ooc: Aw, come on man. Proofread will you? Please? That post was tough to read.
Zachary Eden, Megaton
Zachary suspected that Simms wouldn't follow Wes' request. It was illogical. Wes could burn the town down if Eden elected to turn the dogs on them, but Simms was a man of principal. A man of principal couldn't be forced to go back on their ideals. The rebel in front of them at the moment , armed though he was, was not a man who was as threatening as Simms. He had a glare on. He looked dangerous. He moved to the side of ramp and kept his eyes trained on them as they headed up toward the Saloon. Villagers were rushing out of the way, doing anything they could do to get out of sight. In a few minutes, the two Enclave troopers had reached the Moriarty's. Eden opened the two and stepped in.
There was a merc in the corner, and the second he saw the Enclave crest on Zachary's gear his weapon started to come up from his waist. The assault rifle caught on his thigh though, for just a second, and Eden took advantage. He took two steps across the floor and brought a knee up into the man's gut. There was a yell from some woman in the opposite corner as the man wheezed and doubled over from the shot. Zachary grabbed the gun that was dangling from a strap on his shoulder and brought the butt of it crashing into the man's jaw. He dropped like a stone. He grabbed the assault rifle and offered it to Wes "Keep this on him, will you? You know what to do if he moves."
He took a moment to compose himself and watched the woman in the corner staring shocked at them. He heard a click across the room, a heavy bolt clamping shut. Someone had locked a door. His eyes slowly turned until he saw the Ghoul standing behind the counter. Ghouls disgusted him. The man might wear a shirt, he might have reasonably maintained hair but he wasn't a man. He was a walking corpse. A shamble. A zombie. "Gob."
"I...I..." Gob mumbled, frantically shifting bottles out of the way. He wasn't thinking straight "What? What? What do you want?"
"We've heard you assisted the Brotherhood of Steel in a project of theirs." He walked across the bar and took a seat at the bar in front of him "You're going to tell me what they're up to, Gob. By doing this you will help save America. I will forgive you for cooperating with enemies of this great nation, and allow you to go unpunished. All you have to do is tell me what I want to know."
The Ghoul's eyes widened. He had no idea what to do. He looked over at the redheaded woman on the other side of the bar, and she didn't meet his eyes. She had no ideas for him. "I don't know anything."
"Don't lie to me Gob." Zachary said as he reached to his waist and put the pistol up on the bar. He didn't want to shoot. If he had to, it would send Simms over the edge. That would be a problem "If you lie to me, I will kill you. I'll put a round right through your head...after I put one through the woman you keep looking at in the corner. Don't doubt me. I'm not playing."
"No!" Gob refused, shaking his head desperately "Look...I didn't help them. Not really. I just gave them directions. There going to a place called Oasis. It's Southwest of here, you go past Tenpenny Tower and you can't miss it. Please, that's all I know. Just leave Nova alone. Please."
Southwest. They could take a vertibird up and get there before the Vigilant ever could. Perfect. "Gob, you have directly aided enemies of America. You have provided them with a safe haven for their activities." Eden gave a heavy sigh and collected his firearm. He stood up from the stool and walked over to Nova. He put a hand on her shoulder and looked into her eyes. He spoke in his most gentle voice, a near whisper "Close your eyes, Miss. I don't want you to see this..."
Nova clamped her eyes shut, unable to stop the saltwater flood escaping between them. Unfortunately...she couldn't close her ears to block out Gob's screams....