I love how pro Steam folks call anti Steam people ignorant.
Steam is fine. As long as it remains Steam. It shouldn't be DRM. DRM should be something non invasive in the background that doesn't change the gaming experience. It shouldn't be a client that's primary goal is to sell online distributed video games.
To people that say Steam is the future; if that's true, many gamers are in trouble. Go look up some statistics about the amount of people with a reliable high speed internet connection. Steam makes very few attempts to be friendly with slow connections. Try buying Empire: Total War on dial up, or with a strict bandwidth cap.
Even if you do have a reliable connection, you shouldn't be forced into it. There's a lot of people that travel, along with some people in the military. Not to mention the servers can have their problems.
If you want to use Steam then fine. Register your game with Steam. You can be happy then. However don't go around acting like games should be tied to Steam. No matter how much you like the client it's not right for it to be forced.
This! A hundred times. DRM should be non invasive should not restrict the freedom to install and uninstall the game at any given moment and generally should never use Internet. Not for anything.
If people want achievements, social sites and other on line features, than they can use Steam all they want and be happy doing it, but if it is forced it's a very bad move.
Don't forget - pirated games do not have to connect to anting, once recorded on a disc people get DRM free and as a consequence hassle free game, so if legal companies want to have more sales and less pirates they have to learn no to place the users that payed for the game at the disadvantage in comparison to thous who downloaded it. Just remember Bioshock and Spore - in both cases people who downloaded the game illegally enjoyed it while thous who payed for it tried to make it work, contact the support and so on. I'm not buying any on line activated games after that.