The Wagon Intro

Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:19 pm

I enjoyed the Intro the first time around, but used the first autosave for new characters after that.

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Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:18 am

The first time I saw the scene was at a friend's house. I had no idea what Elder Scrolls was at the time (I had actually seen another friend play Oblivion before this, but I didn't know it was an Elder Scrolls game until a while later), but I thought it was interesting. About a year later I got the game for myself...that didn't go well. I first played it on an older laptop and it was very laggy I think it crashed a couple times before I even got to create a character. Eventually I was able to create a khajiit. It was pretty sad when Lokir tried to run away (Sad in a pitiful way because my laptop was so bad.) because it was so laggy that he kept running until I couldn't see him anymore and he was never shot :laugh:.

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Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 11:39 am

What did you think of that first encounter with Skyrim? I remember being in awe, staying up until the midnight release on Steam, and thinking this is so exciting.

Was it enjoyable? Yes. Ten characters later and I still do the intro, even though I swear I am going to get a mod to skip it, lol.

Did you fight the character restrictions imposed on you? (No moving at all, but your head.) No I guess it made sense as I was a prisoner and all.

Did you keep thinking, "OK. When do I get to create my character? Is there a way to escape out of this cut scene?" No, not really. I just went with it.

Did you follow the "tutorial prompts" and look around when it said to? Yes, but I have to have the inverted Y (it wasn't the default), so I had trouble looking around.

Did you sit back and watch like a movie? Yes, and I still do whenever I start a new game.

I realize many players (on PC) have modded that whole intro out, but try to think back to that very first time and share what your thoughts were about the experience as a whole: Good, Bad, Ugly, or Indifferent.

I really do like the opening sequence, except for that they keep my hands bound for such a long time into the tutorial. That and Ralof making me jump out of the tower but it's really not so bad.

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Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:20 am

I had this response as well.

Other than that, I loved the intro the first time through, and I love it whenever I make a new character for the sake of a new character, though I now use Alternative Start for when I want to create a specific character in mind.
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Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:09 am

Before Skyrim I had only played like 3 hours of Morrowind in PC back in the day, felt overwhelmed and abandoned it, then Fallout 3 and NV got me so I was ready for an Elder Scrolls game.

Yes I was nonsensically trying to move while on that cart, looking around and trying to see the scenery AND get what that guy in front of me was saying (english is my second language). Missed most of his speech and noting that he sounded really SAD. Didn′t even realise that some kind of king was among us and I remember thinking that the cinematic intro was kind of nice but a little too simple and linear.

I liked hearing the townsfolk reacting to the cart and the prisoners. Felt a little like arriving to a lively town.

Also I remember being somewhat annoyed by the fact that I was going to be decapitated just for crossing the border (?). Spent more than an hour in character selection and customisation. Thinking the face models were really ugly, but I was happy when I found out that I can make a shaved head character (I like to try to make my chars like myself, for some reason).

I was amused by seeing that you can "be" a cat or a lizard (no offence). And finally was lost when they let me move by myself don′t really knowing where to go since many dudes were talking to me and I wanted to check everything there felling that I wouldn't be able to return to that location. I also remember realising that the dragon was more or less harmless at least to me...

And then, when getting out of the cave, I had the same satisfaction as when I got out of the vault for the first time in Fallout 3, "welcome to this world" pure game glory.

Since then I put more than 2000 hours in the game. go figure,,,,

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Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:21 pm

All that went through my head was: "Starting as a prisoner... Again?"

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Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 1:13 pm

The first time I experienced the intro I was so psyched up that I thought it was awesome.

The it froze before i got to Helgen Keep.

Then it froze again.

I learned to hate the intro in my first 15 minutes of playing. The poorly scripted events, the jankiness, not being able to control your character or see what they look like in the world. To this day I count it as one of the worst gaming intros of all time.

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Post » Fri Mar 07, 2014 6:46 am

I was fine with how the intro started. But I did like Oblivion's better where you are in an actual dungeon and have to work your way out. It felt more mysterious rather than the good old outdoors

If you hadn't realized, all the TES games have you start out as some prisoner, but no one really knows why you were a prisoner. That part is left up to you how you were place in the prisoner state in the first place which makes for good character background build up :happy:

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