Thanks for the encouraging words all!
one problem I had when I played your mod was that the strongholds were way to big in scale and featured to many light sources, npc's, & placables that made the entire area they were in both inside and out laggy as hell. It was a real shame too as I remember liking just about everything in your mod, I am glad that your back at it though and I will definately give the finished mod a download.
Yup, the dungeons of SVVR are pretty CPU heavy on some occasions. Now that I build my dungeons from scratch, I have taken this into account.
Even though I'm making a vampire mod, I can't ignore the fact that it looks like you are putting a lot of good effort into this. Great luck with it, and I look forward to trying it out

Just saw your thread about it! Unholy Darkness has some awesome features, Madmole. And it seems like both mods can be used alongside eachother.
StarX Im really looking forward to this. That being said Im not a fan of the ranking system that you have in place.
Newborn = Neonate
Leecher = Fledgling
Patriarch = Elder
Arch-Patriarch= Patriarch
I dunno ArchPatriarch seems to be a little overkill. If it really is a House(which simply at least in the traditional sense of the word) means that they are all decended from the same line, therefore there should not be multiple patriarchs out there.
Thats my two cents anyways.
Thanks for the suggestions! I really like the Neonate and Fledgling ranknames. On the patriarchs: each coven of a vampire House will be lead by a Patriarch/Matriarch. The Arch Patriarch is the ruler of the entire House. I thought abou using Elder as well, but I feel that by using the Patriarch/Arch Patriarch system I can stay in line with the vanilla vampire hierarchy and at the same time point out the supremacy of the Houses over their "feral" cousins by having an Arch Patriarch.
Wow it is so good to see you around the forums again StarX, SVVR was one of my most anticipated mods ever announced for Oblivion. In the end I chose not to use it given its unfinished state but I loved what you were doing and where you were going with the mod; I especially liked the alternate vampire world with the super awesome creepy castle. I also loved the hell out of the initial work with the vampire hunters guild.
I hope that you don't mind that I also speak honestly here, I by no means intend to put down your newly announced mod, but I am disappointed that you decided to work on a mod which focuses on vampire players. See there are a whole lot of vampire player mods out there and there's basically nothing to enhance npc vampires as enemies, except for Duke Patrick's mod which I haven't yet installed but will!

I detest playing vampires in games like Oblivion, the game was never meant to really focus on the experience of roleplaying a vampire imo, so when I need my fix I go to Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines. But since vampires exist in Tamriel, I really wanted to see them become a fearsome enemy with their own quests, lore, lairs, armors, powers that would challenge me instead of being just another bandit that can magically spread a disease to me by hitting me with his weapon. Anyway, I don't mean to sound negative, I just wanted to be honest.
I'm sure House Serentin or whatever you finally decide to choose to call it will have a spectacular background and interesting quests to add to Oblivion but sadly only to those that want to experience being a vampire as opposed to those who want to hunt and fight them. I wish you the best with this new mod, I'm certain it will exceed the high quality that SVVR was showing.
And welcome back! :foodndrink:
Hey Atreides! It's been a while indeed, mate! How are you? :foodndrink:
As you may remember I also enjoy playing as a vampire hunter with some of my characters. The problem with SVVR was that it became to big for me at one point. I wanted to add so much, while I have little time to mod. The Vampire Hunters Guild from SVVR needed tough opponents indeed so the vampires in SVVR were more than suited to defend themselves, but it also brought on loads of work for me, without having a chance to flesh out the backgrounds and quests in a proper way. I could have taken more time ofcourse, but I was so eager to share the SVVR experience that I wanted a quick release. In the end creating SVVR wasn't fun anymore and RL stuff also kicked into play. I'm going to take my time on The vampires of House Serentin and have fun while working on it as much as I can.
But who knows, once this is finished I can pick up the Vampire Hunters again and tie it in with the House of Serentin. For now I want to focus al my attention on this mod and do it to the best of my abilities, without hasting things.
willl vampire hunters be included?
Not as a main faction or a constant source of worries to the vampire player. Though there might be a chance of some hunters popping up in a quest.