow on me, but I do like the bat face, the wings, and his epic bestial prowess. He kicked ass and didn't bother with names. Just kicked ass. I get a sense of that when I transform in-game, which may be why I like it so much. I also don't mind the bat faces. I kinda like that "vicious-sophistication" look like Varen Mareti. My Raven pulls it off pretty well.

Oh, and the only time a vampire should sparkle is when they're lit on fire. I did appreciate the different powers idea, but I much preferred how it was handled in Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver. Too the rest of I can only say maybe

1. Do I have to "stealth feed" on them? or do neck bites count? I'd rather prefer to neck bite in Vampire Lord Form. I constantly run around at level 4 vampness, even before Dawnguard (thank you sooo much Bethesda ) and so prefer to stay in that state as often as possible. I play my vamp as always on the edge of a feral rampage. She holds it together only just so that she can take advantage of the advanced powers.

2. I have yet to find a werewolf in game Any tips?

3. With Dawnguard I walk around in broad daylight at stage 4 all the time, and nothing too it. The townsfolk (I rp) either don't recognize it or don't care, just so long as I don't start any trouble.

Right now my vampire, Raven, is trying to build a life of her own. She's procured various secluded lands throughout skyrim (thank you Hearthfire) where she can hide out and live in relative peace when not on assignment (Volkihar or DB).

She's even convinced herself that she's in love. The truth of that is still up for debate depending on who you talk too in her dysfunctional circle of friends. She's married and has two adopted kids. A full family to take care of is her small slice of 'normal' in all the darkness that is her world now.

By no means is she a tragic soul, though her origin story may be, instead she revels in her new life and enjoys the fact that at nearly any given moment she is the most dangerous creature in the room. She finds comfort in the fact that she is the reason people fear the night and darkness, and takes every opportunity to remind whatever local populace she might be passing by of that fact.

She is showing ambitions of maybe starting her own family of vampires, and so is amassing vast stores of wealth, arms, artifacts, and the like. Right now it's just her "rainy day" funds, but one never knows what the future may hold.

If locations are relatively close, and I'm feeling of the mind, I'll hop down to the road north of Lakeview and transform (usually at night) and surf the roads and wilds between destinations for necks to bite. Woe unto the bandits or forsworn I may come across. They seldom get a pass. And woe unto any Thalmor I may come across in my travels. I always take my time to display them on the road as a warning to all, especially the Altmeri Dominion. I may be a Villainous Vampire, but I'm also a True Nord at heart. Finally, random travelers like farmers and hunters often get a pass however, unless they attack me. I'll even take sides if I come across a fight. In that sense I take on a Spawn-esk protectorate role, looking out for the little guy that's just trying to survive.

But here I go again, rambling on...
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 9:20 pm

1.How many people can you feed on in 48 hours of in game time?

I usually feed 2 times every 48 hours. Once using vampire seduction and the other one on someone sleeping. Usually after feeding I paralyze them and use vampiric drain on my victims until they are nearly dead, so they can't fight back.

2.How many Werewolves can you kill in a week of in game time

I have killed the entire wolf pack in Solshteim and three lone wolves, so a total of seven werewolves

3. How long can you last at Stage 4 in a town? (Hiding in your house or something)

I have DG so I can last forever.
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Sophie Miller
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 8:32 pm

With the introduction of the legendary system, my opinion of vamps/werewolves are this:

Transformation-wise, werewolves are stronger, but vampires are stronger without the transformation.

See, vampire lords would get a gigantic health boost, and with the Necromage bonuses, they would be about on par with a werewolf. They'd do less damage, but have way more health and versatility.

But now, with theoretically unlimited health and magic, those bonuses don't matter as much. Werewolves do more damage than Vampire Lords, unless new perks are introduced (I hope!).

However, that boost to enchantments and buffs will always retain its usefulness, making Vampirism more attractive, IMO. The sun debuffs will become absolutely meaningless after a while, as well, so the only negatives to Vampirism would be the weakness to fire and the regen debuffs (which are easy to counteract).
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 10:57 pm

Why don't we just stop trying to argue over who's better. Its going to be the Civil War thread all over again just with the supernatural...
1. You cannot compare it to outside sources (Underworld for example, it has not relation to TES or anything close to TES's lore).
2. Gameplay mechanics =/= how the game would turn out. We've had plenty of discussion about this pre DG release anyways.

(If your thread is mainly about vampire lord form then you may want to move it to the DG section.)
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laila hassan
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Post » Mon May 20, 2013 5:09 pm

I should have thought about challenge 3 seeing as people have dawnguard.
Anyone else want to think one up??
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