Doubt is the greatest of all virtues. Doubt is how our knowledge progresses. Doubt is how we keep safe from curses in the guise of blessings. Doubt is how we were first born.
Doubt techniology, as any artifice can be broken.
Doubt your friends, as betrayal can lie at every turn.
Doubt tradition, as being old does not mean being correct.
Doubt foreigners, as they are ignorant and refuse to listen to our truths.
Doubt the king, as even the greatest leaders can make mistakes.
Doubt reasoning, as all logic may be unknowingly flawed.
Doubt yourself, as through recognizing your flaws you can overcome them.
Doubt the gods, as they refuse to answer when questioned.
Doubt your eyes, as some can see what others cannot.
Doubt the world, as reality itself is lying to us.
Doubt these words, for even I don't know if I am right.
Trust nothing. All discovery is misinterpretation. When we have discovered the last secret in the universe, only then can we truly tell what is true and what is false.