Folven was still haunted by delusions, but once the Dunmer knocked away the sword, they seemed to be only play backs of his previous nightmares. The horrible scenes came from within him now, instead of the sword, which was growing fainter by the moment. As the light died, so did Folven's visions, until he could see the inn around him. He felt thick fluid on his face and chest, and for one terrible moment he thought it was blood. His screams continued, but his thrashing soon stopped, and he saw the Argonian kneeling over him, a bottle in hand. Folven grew quiet as realization struck him.
'It-it's not blood...' He tentatively raised his hand to his large head
'No injury... No burns... What was that nightmare?!'The Argonian was saying something, shouting actually. All Folven heard was the panicked word "dying!"
'Dying?! No!'The large elf pushed the Argonian off of him, and jumped to his feet, his fears renewed. Folven's screams continued, this time in discernable words "You're not going to kill me!"
In his panick, all the Dunmer could think of was saving himself from the fate he felt grew closer with every breath. He searched the room for a weapon, convinced these two were trying to kill him somehow. His hand found a nearby club, holding the weapon threateningly between him and the Argonian "Stay back!"
OOC: Sorry if he's annoying, but it seems I have to go with it now. I do not regret my decision

I assume you two can pacify him? I really don't want him to die or anything