Wow !!!! Your new lich armor is amazing. Very dark. Will all you vamp hunter wear the "Vampire Hunter Armor" Or a van helsing-like character only where it.
Thanks! They will all wear somekind of version of that armor, as well as some of the Witcherstyle armor I made.
awesome looking armor, it reminds me of another mod. I think it was called the dead knight armor or something along that line. Anyway looks sweet. And I second the old style dark vampires for the most part. I kept trying to play a female, but all the armors cover like 2 percent of their body. They look nice but not dangerous in my opinion. So now I'm going with a battle hardened male.
Heh, I have the same problem. I cannot play with a barely dressed female. I started one once, but ditched it for another one of my [censored] warriors.
Anyway, after looking some more at the new Lich armor I thought it reminded me of something. And than it suddenly hit me: it's almost how I always pictured what a Mydraal from The Wheel of Time should look like: eyeless humanoid creatures, that move around silently in a snake-like manner, untouched by the wind and one with the shadows. Fast and deadly, striking fear into it's enemies heart simply by it's presence. This would be a formidable enemy to the Vampires!
So I worked some more on the Liches of Amock Sinn's and think this will be the final version: in NifSkope, backgound added in Photoshop)
Feedback is welcome as always,