Urgh.. I gotta stop trying to read whole threads before bed. lol I'll read the rest in a bit.
Looking pretty good. I always like a good vamp mod, and especially when it has such effort put into it. Some thoughts though. As far as I can tell, you haven't changed the Arch-Patriarch title? I gotta say, I'm in the crowd that thinks the name is a bit over done. What about calling him an overseer? It implies age, grit, and is still something that sounds like a vampire would use it.
Call him the House Serentin Overseer and it still speaks of his status over the other members of his household as you intended, while separating him from non-affiliated vampires. He could even still have a name if you chose, since it would only be a title, a rank. His title would sound official. Even if a person had a cross mod, or multiple vampire mods, calling him an overseer would not sound out of place.. after all, that's what he is! Your mod, just a suggestion.

I do like the idea of rewards if you complete missions/quests in a certain way. Very immerisive. Old family types like clan vampires tend to have a certain way of behaving. A code if you will, much like how high society or rich folk tend to have a "people face." So it stands to reason that those that respect the ways are rewarded accordingly.
Starting your own coven.. do you fill it yourself with choice people? I hope so. I would want it to feel like a real one.