A lone figure climbed the frigid rock of a lone mountain in Skyrim. The wind bites at his face, but it is no matter. He is searching for a temple, lost deep within this mountain. His name is Ravu Nervas, the Dunmer archeologist extraordinaire from Morrowind. An expert on Dweamer, Ayleids, and even the mythic age, he had heard rumors of something in Skyrim. Then he read the book, and he knew afterwards this holy relic existed. He had to find it. It was his Destiny.
The as he was hiking the mountain, his foot landed on an unfamiliar surface. It felt metallic compared to the stone of the mountainside. Ravu Grinned.
It would seem I have found what I have been searching for.
He took out a shovel from his pack and began to dig through the snow and ice. After about 10 minutes he found a golden surface, it had a large symbol, of which even Ravu did not know.
This is it. The culmination of my career. Everything I have done has been for this moment...
He laid his hand on the door and felt magic flow through him as it slowly opened...
15 years Later, 4E 7
When Ravu returned to Morrowind, he was drastically changed. One, he had gathered an immense amount of magical power, of no one knew an origin for. He no longer had any interest in archeology, and sold all of his things archeological to those who would buy them. He moved out into Vvardenfell and lives somewhere within the ashlands, possibly even inside Ghostgate. He also began to preach a radical message. Ravu's message was that the Gods of the Dunmer and the Gods of the imperials were weak and powerless.
At First, he didn't gather many disciples. Those who did join him, though, went from luckless men to powerful warriors, mages, or bureaucrats. No one knew how they came to this. After the return of the sixth house and the death of Alexmexia and Sotha Sil, even more joined him. Members of his cult became outstanding members of society, giving to the poor and had much more money than their jobs would pay.
Then the Oblivion Crisis came. When people expected Ravu's cult, who now called themselves the Pure, to fight back the Daedric hordes, they were nowhere to be found. The Oblivion crisis left Vivec dead and Nerevarine had disappeared. Morrowind needed a new government to rule in the place of the Tribunal. So, they decided to create "The Great Council", a council of 5 reprasentatives from all the great houses. The Great Council worked well at first, but soon became plagued with the rebuilding of Morrowind. The Council, because of biases towards their own house, could not agree on what to fix first. This made the repair of Morrowind slow, costly, and inefficient. Many towns still have scars from when the Daedra attacked.
A year after the Crisis, The Pure Returned from hiding, even more reclusive than before the Oblivion Crisis. Many members who were high up in the chain of command wouldn't even appear in public. The only one who would show himself was Ravu, who now wore bandages to cover his entire head and his entire body was covered by a flowing white robe. He now said that the council was inefficient, the Gods were cowards, and that he knew how to stop them. His new disciples became the main force of repairing a damaged Morrowind, lending their help to rebuild much more than the council. Even more people Joined the Pure, and the pure now had a large standing in Morrowind, Especially Vvardenfell.
In Vivec, where the council had reassigned power due to the destruction of almost all of Alexmexia, the pure lacked influence. Vivec was immediately repaired after the Crisis, and many more people moved into the city. The foreign quarter had become a refugee district for many who had become displaced by the Daedric invasion. Ordinators would kill anyone who supported the pure. But the air inside vivec was still uneasy. Riots became a weekly event, and many yearned for change in what had become a corrupt Council.
In the past month, mysterious happenings have occurred in Vivec. Black figures have come and have assassinated ordinators. Ravu began speaking of "How the path to Purity would soon begin". Nights became several hours longer than the day. Many people were having visions of hundreds being slaughtered by a dark force. The temple caught on fire, and as it burned down, many could hear a maniacal laughter as the smoke took the form of a skull.
Now, today, Ravu and much of his Cult have entered Vivec, to put the wheels of fate into motion.
In this RP, you can play as a member of the Pure (no high Ranking Pure Members, and I recommend only seasoned RPers play as a Pure member, due to the fact RPing one will be ore complex than a normal Character. People who choose to RP a Pure member will need to PM me saying they want to be a pure member so I can send them a doctrine for the pure that only pure members will get to see.) an Ordinator or imperial guard or just a citizen or adventurer who is caught in the traumatic events about to occur that will be known as "The Vivec Incident"
2:Romance is allowed, but nothing graphic
3: No Uber Characters or Character controlling
4: Please Read illusionary nothings "So you think you can RP" in the Important topics at the top of Fan Fiction before starting this RP, especially if you are new to RPing
5:Have Fun!
I will post up my character later today, but for now, please start sending me character sheets

Here is a quick template you can use to make things easier
Faction: (The Pure, Ordinators, Other I.E fighters guild, Morang Tong, etc, or none)
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Soon we shall begin this RP! Start sending Character sheets!