The Vivec Incident

Post » Fri May 07, 2010 4:37 pm

Folven watched in horror as his would be savior was caught around the midsection by the creature's horrid tail. Quick Tail's look of agony was replaced by determination as he brought his blade down on the creature's snake-like appendage. The black flesh cut cleanly, dropping the Argonian on the ground next to Folven.

Quick Tail drew out a short sword and, cutting Folven's binding, mumbled some kind of prayer. Folven wasted no time worrying about the lizard man, springing up to his feet and facing the door, ready to flee the building. 'There's nothing I can do, I have to save myself!'

Folven's guilty thoughts were interrupted by the Argonian at his foot, who had somehow grabbed ahold of Folven's once more glowing blade and was trying to give it to him. The Dark Elf backed away "No, no, I'm not touching that thing! Get it away!"

Folven took a quick look away from the sword towards the quickly recuperating beast. It stared at his cursed sword with its pure, white eyes, a look of horror on its obsidian face. A terrifying howl escaped the beast's mouth, and Folven was sure he was about to attack once more.

'Wait, no... He- he's scared of this blade!'
Realizing what he had to do; Folven took his blade, still held meekly by the injured Argonian. "Looks like someone doesn't like... that sword. Go get em, man." Quick Tail said as he relinquished the katana. Without giving his doubts time to surface, Folven made a headlong charge into the beast, sword at his side, ready for a lunge.

A fierce battle cry rang through the small room, as the old, obese Dark Elf closed the distance between the beast and he. The monster was still staring at his weapon, still letting loose that ear splitting howl. Folven thrust the tip forward, turning his head to the side, piercing the creature. The beast's howl of pain went from ear splitting to deafening as the luminous sword sunk through the black flesh, melting through like a hot knife through butter.
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Post » Sat May 08, 2010 1:21 am

Anarys followed the creature, swearing as it jumped to the ceiling and clung to it like an overgrown spider, barely in range of his sword. And felt a surge of dismay as it ripped the door from it's hinges. The bastard is strong...

When it rushed inside he followed it, staying at the back of the developing fight. The situations was too close to let him land a blow without risking injuring one of the others. As the situation degenerated in total confusion, he moved as close as he dared, his sword held ready. Observing with surprise the monster's reaction to Folven's sword. It seems really scared of this blade... With some reason seeing how it cuts through.

With the creature distracted and only Folven to worry about, Anarys stepped in, using his size and his sword's reach to aim high. The tip of the blade met the creature's neck, slicing all th way through and sending the severed head away from the body. Maybe the enchanted sword stuck into it's body would have killed the creature on it's own, but Anarys preferred to err on the side of caution..
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Post » Sat May 08, 2010 2:07 am

Quick-Tail looked at the beast. Anarys had decapitated the beast while the blade had left a terrifying gash in its side. Quick-tail half expected the mutilated beast to fight on even more, but it did not move. Quick-Tail still sat there, in total amazement that they had survived the fight with this creature.

"What in oblivion was that? All I heard it say was something about corruption. And Folven, where did you get that sword?" Quick-Tail said as he slowly got on his feet. Crap, that thing got some good hits on me... Quick-tail thought, feeling the pain in his chest. Quick-Tail drank another potion to fully heal himself and approched the beasts decapitated head.

"That's what happens when you screw with us!" Quick-Tail said and spat on the creature's dead body. "Good riddance!" The body slowy dissolved into a black ooze and evaporated into the thin air.
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 4:19 pm

Anarys looked as the creature dissolved into a black ooze. "I haven't the faintest idea of what that thing is. I've met some pretty weird stuff in my years on the battlefields but never something like that. I would say some sort of daedra, but it doesn't match any I know of. And it said that we should all be corrupted ? which means getting killed and turned into some sort of lesser version of it. It what happened to the Canton's residents. I've killed three and they're not fun to fight. Fast as a khajit on skooma and strong as a raging orc."

He spent a few seconds oredring his thoughts before continuing.

"Now there's still a big question hanging ? what bought it there. Right now I can see three possibilities :
first, they're Ravu's boss, or servants of his boss, come to do the cleanup. Maybe after enough spilled blood and souls to bring them in.
second, they're the corruption he's fearing, showing up now that he's busy.
Third, they're Ravu's tool to scare most into buying his purity creed and get rid of those who don't. Whether they went loose or are under control I can't tell.

But that's just suppositions, I'm short on pieces to sort the puzzle."
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 6:19 pm

Philias pondered for a moment. It was time for some straight thinking. Its obvious duality with Folven's sword, both in colour and the beast's weakness to it, sure suggests a close bond to the Pure." he began. "The sword is like a tool to control them, only now the beast was stunned to find this tool of control on one of his designated targets, I suppose." Suddenly a light went out in Philias' brain, like everything stopped making sense. "So... why DID Ravu give Folven that sword? - To kill his most powerful servants? Most probably not. And was Folven's attack related to the appearance of the thing? Did it call for the creature or maybe even transform it's bearer into one them, meaning this creature was another human, who carried such a sword?"

Philias was in despair. "Oh... I... How should I know? This is... Ugh... I need some milk." Completely discouraged he shuffled to the nearest corner and sat on the ground, with his head between the knees.
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 12:53 pm

Quick-Tail shrugged "Well, I Don't see any pure guys around, so I don't think that they are on these guys side. And Ravu gave Folven that enchanted anti-black monster sword, so..." Quick-tail shrugged, "I don't know. I doubt these two guys are on the same side though. But why are they here is my question. both these factions mysteriously pop up n vivec at the same time.. why? Is it somethin they want? or do they both want us all dead? " Quick-tail paused and sighed.

"Whatever it is, these things just made saving vivec that much harder." Quick-tail said And saving Aylia is now that much harder too... he thought
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 10:22 pm

I never told you guys where I got the sword :( So I'll just ignore the dialogue that mentions it, and answer your question from the first time. Sorry ;)

IC: Just as Folven had stabbed the creature, the Dunmer from before entered the room and lopped off its head. When the beast fell to the ground, Folven almost followed suite 'It's dead... Thank Azura.'

The Argonian had stood up and walked towards the late monstrocity "What in oblivion was that? All I heard it say was something about corruption." Quick Tail, as Folven now knew him, seemed to have healed his ribs "And Folven, where did you get that sword?"

Before Folven could answer him, the other Dunmer spoke up "I haven't the faintest idea of what that thing is. I've met some pretty weird stuff in my years on the battlefields but never something like that. I would say some sort of daedra, but it doesn't match any I know of." 'No, I know daedra. This thing does not follow any Prince.'

The Dunmer continued "And it said that we should all be corrupted – which means getting killed and turned into some sort of lesser version of it. It what happened to the Canton's residents. I've killed three and they're not fun to fight. Fast as a khajit on skooma and strong as a raging orc." 'He killed three of these, by himself! Seems I've underestimated this one.'

He paused, but soon continued his monologue "Now there's still a big question hanging – what bought it there. Right now I can see three possibilities : first, they're Ravu's boss, or servants of his boss, come to do the cleanup. Maybe after enough spilled blood and souls to bring them in. Second, they're the corruption he's fearing, showing up now that he's busy. Third, they're Ravu's tool to scare most into buying his purity creed and get rid of those who don't. Whether they went loose or are under control I can't tell. But that's just suppositions, I'm short on pieces to sort the puzzle."

'The young sera does like to talk.' Folven stood, doubled over, his still faintly glowing sword stuck in the body of the creature.

Folven opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the Breton "Its obvious duality with Folven's sword, both in colour and the beast's weakness to it, sure suggests a close bond to the Pure. The sword is like a tool to control them, only now the beast was stunned to find this tool of control on one of his designated targets, I suppose."

"And was Folven's attack related to the appearance of the thing? Did it call for the creature or maybe even transform it's bearer into one them, meaning this creature was another human, who carried such a sword?" Folven's scowl of irritation at having been interrupted turned to a look of pure despair 'Could that sword have caused all this? Could it turn me into... that?'

The Breton slumped to the floor in the corner, mumbling something about milk. This time Folven was not interrupted, he was not in the mood to talk anyway. Even though they probably still wanted to know where he got his sword, it might help the current discussion tremendously. Quick Tail once more began to speak "Well, I don't see any Pure guys around, so I don't think that they are on these guys side. But why are they here is my question. Both these factions mysteriously pop up in Vivec at the same time.. why? Is it something they want? Or do they both want us all dead?"

Folven couldn't wait any longer, he held his hand in the air, like a child asking a question "If I may? That sword was forced on me by the Pure leader, Ravu, immediately after he told his cultists to kill all the Ordinators. He never mentioned these things, nor did I see where he got this sword from. And as far as its relation to my cursed blade, all I care is that it kills these things. Since they attacked our Dunmer friend here, I assume it was something more than me. However, I might interject a frightening possibilty. What if these creatures are our Pure cultists? Seeing as how they both show up at the same time, and all the citizens are gone, it seems to me their goals coincide nicely. Although I don't see why their leader would give me a weapon to kill them, unless he wanted me to live for some reason."

OOC: Long post, I just had to catch up. As I said, this is the first Folven even speaks of his sword, so I'd advise we act like this is the first time hearing it. Thanks.
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Post » Sat May 08, 2010 3:31 am

With Folven's new information ? that the sword was a gift from the Pure's leader ? Anarys frowned "That seems to rule out the chance for these creature to be the real force behind the Pure. But it keeps the other two open. It can be either a weapon against an enemy, or the whip to goad reluctant servant into obedience. The Pure's fondness for robes and bandages, as if to hide some mutations, hints on the grumpy servants option. Though I wonder why he gave that sword to you.

But with that sort of new players into the game, I don't see good odds for saving Vivec ? simply saving our hides will be enough of a problem. I'm still in favor of poking our nose into the Temple district, we might get more informations about these things, and maybe a way to get rid of them wholesale rather than retail."
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 5:25 pm

"I agree with Anarys, we need to get out of here and into the temple district. I think the temple district may hold our awnsers we seek." Quick-tail said, putting his sword away. "I'm just suprised there wan't more of those things. Considering how populated St.Olms is..." Almost as if on que with what quick tail said, he heard a loud moan. Something started banging oon the doors from inside the rooms, trying to get into the lobby and get quick-tail and his comrades.

"Screw my luck... Run!" quick-tail said as he drew his sword and ran out the door. He heard the doors bash down, and several corrupted-people zombie things emerged from them, hissing and howling and eager for blood. Sadly, Quick-Tail and company was the only fresh blood around. They needed a way to stall the swarm of creatures so they could get out of their. Quick-tail hatched an idea.

He took out one of his healing potions and a torch. Taking one of the curtains, he ripped it and stuffed it in the neck of the bottle, then lit the the piece of curtain with his torch. He had learned a while back potions were quite flammable, so he hoped maybe this would work.

He threw the bottle at the creatures, and it hit the ground with and explosion of fire, and created a wall of burning carpet to keep the creatures away, yet let he and his friends escape.

That was a nice throw, if I do say so myself Quick-tail thought. "Run! We can only stall those things for so long! We gotta get out of here!" Quick-Tail ran down the hallway, as black tentacles began to grow from the wall and attempt to grasp them on their hasty escape out.
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 10:47 pm

Anarys entirely agreed with Quick-Tail's evalution. There was no time to waste in leaving. He nonetheless wasted a few seconds to uncork and gulp down a potion to refresh his magic. Odds are I'll have to use it on the way...

He swore fiercely as black tentacles sprouted from the walls. As he started running, he kept his sword in front of him, ready to cut away any which seemed to head in his direction. Soon he reached the plazza, relieved to reach an open space wher he could use the length of his sword efficently..
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 4:00 pm

With the arrival of the zombies - like in some cheap street play - Philias had little trouble accepting the Argonian's proposition and followed closely, having not too much troubles with the vines thanks to his agility.

OOC: Sorry for the short post, but I may have difficulties getting internet the next few days (I do't know for how long). So you can either 'command' my character as you whish, or give him a nice / not so nice death. Either would be fine with me, as I could always post a new character if needed, though you could always save me from that extra work.
Bye and have fun in the meanwhile. - It's a great RP so far.
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Post » Sat May 08, 2010 3:48 am

OOC: Good luck with your internet GHE

IC: Quick-Tail ran down the hallway, his friends behind him as vines from the walls lashed out at him and tried to take him. he turned around to see the creatures behind them hadactually began to run through the fire Quick-Tail started, and they had become a volitile entity of flame running at the group. Quick-Tail swore under his breath.

What didn't help is when he turned the corner to what should've been their way out, was now bieng totally blocked by vines. They were traqed.

"We're trapped inside here!" Quick-Tail yelled, "We gotta think of another way out. Any ideas, anyone?" Quick-Tail said as he held his sword in a fighting stance, ready to fend off any creatures that got too close.
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 1:55 pm

Just as the Dunmer and Quick Tail were replying to Folven's statement, a loud moan stopped any speech. Folven silently drew his sword out of the dead black monster, his mind strangely focused. A moment later, the moaning ceased, replaced by terrifying banging on the doors.

"Screw my luck... Run!" Quick Tail ran out one of the side doors, quickly followed by the others. Folven, after a moment of hesitation, followed just as the Argonian threw a flaming potion into the room. Folven inwardly groaned as tentacles made of the same stuff as the beasts sprouted out of the walls.

'What next?' His mind still focused, his breath coming in rapid gasps, Folven tried to keep up with his much younger companions, chopping down tentacles with his now ordinary looking sword. The cursed blade melted through the vines as easily as it had the creature.

The Argonian stopped, Folven still several yards away, wondering what had happened. "We're trapped inside here!" Quick-Tail yelled, "We gotta think of another way out. Any ideas, anyone?"

Folven stopped, seeing the flaming creatures following them out of the corner of his eye, and felt as if a beam of light was shining on him, making him confident where he would once have screamed for help. Wondering who he had become, he walked up to the blocked off hall and confidently said "Here's one."

Bringing his pure white blade high above his head, Folven gave a loud warcry, startling even himself with the sound. He chopped downwards, both hands on the black cloth covered hilt, the sword streaking through the air.

OOC: I'll leave it up to you as to how the sword does, Swift. I didn't want to presume it would work, though the incomplete sentence left a bad taste in my mouth.
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liz barnes
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Post » Fri May 07, 2010 9:45 pm

OOC: No problem Darkom. This is becoming quite the interesting RP also.

IC: Folven brought his sword down on the vines of the door, and a hiss from what sounded like the building itself shook the canton as the tentcles on the door feel to the ground and evaporated. One of the flaming creatures was getting close to Quick-Tail, so quick-tail quickly jumped forward and stabbed it's deformed head. It hissed and feel to the ground and Quick-Tail hastily removed the blade.

"Well, Looks like we have an exit now! Lets waste no time getting out of here!" he said as he ran tothe door, grasped the latch and threw it open. It was now pouring rain in the late night outside, the lightining illuminating the black for a few moments before the black returned. Quick-Tail made sure the others had left before closing the door. He felt someting hit it. They're trying to get out! Quick-Tail thought. He had to stall the creatures so they could escape. He drew his shortsword and wedged it in the latch, forcing the door shut and preventing the door from opening... for no.

Quick-Tail turned to his comrades. "Quickly! Lets move!" he said, as more tentacles appeared on the outside of the wall and attempted to continue to grab them. He heard the door bieng rammed and his shortsword was slowly bieng bent by the zombie creatures barrages. Quick-tail took no more time watching and began to run for his life. He had no idea if thecreatures would follow them to the temple district, or if the temple district was even safer than this hellhole. but one thing was sure: there were several angry black creatures who would stop at nothing it seemed to see these four dead. or worse.
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